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     采用电化学检测方法和傅立叶红外光谱法研究了Pt/P1,5-DAAQ电极在不同酸性溶液中的氧化还原行为和稳定性。研究发现,氧化过程与还原过程中,P1,5-DAAQ膜内离子的传输过程是不同的,且与离子的半径关系密切。H~+的传输为非扩散控制过程;而阴离子进入和排除聚合物膜的过程则受扩散控制。并建立了用于描述此过程的模型。P1,5-DAAQ膜内水合阴离子的扩散系数符合Cl~->SO_4~(2-)>NO_3~->PO_4~(3-)的关系。聚合物降解过程的研究中不但考察了P1,5-DAAQ在可逆电位范围内的降解,而且研究了P1,5-DAAQ的阳极过氧化现象。研究发现,在可逆电位区域,P1,5-DAAQ在0.5 mol/LHCl、H_2SO_4、HNO_3以及H_3PO_4中的降解速率常数分别为2.46、4.93、2.46和2.85×10~(-4) s~(-1)。在比可逆电位更正的电位范围内,P1,5-DAAQ会发生阳极过氧化现象。过氧化过程中P1,5-DAAQ发生了不完全降解,类醌结构被破坏,π键共轭长度降低,聚合物的长链结构被破坏,同时,阴离子结合到聚合物当中。
     Pt/P1,5-DAAQ电极在0.1 mol/L H_2SO_4中对氧还原反应具有明显的电催化活性,在0.1 mol/L H_2SO_4中的氧还原峰电位为0.39 V,氧还原反应以2电子还原为主。循环伏安法、计时安培法和电化学交流阻抗法的研究发现Pt/P1,5-DAAQ电极的电催化氧还原活性受膜的厚度、溶液的pH值的影响明显。不同厚度的P1,5-DAAQ膜表面存在不同的氧传输过程。根据不同厚度的P1,5-DAAQ修饰的Pt电极表面的氧扩散系数、电子传输阻力、氧还原反应速率常数等数据的比较,证明尽管较厚的P1,5-DAAQ提供了更多的真实电极面积和更高的活性点位浓度,短时间内更有利于电催化氧还原反应,但较薄的P1,5-DAAQ修饰的Pt电极平整的表面形貌更有利于氧的传质,使其表现出更好的电催化氧还原性能。Pt/P1,5-DAAQ电极的电催化氧还原的活性随pH值的升高而降低。另外,随着P1,5-DAAQ的降解,其氧还原催化活性也逐渐降低。
     对Pt/P1,5-DAAQ电极作为氧还原阴极在电Fenton体系中的应用进行了研究。考察了其用于电催化O_2生成H_2O_2时的速率和电流效率及其影响因素。而且,此电极对Fe~(3+)的还原也表现出了明显的电催化活性。并采用电化学阻抗法研究了此电极表面主要还原反应的竞争关系。当此电极作为氧还原阴极用于电Fenton反应时,可以在-0.2到0.1 V的电位范围内,pH值为2-3的酸性溶液中,实现对溴氨酸的降解脱色。并通过对溴氨酸降解动力学的分析,考察不同反应条件对此电Fenton体系氧化降解能力的影响。
Poly-1,5-diaminoanthraquinone (P1,5-DAAQ) is a new conducting polymer. Its electrochemical reaction includes quinine / hydroquinone (Q/HQ) redox reactions and anions doping/undoping process which is similar to the electrochemical behavior of polyaniline (PANI). These two electrochemical reactions happens in one polymer macromolecule, which can not only improve the structure of aminoanthraquinone polymer, but also provides a better electrochemical activity.
     The electrocatalysis for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) has recived much attention in the researches on chemical modified electrode. It has been proved that surface confined quinones can greatly impove the electrocatalytic activity for ORR. Poly-aminoanthraquinone modified electrode is more stable, more easily prepared, and can provide higher surface concentration of reactive sites compared with other quinones modified electrode by adsorpsion or doping. Moreover, poly-aminoanthraquinone with the coexistence of anthraquinone fuction group and chain structure similar to PANI provides a new method for preparation of anthraquinone modified electrode with high electrocatalytic activity for ORR.
