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The most eye-catching happening in the 21st century of the global economic development is the rise of China’s economy. The 30-year of China’s reform and opening up has opened up the most exciting chapter of the global economic history. Its economic aggregate has kept breaking new records, its economic structure is being constantly optimized, and its foreign trade in particular is blooming in every index, depicting an extraordinary process of growth and evolution.
     After its entry to the WTO, China has been the first choice of investment from developed countries owing to its special and constantly growing economy, vast and infinitely expanding market, and low-cost and abundant labor resources. More than 100 kinds of made-in-China products have ranked first in the global market share.
     However, while China has become an“economic power”andtrade power”because of its total economic volume and foreign trade volume, contradictions between speed and benefit, scale and structure, quantity and quality, and extensive development and sustainable development are becoming prominent.
     Behind those“shinning numbers”of trade volume and trade structure development are three inconsistent logics:1)The inconsistent logic between the soaring of China’s foreign trade volume and the upgrading of China’s domestic industries;2)The inconsistent logic between the upgrading of China’s export structure and the dynamic evolution of China’s comparative advantage;3)The inconsistent logic between the uplift of China’s export structure and the change of China’s trade conditions.
     Behind the inconsistence are the trade surplus dominated by processing trades, the market expansion shared largely by foreign invested companies, the labor-intensive export structure, and the little say in international trade, which all indicate the current situation of China’s foreign trade: big volume with little strength, and increasing volume with declining price. The contradiction of economic development also shows between the image of a trade power and the weak international competitiveness of China’s industries.
     Convincing explanations for the contradictions cannot be made merely through data of trade and investment in a macroscopic manner. Traditional trade theories are challenged.
     Rational thinking will lead to the discovery of the intrinsic relations between the development of a country’s industry and the international specialization. For China’s foreign trade, either the tremendous achievements or the existing problems depend on the way in which China participates in the international specialization and the mode of trade development.
     As a result, it has become an important topic for the global trade sector and even for the development of China’s economy to focus on the new international specialization, to introduce new theoretical framework, to interpret the special phenomena of China’s trade development and to uplift the international competitiveness of China’s industries.
     The global value chains specialization is the most outstanding new concept, method and mechanism in the sectors of international specialization and international trade against the background of economic globalization. It takes the transnational corporations as its dominating role-players and the value chains of production and operation activities as its objects. Each link of the value chains including the production, sales, R&D etc as well as their sub-links are deployed to any place of the world where maximum benefit can be achieved. The allocation process is accompanied with the import of semi-finished products and the export of finished products.
     Because of such specialization system, a country’s competitiveness lies no longer on the final products or certain industries, but on the links the country dominates in global industrial value chains.
     As a result, it is of theoretical and practical significance to study and discuss the characteristics and patterns of the global value chains specialization for interpreting the deepening of international specialization and expansion of trade, in particular for interpreting the contradiction between the“powerfulness”of contemporary China’s foreign trade and the“relative weakness”of its industrial international competitiveness.
     This thesis is intended to discuss the development of China’s industrial international competitiveness in the process of economic globalization from the angle of global value chains specialization with the economic globalization and international specialization as the background, the scientific outlook on development as the guidance, combining the international trade theory, international specialization theory, international industry-transferring theory and the evolution of China’s industrial international competitiveness, taking China’s foreign trade as the starting point. Analyses will be preceded in line with the following steps:
     First, raising the problem studied in this thesis and making a practical investigation on China’s industrial international competitiveness under the name of“trade power”, which starts from a calm pondering of China being a trade power. Through the comparative analysis of the total volume and structure of China’s domestic industrial development, and the comparative analysis of the typical indexes representing the comparative advantage including both the competitiveness index of China’s export products and their dominant comparative advantages, as well as through the comparative analysis of the three conditions of China’s price trade, income trade, and element trade, the phenomena of the three inconsistent logics hidden behind China’s high-speed growing of foreign trade can be clearly showed. The important evaluation indexes of industrial competitiveness will then be analyzed to point out the contradiction lying beneath between‘trade power”and“tiny country in industrial international competitiveness”of China’s economic development.
