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     (1)对面向方面这种新型的方法进行分析,并且对面向对象理论在解决实际问题时的不足之处加以研究。在对比传统的面向对象的方法与面向方面的方法基础上,提出利用面向方面的方法对XML文档进行扩展。在XML文档定义中引入关注点这一概念和织入重要机制。通过实现对XML Schema的扩充,使XML文档定义具有面向方面编程技术的功能。实现织入、切入点与面向对象中继承、阻塞、重载等技术的结合对XML文档定义;
     (4)在分析现有单文档下的XML结构连接算法基础之上,对现有祖.先循裔与双亲/孩子结构查询进行改进.,提出了基于归并思想的,解决多文档下的结构连接算法,以适应在面向方面的XML Schema中定义的基于多文档的查询。该算法可以进一步利用XML数据的特点、索引和织入文档信息减少连接扫描的代价。
With the development of Internet and computer technology,XML has been becoming a de facto standard for information representation and data exchange over the Web due to its self-description and flexible data structure properties.With the strong modeling ability of object-oriented methods,it is possible to improve the modeling ability of XML data models by extending XML with some object-oriented features.Traditional object-oriented techniques cannot fundamentally resolve the code tangling and scattering problems caused by the high system complexity.Aspect-oriented programming(AOP) methodology is introduced to solve these problems.
     After systemically analyzing and studying AOP techniques,an aspect-oriented framework is proposed in this dissertation to manage XML data.The main contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows.
     (1) After analyzing aspect-oriented models and discussing some problems in practice that could not be solved by object-oriented theory,we extend XML document models with aspect-oriented techniques.The extended XML model has more object-oriented features and aspect-oriented features,including multiple inheritance,blocking,overriding,pointcut and weaving.
     (2) We propose a new method of XML data storing and querying.It adopts SAX technology to output XML streams,extends each element with Prefix code with the analyzing of Prefix code, and stores them into the relational database with others information.The new method can efficiently store and query data-centric documents with large graularity.
     (3) We present an effective method to compress the original extended Prefix code.The method recodes the redundant information to solve the problem that the original extended Prefix code has larger space complexity space when storing the large XML documents.
     (4) We improve the structural join algorithm of ancestor/decendant and parent/child over the single XML document,and propose a merge-based structural query algorithm over multiple documents to adapt to the query of the aspect-oriented definition of the XML Schema in the case of multiple documents.The proposed algorithm can further reduce the cost of scanning documents by utilizing the features of XML data,indexing and information waving into the documents.
     Finally,a lot of experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms in this dissertation.
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