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The theory of financial development argues that financial development can
    accelerate economic growth by optimizing the allocation of resources in the
    developing countries. This theory is very significant to the developing countries. On
    the other hand, the theory of international trade has proved that international trade is
    one of engines of economic growth. By optimizing the allocation of resources in one
    economy, free international trade can accelerate its economic growth.
     However, is there a link between financial development and international trade?
    Can financial development accelerate the development of international trade? If the
    answer is yes, what are the means and mechanism by which the financial development
    can affect the development of international trade? All the questions above are almost
    ignored in the previous literature, which is the insufficiency of the theory of financial
    development. The dissertation focuses the relation between the two, and explores the
    emerging topic theoretically and empirically.
     There are seven chapters in this dissertation. The first chapter is the introduction
    of previous researches about economic growth in the theory of financial development
    and international trade, after which the main topic of the dissertation is put forward.
    The following three chapters (from Chapter2 to Chapter5) are organized as follows:
    Firstly, we study the distortion of international trade due to financial repression.
    Secondly, the impacts of financial restraint on international trade are examined and
    commented. Thirdly, we explore how the financial development promotes the
    international trade. Finally, the impacts of the exchange rate system’s changes on
    international trade are explored. In Chapter 6, we test the theory of the relation
    between financial development and international trade developed in previous chapters
    by econometric methods. In Chapter 7, we analyze and test the relationship between
    financial development and international trade in China after 1978, in which year
    China began its reform and opening to the outside world. The main research work and
    research conclusion are as follows:
    This dissertation studies systematically the impacts that financial development
    may have on international trade, including three stages: financial repression, financial
    restraint, and financial development. The conclusion is that financial development can
    affect international trade in many aspects.
     This dissertation makes a systematic study on the distortion of financial
    repression on international trade and the active impacts that financial restraint may
    have on international trade. But the benefits of financial restraint on international
    trade shouldn’t be overstated.
     This dissertation makes a cross-country empirical study on the relationship
    between financial development and international trade, the results confirm the
    relationship between them in theory.
     This dissertation makes a systematic study firstly on the relationship between
    financial development and international trade in China after 1978. We find there is no
    relation between them in the long run, and the reasons are explained.
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