     Consequently the following questions are lead to be further thought over: why should such phenomena exist in China’s economic development? What are the logic relations between such special phenomena of China’s trade development and China’s industrial international competitiveness? Why the traditional trade theories are unable to make reasonable and effective explanations for such phenomena? Second, the basic theoretical framework of this thesis will be discussed and established. This part first analyzes the background, intrinsic mechanism and economic analysis of the new international trade value chains specialization-global value chains specialization; then starting from the comparative advantages– the theoretical basis for trade and specialization, a simple model of the global value chains specialization will be established by expanding comparative advantage connotation, and a conclusion can be drawn that the basis of global value chains specialization is the general comparative advantages (cost comparative advantage + added–value comparative advantage) with expanded connotation.
     Analyses of the trade benefits, structure transformation and the trade development mode of global value chains specialization will follow, with essence of unfair distribution of global value chains specialization pointed out.
     Finally, based on the basic analysis of the global value chains specialization, the transmission mechanism model, with which global value chains specialization functions on a country’s industrial international competitiveness, is established, thus laying down the theoretical foundation for lifting China’s industrial international competitiveness in the opening-up conditions.
     Next, this thesis will combine theories with practices and analyze the theory of global value chains specialization, to theoretically and practically analyze and interpret the three inconsistent logics existing in China’s trade sector, as well as the contradiction of China’s economic development between“trade power”and“weak country with small industrial international competitiveness.”
     From this, we will discover that China’s high-speed growth of trade volume and structure upgrading of export products are mainly based on the expansion of processing trade dominated by FDI in the global value chains specialization system; that the uplifting of China’s export products structure is mainly based on the increasing proportion of the“two lows and one high”(low technological content, low value-added, and high-tech products) export products in the global value chains.
     In the global value chains specialization, the contradiction of China’s economic development comes directly from the main trade structure dominated by foreign invested companies and the trade style dominated by processing industry. Behind the seemingly contradictory phenomena of China’s trade development lies the intrinsic inevitability of global value chains specialization.
     Then this thesis will apply the global value chains specialization theory to China’s situation, to analyze how China, by repositioning its place in the global value chains specialization, can better participate in the global value chains specialization to uplift the country’s industrial international competitiveness.
     While creating rare element and space of development for developing countries to uplift their industrial international competitiveness, global value chains specialization also brings a serial of risks. To overcome these risks, not only do these developing countries need to increase the speed and ability of modern element advantages besides their bestowed labor advantage. It also depends on how profound both governments and companies understand the concept of industrial international competitiveness in the background of global value chains specialization, and which kind of thinking they choose to participate in the industrial development choices of global specialization.
     As a result, based on the analysis on the new connotation of industrial international competitiveness updating in the global value chains specialization, this part concludes the pressure China is faced in upgrading its industries in the background of global value chains specialization, pointing out the dilemma between China’s industrial upgrading and employment expansion, putting forward, based on the above-mentioned analyses, the bases on which China can reposition itself in the global value chains specialization: combination of comparative advantage, latecomer advantage, and big country advantage, and analyzes the structure of China’s industrial development after it has been repositioned.
     Finally, the strategic idea of China’s industrial international competitiveness upgrading against the background of global value chain specialization will be put forward, which is the industrial transfer strategy based on the value chains integration. This thesis holds the view that, in the global value chains specialization, the contradiction of China being a trade power with weak competitiveness forces us to reexamine and regulate China’s foreign trade development strategies and related industrial development policies, to further explore China’s industrial development strategies matched with global industrial models in the transformation process, so as to uplift China’s industrial international competitiveness.
     In the background of the global value chains specialization, the uplifting of industrial international competitiveness should subject to the operational mechanism of global value chains specialization, start from the integration of industrial value chains, focus on increasing the added value of the whole industry, and combine technological advances, industrial integration, and transformation of element input.
