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Urban rail transit is a main method to solve the traffic block.Strict request to structure and installation of urban rail transit is brought forward because plenty of passengers choose underground and light railway as vehicle.Metro station is a node of urban rail transit system.Expedite node is the key of the expedite system.The problems that need us to solve are listed as follows:dispose the structure and installation of the metro station reasonably,make it possible that passengers can complete their traffic action fast and safely.
     At the present time,the design and evaluate of metro station mainly depend on static experience estimate method.There exist shortage in engineering practice and theory of correlation.It is possible that simulate the passenger movement in metro station real time using computer technique,which is due to the development of computer simulate theory.We can know which place is easy to collecte passengers and which place is bottleneck of the passenger evacuating using suppositional simulate technology before building the metro station.The simulation establishes a stable foundation for the structure design and installation disposition of metro station.
     Firstly,the passenger evacuating model that based on the combination on macroscopical and microcosmic of passenger intelligence being established via study on the traffic behavior of the passenger.According to the model,the simulation system namely EvaSim being built.EvaSim system mainly concludes three parts:simulate protract of station environment,evacuating simulation of passenger,output and estimate of the result.
     Secondly,basing on simulation of the passenger evacuating in metro station,study of structure and installation is carried through.It mainly concludes:the setting of passageway,stair,walking channels and escalator in metro station;the setting of installation in the platform.On the layout and design of the passageway,the dynamic simulation technique is used.Aiming at the passageway of the metro station with side platform,simulation and data analyze is carried on under many conditions.On the study of walking channel,evacuating pace is defined to estimate the evacuate efficiency of the channel.Target majorized function is established,through the dynamic simulation on evacuating pace,the improving measure on walking channel is estimated.On the study of stair and escalator,static queuing and waiting model of stair and escalator is established using queuing theory.Static calculation and dynamic simulation are combined,the evacuate efficiency and attract radius of stair and escalator being calculated and simulated.Calculate formula of evacuation time in platform in metro criterion cannot show the difference which is due to the different installation disposal. So the new calculate formula is put forward.Then simulation on the installation disposal in platform is carded out.Two-way fare gate should be used between pay area and no-pay area.Using effect of the passageway in platform in evacuating process is estimated.
     At last,the disaster prevention evaluation model being established basing on risk theory and the passenger evacuating simulation in this paper which provide a theory foundation for the disaster prevention evaluation of the metro station.
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