     P1,5-DAAQ have been synthesized by electrochemical oxidative polymerization on the Pt electrode in our research. Its electrochemical characteristics, stability, and electrocatalysis for ORR have been investigated using scan electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and various electroanalytical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
     P1,5-DAAQ was synthesized by CV on the Pt electrode which is an ultra thin, homogeneous, and dense polymer film. The electropolymerization process of 1,5-DAAQ can be strongly influenced by the temperature. As a result, the best characteristic for P1,5-DAAQ can be obtained when the electropolymerization process is controlled at 10℃. The electropolymerization process of 1,5-DAAQ has been investigated by CV, FTIR and SEM. It has been proposed that the electropolymerization consists of two phases: the deposition of P1,5-DAAQ from the oxidation of 1,5-DAAQ monomers, and the polymer growth process consist of two-dimension and three-dimension growth.
     The electrochemical characteristics and stability of P1,5-DAAQ has been investigated in different acidic aqueous solution by electrochemical methods and FTIR. It has been proved that ion transfers are different between oxidation and reduction processes, and are profoundly influenced by the sizes of ion radius during the redox process of P1,5-DAAQ in acid solution. The H~+ transfer is diffusionless, while the insertion/expulsion of big aqua anions is controlled by diffusion. A model has been proposed to describe these ion transfer processes. The diffusion coefficients of aqua anions in P1,5-DAAQ are in the order of Cl~- > SO_4~(2-)> NO_3~-> PO_4~(3-). As a result of stability research, degradation of polymer exists not only in overoxidation, but also in stable redox reaction. The degradation rates of P1,5-DAAQ at reversible potential region from -0.2 to 0.75 V obey the apparent first-order kinetic, and the degradation rate constants are 2.04, 4.93, 2.59, 3.03×10~(-5) s~(-1) in HC1, H_2SO_4, HNO_3, and H_3PO_4, respectively. According to FTIR and CV, the quinone-like sturcture is destroyed, accompanied with conjugation length of the polymer'sπ-bond decreased and chains in polymer broken and recombined with anions combined to the polymer, when P1,5-DAAQ is potentiodynamically overoxidized at 1.5 V.
     The P1,5-DAAQ modified Pt electrode has shown electrocatalytic activity for two-electron ORR with oxygen reduction peak at about 0.39 V in 0.1 M H2SO4. The effects of P1,5-DAAQ morphologies and the pH of electrolyte on the electrocatalytic behaviors of P1,5-DAAQ for ORR have been investigated using CV, CA and EIS measurements. We propose two different O_2-transport processes on electrodes modified with thin P1,5-DAAQ and thick P1,5-DAAQ. Together with the quantitative analysis with O_2-transport dynamics, electron-transfer resistance, and catalytic reaction rate during ORR, thin P1,5-DAAQ electrode performs better electrocatalysis for ORR for its plane morphology, although thick P1,5-DAAQ provides higher real surface area and more reactive sites which is beneficial for ORR within a short time. The ORR electrocatalytic activity for the Pt/P1,5-DAAQ electrode decreases with the increasing of pH of electrolyte, and the degradation of P1,5-DAAQ.
     A series of experiments have been carried out to investigate the application of the Pt/P1,5-DAAQ electrode in electro-Fenton system. It has been found that this electrode can electrogenerate H_2O_2 at 0.2 --0.2 V. The H_2O_2 generation rate and current efficiency and its effect factors have been investigated. Besides, this electrode has also shown electrocatalysis for Fe~(3+) reduction. When the Pt/P1,5-DAAQ electrode is used as an oxygen reduction cathode in electro-Fenton system, bromamine acid (BA) can be degradated. The competition between main reduction reactions on this electrode has been investigated by EIS. The influence of oxidative degradation ability for this electro-Fenton system has been analyzed with the degradation kinitics for BA.
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