     With the expansion and integration of industrial value chains, technological advances, economic benefit, sustainable development, and full employment will be effectively combined to maximize the added value of the whole industrial value chains, to eventually realize the goal of uplifting the industrial international competitiveness.
     The industrial transfer strategies of value chains integration include four aspects: Core strategy: innovation of value chains through integration of value chains;
     Two ways to implement the strategies: the way based on the expanding intensive takeover of international manufacturing industry and orderly takeover of international service industry; the way of both moderate moving-out of China’s industry and gradient transfer of domestic industry based on independent growth.
     Three levels to implement the strategies: integration of industrial value system, internal integration of industrial value chains, integration of value chains inside company.
     Guarantee for the implementation of the strategies: a government with“limited intervention”under the government-oriented mechanism.
     The main research object of this thesis is the uplifting of China’s industrial international competitiveness in the background of global value chains specialization.
     The theoretical basis of this thesis is the expansion of global value chains specialization theory based on comparative advantages.
     The logical starting point of this thesis is the contradiction of China’s economic development (trade power with weak competitiveness) based on the positivistic analysis on the high-speed development of China’s foreign trade volume and structure since its reform and opening up.
     The important indication of theoretical analysis and application consists of two aspects: the choosing of thinking methods for the development of China’s element intensive industries, and the industrial transfer strategies based on value chains integration.
     The further expansion of this thesis is to study and explain the government’s actions and related policies in the background of global value chains specialization.
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    ① 本文中,比较优势的表述就是指传统的李嘉图意义上的成本比较优势。
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    ② 文章中可能会由于历史的原因同时出现全球价值链分工与产品内分工等的不同表述,没有特别的说明,二者表示的意思一致。
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    ① 参考王丽萍 李创 汤兵勇《产业国际竞争力的概念及分析模型研究》载于《科技与产业》2006 年 2 期
    ① 对国际贸易理论和思潮的划分多种多样。如重商主义、重农主义、古典自由主义、新古典自由主义、新贸易理论、现实主义、经济民族主义、结构主义等。自由主义贸易理论总体上处于主流地位,它包括古典(自由主义)贸易理论、新古典(自由主义)贸易理论和新贸易理论。本文将古典和新古典统称为传统贸易理论。
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    ④ 实际上,这一理论对当代国际贸易现象更能做出一般性的解释,也应被纳入新贸易理论的范畴,但是对该理论能否作为一般的国际贸易理论,在认同方面还存在较大的争议。
    ⑤ 张文兵 〈政府行为与产业国际竞争力研究〉中国经济出版社 P28
