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As a common problem in the process of human's economic development, poverty is one of difficulties of human society with population and pollution. China is a developing country with the most population in the world, troubled by rural poverty because of lagged economy and much rural population. Since reform and openness, for alleviating serious rural poverty problem, China has performed some system reform and innovation which has achieved great result and resolve most rural population's survival problem. However, low poverty standard of China's rural area, frail environment, poor infrastructure, imperfect market system and other mechanism limit the progress of China's rural poverty reduction.
     China's rural poverty reduction has to slip into a new stage. In this stage, the research on China's rural poverty problem will benefit the following problems: poverty reduction, sustainable development, building socialism new countryside, keeping China's reform, development and stability. Therefore, such research is significant on China's polity, economy and society development. The reality is, in China, the theory on rural poverty reduction is lagged behind practice. Therefore, it is a good way to understand how to reduce poverty in rural area through finding out the factors leading to rural poverty and analyzing on the rural poverty reduction.
     At this background, the dissertation's first purpose is to analysis the factors causing rural poverty with the new natures of China's rural poverty. On the other side, the paper hopes evaluate the government's policy for rural poverty reduction through analyzing existing poverty reduction policies and projects and discussing the mechanism of an effective rural poverty reduction policy. Moreover, the paper argues that the rural poverty reduction pattern in China is government-oriented with social participation. At the same time, we should develop human resource, apply pointing poverty reduction, promote integrated village development plan and micro-finance and built up social security system. And this paper also argues how to reduce China's rural poverty and point out some policies and advices to improve the policy efficiency of reducing rural poverty accordingly, such as: designing good poverty reduction governance framework, building up harmonious city and countryside poverty reduction system, encouraging the participation of financial section and social community and perfecting supervising and incentive mechanism. At the same time, we should improve education level of rural poor population, including basic and adult education, in order to increase existing and potential human capital level. We also should perfect social security system in rural poor area, which both improves living level of rural pool people and benefits the strategy of building up China socialism new countryside and harmonious society.
     Besides, we also concludes that it is not enough to evaluate the effect of government poverty reduction policy only on the basis of how much poor people decrease and how much poor people's income increase. In the future, the effect of government poverty reduction policy will more and more be presented by the increase of developing opportunity and capacity of poor people ourselves. So the government will supply public goods and services increasingly in order to achieve the goals of reducing poverty.
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