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Chaotic behaviour is an interesting nonlinear phenomenon which has been intensively studied during the last three decades. Chaotic behaviour is commonly detected in a wide and variety of physical systems, such as electrical, mechanical and thermal systems.
     Chaotic motion is a complex nonlinear motion, whose trajectory of orbits in the phase plane is very complex but not stochastic. On the other hand, the dynamic properties of chaos signal such as ergodicity, aperiodic, uncorrelated, broad band and picture encrypt systems, so chaos control and chaos synchronization has become a very important topic in chaos science due to its potential application in secure communication.
     This paper discussed with the continuous-time chaotic systems as the objects. The main content contains the analysis of the synchronization of chaotic dynamical system and its application on secure communication.
     First a few main message encoding methods based on chaotic synchronization have been developed:Chaotic masking, Chaos modulation and Chaos shift keying. This paper designs the encryption function with the driving system's chaotic states. Then the messages encrypted are sent to receiver with two chaotic systems synchronization. At the receiver, the decryption function associated with encryption function recovered the original messages. The utilization of encryption function and decryption function increase complexity of the transmitted signal, make a contribution to the development of secret communication.
     Further chaotic synchronization based on nonlinear feedback control was researched. through theoretic proving we found that the chaotic synchronization can be obtained from the synchronization of the outputs of two systems. This paper gives a linear and nonlinear controller to synchronize two chaotic systems which was used to construct secure communication system.
     At the same time, the nonlinear observer-based synchronization of chaotic systems and application in secure communication was discussed. This scheme to solve this problem is to reconstruct the state variables of the system and to use it to replace the actual state variables of the original system to satisfy the requirement of the state feedback. Furthermore, the problems related to the design of observer for Lipschitz nonlinear systems are discussed. Based on the conclusions, the problems of the design methods of observer for Lipschitz chaos systems are dealt with. The observer-based synchronization of chaos systems with nonlinear terms satisfying Lipschitz conditions is realized. The chaotic modulation has been developed for synchronized chaotic communication system.
     At last, on the basis of stability theorem, this paper put forward a self-adaptive synchronization control method for a kind of continuative systems. When only partial information or parameters of the systems states are known, by Lyapounv theory, theoretic feasibility proof of the methods, self-adaptive synchronization controller are constructed, an self-adaptive observer is designed to ensure the corresponding error system asymptotically stable. A numerical example is included to show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.
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