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    ①John F.Helliwell and A.Chung,Aggregate Productivity and Growth in and International Comparative Setting,Edited by Bert G.Hickman,International Productivity and Competitiveness,New York,Oxford,1992,pp49~79 中,通过对 1960~1985 年期间 OECD7 个工业大国和 12 个小国的贸易份额和经济增长进行了相关性分析,发现贸易份额增长很快的国家生产率增长也很快。
    ① 按照发展中国家“出口阶梯”理论,我国产业发展水平整体上还处于委托加工的低级阶段。
    ② WEF 世界经济论坛《全球竞争力报告》,IMD 洛桑国际管理学院《国际竞争力报告》
    ① 产业价值链概述 http://baike.baidu.com/view/1325647.htm
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    ② 新古典经济学家通常用机会成本来定义比较优势。基本描述为:一种产品生产的机会成本越低,其比较优势越大。
    ③ 在静态模型中,技术优势表现为资源利用率的高低。
    ①该模型参考了张纪《产品内国际分工-动因-机制与效应研究》上海社会科学院博士论文 2007
    ① 保罗?克鲁格曼、茅瑞斯?奥伯斯法尔《国际经济学》[M].P117 中国人民大学出版社 2002
    ② 该模型参考克鲁格曼产业内贸易模型,以及复旦大学廖国民的规模经济模型。
    ① 哈佛企业管理丛书编撰委员会《企业管理百科全书》中国对外翻译出版公司 1995 年版
    ① 这一思想参考了 周琛影同志《比较优势利润原则及其实现机制研究》中的观点和相关论述。经济科学出版社
    ② 为了方便,以后把“X 产品加工成最终 Y 的这个价值链环节”称为“生产 Y 产品”。
    ① 参考周琛影 《比较优势利润原则及其实现机制》P84 模型 经济科学出版社
    ① 田文 《产品内贸易论》P163 经济科学出版社
     ① 张亚斌 《内生比较优势理论与中国贸易结构转换》P102 中国经济出版社
    ① 迂回生产最早是由庞巴维克提出的。根据他的定义,直接生产消费资料的活动是“直接生产“,通过生产生产资料间接获得生活资料的活动则是”迂回生产“。见曾永寿《关于迂回生产经济学的思考》
    ② 参考 曹明福 李树民 《全球价值链分工:从国家比较优势到世界比较优势》载《世界经济研究》2006年 11 期
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    ② 参考曹明福 李树民《全球价值链分工的利益来源:比较优势、规模优势和价格倾斜优势》中模型并改编 载于《中国工业经济》2005.10
    ① 黄凤志 《知识霸权与美国的世界新秩序》载于《当代亚太》 2003(8)
    ② 袁奇 《当代国际分工格局下中国产业发展战略研究》P63 西南财经大学出版社
    ① 陈明森 《产业升级外向推动与利用外资》科学出版社 P12
    ① 张二震等著 《贸易投资一体化与中国的战略》人民出版社 P59
    ② 伍华佳 苏东水《开放经济条件下中国产业结构的演化研究》上海财经大学出版社 P217
    ① 余慧倩 《论国际产业转移机制》发表于《江汉论坛》2007 年 10 月
    ② “剩余的出路理论”由亚当斯密提出,缅甸经济学家 H 麦因特进行完善发展。《开放条件下对外贸易对产业结构升级作用研究》P11
    ① 伍华佳 苏东水 《开放经济条件下中国产业结构的演化研究》上海财经大学出版社 P230-231
    ② 潘越 《跨国产业转移与产业结构升级理论》引自《跨国产业转移与产业结构升级》商务部、国务院发展研究中心课题组编著 中国商务出版社 P48
     ① 陈勇著 《FDI 路径下的国际产业转移和中国产业的承接》东北财经大学出版社 P34
    ① 两阶段论主要参考了孙杰、余剑著《开放条件下中国产业结构调整》
    ② 开放部门是指与世界市场有着直接联系的产业经济部门,非开放部门是指与世界市场没有直接联系的产业部门。
    ③ 这也就是比较优势理论中的斯托尔珀-萨缪尔森定理(S-S 定理)
    ④ 这是比较优势理论中的雷布津斯基定理。参见李辉文 《现代比较优势理论研究》中国人民大学出版社
    ① 要素不敏感定理(FPI)认为:在一国内部假设产出价格不变,则要素价格对于要素供给的变化是完全不敏感的。
    ② 喆儒《产业升级—开放条件下中国的政策选择》中国经济出版社 P139-140
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    ② 中国之 GDP 与人均 GDP http://www.china-leather.com/info/kuaixun/new/reference/2.htm
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    ② 日本和韩国这一比例大约为 3:1 见《科技进步才是核心驱动力 http://www.eecce.com/pindao/hangye
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    ③ 关于跨国公司防止 FDI 溢出效应的具体分析,在前面本土产业悖论分析中有详细说明,这里不再赘述。
    ① 陈明森 《产业升级外向推动与利用外资战略调整》科学出版社 P197
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    ① 比较优势刚性主要是指一国长期一成不变地依赖传统比较优势产业来发展就,忽视应有的产业升级,并最终导致该国在国际贸易中虽然能获得利益,但贸易结构不合理,总是处于不利地位,从而落入“比较利益陷阱”。
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    ② UNCTAD:Trade and Development Report,P158,2002
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