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结核病是由结核分枝杆菌(mycobacterium tuberculosis,MTB)引起的一种感染性疾病,机体正常的免疫功能可以帮助及时清除感染的结核菌,从而阻止发展成为结核病,免疫系统正常功能的运行依赖于多种细胞间、细胞与细胞外基质间的粘附作用,以及多种粘附分子及配体的相互作用。MTB作为一种胞内寄生菌,机体的抗结核免疫主要依赖于特异性的细胞免疫,多种细胞因子参与免疫反应,所以结核病的发展与转归与细胞免疫功能有密切关系。临床绝大多数结核病患者经治疗顺利痊愈,但有少数复治及耐药患者治疗困难,效果差。对此类患者进行病原学研究得较多,而对患者免疫功能研究较少。本课题对复治及耐药患者的细胞免疫功能进行研究。
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by a facultative intracellular pathogen mycobacterium tuberculosis(MTB).Normal immunity can help human body erase mycobacterium tuberculosis in order to inhibit it develop into tuberculosis.Normal function of immune system depends on adherence among cells and cell-extracellular matrix,as well as functions among cell adhesion molecules and its mate.Immunity against MTB which is intercellular bacteria depends on specific cellular immunity which involves many cell factors.Specific cellular immunity plays an important role in fighting with tuberculosis.Most of tuberculosis patients can be cured by clinical treatment,but there are still some patients who have difficult in treating because of drug-resistance and other reasons.We have much pathogenic research in such patients, but few in their immunity.
     Objectives:To observe and value changes of immunity in retreatment and multiple-drug-resistance(MDR) TB patients.Thereby to help oncologist to adopt immune therapy,obtain maximum clinical efficacy,in tuberculosis.
     Methods:The patients' blood in accord with the selective standard is collected,and then IFN-r,,IL-2,IL-4及IL-10 is measured with enzyme-labeled immunosorbent assay(ELISA) CD3+,CD4+,CD8+,CD4+/CD8+ is measured with flow cytometry. Data were analyzed with T-test and rank sum test,The changes of the patients immune function can be evaluated.
     Results:a The statistic analytic results of cytokine IFN-r,,IL-2,IL-4 and IL-10 in healthy group,initial treatment group,retreatment group and MDR group show 1,The results of IFN-rin each group are not significant(P>0.05).2,IL-2 between healthy group and initial treatment group are not significant(P>0.05),the same result between retreatment group and MDR group.The result between healthy group and retreatment group;healthy group and MDR group;initial treatment group and retreatment group; initial treatment group and MDR group are significant(P<0.01).3,IL-4 and IL-10 in each two group are significant(P<0.01) except that it is not significant(P>0.05) between retreatment group and MDR group.。The results of CD3+ in each group are not significant(P>0.05).The results of CD4+,CD8+ and CD4+/CD8+ between healthy group and each TB group are significant(P<0.01).CD8+ between initial treatment group and retreatment group,initial treatment group and MDR group are significant(P<0.01).CD4+/CD8+ between initial treatment group and MDR group are significant(P<0.01),CD4+,CD4+/CD8+ between initial treatment group and retreatment group are significant(P<0.01),CD4+,CD8+,CD4+/CD8+ between retreatment group and MDR group are not significant(P>0.05).
     Conclusion:The cellular immunity of TB patients decrease.It shows that the percent of CD4+T lymphocyte decrease while the percent of CD8+ T lymphocyte increase,CD4+/CD8+ decrease.Cytokines of IFN-r,and IL-2 which enhance the immunity against tuberculosis decrease while cytokines of IL-4 and IL-10 which inhibit the immunity against tuberculosis increase.Compared with initial treatment group,the immunity of retreatment group and MDR group are even worse,which can cause difficulty in treating.
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