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  • 英文题名:Spin Reorientation Transition and the Microwave Properties of Intermetallic Compounds of Nd(Fe_(1-x)Co_x)_(10)V_2
  • 作者:刘忻
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:凝聚态物理
  • 学位年度:2010
  • 导师:李发伸
  • 学科代码:070205
  • 学位授予单位:兰州大学
  • 论文提交日期:2010-05-01
     (2)随着Co原子的替代量的增加,Nd(Fe1-xCox)10V2的饱和磁化强度由115emu/g (x=0)增加到122 emu/g (x=0.2),而后减小到96 emu/g(x=0.5);其矫顽力则先减小后增大;样品的易磁化方向由平行于c轴(x=0)转变为平行于a-b平面(x=0.2),当Co原子含量进一步增加时,易磁化方向再次趋向平行于c轴(x=0.5)。(3)随着Co原子的替代量的增加,Nd(Fe1-xCox)10V2的居里温度由570 K(x=0),单调增加到676 K(x=0.4),但是当Co含量继续增加时,居里温度下降到662 K(x=0.5)。这是由于Co原子先占据原子间距较小的8f和8j位置,使得Fe-Fe负相互作用减弱,3d次晶格整体的相互作用增强,从而提高了居里温度。
     (4)随着Co原子的替代量的增加,Nd(Fe1-xCox)10V2的自旋重取向温度也发生了变化,其室温以下的自旋重取向温度由120 K(x=0)逐渐增加到280K(x=0.4)。在室温以上,当没有Co原子的掺入时(x=0),测量温度直到居里转变点都没有自旋重取向现象。但当Co原子掺入后,出现了自旋重取向现象,并且自旋重取向的温度随着Co含量的增加不断升高,直到x=0.5时,自旋重取向温度降低,但是自旋重取向发生时易磁化方向的转变已经与前面的变化不同。这说明稀土次晶格在与Fe次晶格的竞争中逐渐占优,Co原子的替代使得Fe次晶格的各向异性减弱。
The property of traditional high frequency magnetic materials obeys the Snoek limit, thus it is hard to improve. This study is based on principle of the rare earth-3d intermetallic compounds particles with planar magnetocrystalline anisotropy can exceed the limitation of the Snoek limit. Under the common acting of a small in plane anisotropic field and a rather large out of plane anisotropic field, which can get a higher permeability without a badly descent of resonance frequency.
     Using the Vanadium as a stabilizing element, and using the Cobalt to substitute the iron, The ThMn12-type rare earth-3d intermetallic compounds of Nd(Fe1-xCox)10V2 were prepared by means of vacuum arc melting, subsequent vacuum annealing, then they were ball milling for 12 hours. The influence of the substitution of Cobalt for iron on the structure and statistic magnetic properties of these compounds is investigated by X-ray powder diffraction and magnetic measurements. The paraffin composites were prepared by mixing paraffin with compounds particles and pressing into toroidal shape, so that the relative complex permeability of the composites has been measured in the range of 0.1-10 GHz. The mechanism of relative complex permeability affected by the change of anisotropy in high frequency has been discussed. The main research contents and results are shown as follows:
     (1) The structure of Nd(Fe1-xCox)10V2 compounds is a single phase with tetragonal ThMn12-type structure in a range of x=0-0.5. The lattice constants and unit-cell volume decrease monotonically with increasing of Co concentration, due to Cobalt atom radius is smaller than iron.
     (2) The saturation magnetization of Nd(Fe1-xCox)10V2 compounds increase from 115 emu/g (x=0) to 122 emu/g (x=0.2) at first and then decrease to 96 emu/g (x=0.5) with increasing Co concentration while the coercivity of the compounds are decreasing firstly and then keep constant, then it increased abruptly. The easy magnitization direction of the compounds also changed with the Co content from c-axial (x=0) to a-b plane(x=0.2), and return to c-axial when x=0.5.
     (3) The Curie temperature (Tc) of Nd(Fe1-xCox)10V2 compounds increase monotonically from 570 K (x=0) to 676 K (x=0.4) with increasing of Co concentration, but it decreased to 662 K (x=0.5)when further increase the Co content. The decrease of interatomic distances and a preferential substitution of Co for Fe in regions where there is negative exchange could account for the strengthening of exchange interaction and thus for an enhancement of Tc,
     (4) The M-T curves show that the temperature of spin reorientation transition (SRT) ascent quickly with increasing the Co concentration:below the room temperature, the temperature of SRT increased from 120 K (x=0) to 280 K (x=0.4); Above the room temperature, there was no SRT when x=0, while the SRT appeared after Co enter the compounds, and its temperature increased with increasing of Co content till x=0.4, when x=0.5 the temperature of SRT decreased and the transition is different with before. It is account for the Co substitution weakens the anisotropy of Fe sublattice.
     (5) By the Mossbauer measurement, the V atom preferes to occupy the 8i sites. When Co atom substituted the Fe atom, the Co appeared to occupy the 8f and 8j sites, this is account for the 8f and 8j sites have smaller interatomic distances and this occupation made the system with low enthalpy. The Isomer Shift (IS) of 8i and 8j sites increased obviously while that of 8f sites was almost constant. The Quadrupole Splitting (QS) value changed abruptly in 8f sites between x=0 and x=0.15, as well as in 8i sits between x=0.4 and x=0.5, which means the transition of the easy magnetization direction exists in these ranges.
     (6) For the paraffin composites with 35 vol.% of Nd(Fe1-xCox)10V2, both of real and imagine part of the permittivity was almost constant in our measurement frequency range, and for different x, the value did not change a lot neither, however the complex permeability varied with the increasing of Co concentration, the real part of permeability at low frequency was 2.2 for x=0, and then it ascend to 3.2 for x=0.2, when x=0.5, it drops to 2.3; the imagine part of permeability has no resonance peak for x=0 and x=0.5, and the eddy current loss is the main loss, but there was a resonance peak for x=0.15-0.4, and the loss was caused by nature resonance, that is in respect that the permeability has a relationship with anisotropy, when anisotropy changed, the permeability would change too.
     (7) The absorbing properties of the Nd(Fe1-xCox)10V2 with plane anisotropy were much better than the ones with uniaxial anisotropy.
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