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Visual selective attention is a field belonging to attention study. With the rise of cognitive psychology in 1960s, the study of visual selective attention began to integrate with other subjects from the angle of simple psychology. Recent years, cognitive psychology related to other subjects such as neural psychology, medical science and computer science, which proved to be helpful to the development of all-around cognitive science. In the field of computer science, researchers who engaged to the information processing of computer image paid more attention to the mechanism of visual selective attention. They digested psychology to information processing to come into being feasible methods. After 20th century, more and more studies of visual selective attention pias to the attentional specialties. In sports field, native researches about this were not familiar, only a few people involved into it. Thus this can be seen, visual selective attention within the sport realm will be the most important topic for discussion. The study consists of three parts. The first part is theory study which summarizes related notion, part selective attentional theory and research model. On this condition, we point out hot spot in this field and our study intention. The second part investigated physical property such as feature (number, color etc.). We used multiple-object-tracking paradigm to discuss this matter in dynamic visual selective attention. The results showed:(1) object features can effect the visual selective attention; (2) with the increase of ball number, the reaction time is also delayed; (3) color change can also influence the tracking performance; (4)Speed changing even can influence the attentional judgment in visual tracking. The faster the speed is, the lower the tracking accuracy. At the basis of experimentation, we analyzed all factors which affect the performance in visual selective attention.
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