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Division is a kind of inherent phenomenon in the process of human society development. Moreover, based on the division create cooperation. Division and cooperation push great effect on the productivity development and society progress. This attracts people to search for the process of division and cooperation development and evolution. People also hunt after the inherent acting mechanism of the process to the improvement of social productivity. Meanwhile, this promote people keep on cognizing how to implement more rationally and efficiently division and cooperation behavior. From the appearance of the division thought in old Greece on, people have got abundant result on the research of division and cooperation, but on regional industry division pattern and regional cooperation pattern aspect, there are still short of quantitative and systematical, theoretical study. In order to get stronger and more systematical theoretical guidance on the practice of regional economic development, this issue deserves to be studied deeply.
     Division of labor includes work department division and work geographical region division. The division of department is the expression and the fulfillment on geographical and spatial concept of the department division, and it generate the regional industry division. Based on the division create the regional cooperation. Economic region is the important spatial form on geography; is the important physical carrier. Different economic region has different factors, resources, culture, and industry structure. This difference makes different content and pattern on regional industry division and cooperation. On the concept of economic region, in this dissertation, the division of regional industry is described to the objective process and diversification condition, by which the correlated industry systems of the different areas of a country form the spatial industry structure on geography under the productivity rule of“optimization distribution”, by using regional advantage, in order to get all kinds of regional benefit. There must be cooperation based on division, and cooperation makes division be fulfilled. Regional cooperation is described to the resource distribution activity by which two of more economic entities in different areas voluntarily promote the flow of products and factors among the regions based on coordination and mutual benefit, in order to gain individual benefit.
     From the regional industry division and cooperation practice in Yangtze Rive Delta, Pearl River Delta and Circum-Bo-sea Economic Region, we can know that regional industry division appears different structure, regional cooperation has different content, different patterns are taken on regional industry division and cooperation. The scientific level, rationality, and the efficiency of regional industry division have great influence on the regional economic development. In order to eliminate the irrational effect and inefficiency of regional resource distribution, using scientific method, should deliberately choose the regional industry division and cooperation content and pattern.
     According to the division and cooperation theory, professional production relationship theory, and the abundant regional division and cooperation practice, regional industry division pattern should include: region inter and intra industry longitudinal division, which is created based on comparative advantage, and region inter and intra horizontal industry division, which is created on scale economy. According to the relationship of each tache on the industry chain in the division system, division is divided into horizontal and longitude division inter regional industries, and horizontal and longitude division intra regional industries. There are individual representative patterns for each pattern, which are suitable to different economy development situation. Related to the different factors or the essential content of the factor flow among different regions, regional cooperation appears different content, form, behavior, and concrete activities, such as, government leading and enterprise leading patterns, ownership cooperation pattern, alliance cooperation pattern, loose cooperation pattern, and so on. Meanwhile, if the study of division and cooperation is united into one concept of regional industry development, the category can be determined on the relationship of market trade off, enterprises organizational relationship on the industry chain, and the relationship of industry entities. The category consists of total trade off relationship, total ownership relationship, network relationship. Under each pattern of division and cooperation, there are different forms, characteristic, and there is different adaptation to different industry environment.
     The geographical factors, economic factors, technological factors, and the human & social factors make up of the different functional strengths on the concept of v i i economic region. The factor system has effect on the division and cooperation pattern choosing and formation. Each kind of factor has different appearance in different region, and creates different competitive advantage and scale economic advantage. Each kind of factor has its own inherent functional mechanic. Geographical factor forms the statistic comparative advantage. It is exogenous factor, and has fundamental influence on regional industry division and cooperation. Economic factor forms dynamic comparative advantage. It is inherent influence factor, and has support influence on regional industry division and cooperation. Humanity and institutional factor form motile power, and put motile function on regional industry division. Different factors cooperate to create the development of regional division and cooperation.
     The fundamental power mechanism of regional industry division and cooperation process which is co acted on the above factor system is to pursue the regional economic benefit maximization. The model of it is as following:
     In this model, the most representative regional output is region domestic production. From the view of industry development, the higher domestic production depends on the level of regional industry division and industry structure optimization. Regional input is the total input of all the factors in the factor system. The alternative of regional input will affect the regional economic benefit from two aspects. One is the greater regional comparative advantage input, which can reduce the regional input cost, correspondingly increase regional economic benefit. Another aspect is to choose the factor as input, which can bring scale economy and scope economy by cooperation. By doing so, regional output can be increased; therefore, the regional economic benefit can be increased. These two aspects can have vital influence on the choosing of division and cooperation pattern.
     Different area in a region choose different factor with greater comparative advantage as input can create different division model among different industries. The cooperation among economic entities in each region can create scale economy and scope economy. It has great effect on the regional division. The regional industry division and cooperation has mutual active relationship on the content and scope.
     The above study is the foundation of regional industry division and cooperation pattern choosing theory and method. On the issue of regional industry choosing, the notion of scientific development, the adequate using of resource, diversification and the complementary advantage, industry connection, efficiency, and the integration and systematizing of regional economy are important principles. The procedure consist of: 1) the analysis of influencing factor; 2) the analysis of regional advantage; 3) establish the matrix of“location & advantage”; 4) the choosing of regional division pattern; 5) evaluation. The method of choosing is to establish the indicator system, which has actual effect on the choosing. By using APH method, quantitative calculation is taken to determine the foundation, which should be quantitatively considered in the model. At last, the different evaluation result of different regional resource gift, regional comparative advantage, economic and industry development condition and other related factor is generated. The regional division and cooperation pattern and the rational path are determined based on the above result.
     Under the background of“boost northeast industrial base boom”strategy, it is necessary to implement the empirical study of choosing the industry division and cooperation pattern of northeast economic region, which includes the three northeast provinces and Inner Mongolia. The result of the study shows that Inner Mongolia has remarkable natural resource gift, but has the lowest economic potential energy. Liaoning Province has greater comparative advantage on natural resource, other factor resource, and comprehensive industry. It has the highest economic potential energy. Jinlin province and Heilongjiang province locate in the interim. With the analysis of northeast economic Location Advantage matrix, the natural resource of East Mongolia should be integrated with the greater advantage of technology, fund, and industry in Liaoning, Jinlin, and Heilongjiang. The adequate pattern should be chosen about division and cooperation among different industries in each province. The rational situation of industry division and cooperation should be got to bring the comparative advantage of each region into play. With those efforts the regional economic benefit could be increased.
     Regarding to the concrete industry, for instance, new material, automobile manufacture, petrochemical, machine tool industry, energy and mineral industry, agriculture, and tourism in northeast economic region, the division and cooperation inter industry need rational division and cooperation pattern choosing under the requirement of scale economy, scope economy and the different comparative advantage in each province. Therefore, regional economic benefit can be increased for the reason of having fulfilled the resource integration and advantage complement among related industries intra provinces.
     The successful implementation of regional industry division and cooperation depends on the effective implementing mechanism and strong indemnities. The inner operating mechanism of regional industry division and cooperation include: the action mechanism, which content is based on the market spontaneous adjusting and the government spontaneous driving; the implementation mechanism, which content in one aspect is information spatial transmission and communication, another aspect is the factor flowage in different region; the indemnity mechanism, which content is the benefit balance, behavior restriction, and evaluation stimulation. The indemnities are: increasing of ability of regional economic entity market operation; establishment of the institutionalized multiple level organization; institutionalized coordinating mechanism; improvement of the infrastructure building unification; the implementation of information and material unobtrusively floating; the improvement of the united rules of regional development; establishment of rational pacts of regional benefit balancing and behavior stimulating.
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