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As an important part of international trade in services,international exhibition industry plays a prominent role in thedevelopment of world economy. At the same time, however, disputes aboutintellectual property rights are emerging at international fairs.
     There is no doubt the characteristics of protection of intellectualproperty rights at international fairs are very special, nevertheless,few people pay attention to it. In light of following reasons, the authorbelieves the topic is worth studying:
     Firstly, many Chinese enterprises take an active part ininternational fairs held in such countries as Germany, USA and France forthe purpose of extracting benefits and expanding influence. Meanwhile,they often run into trouble about disputes of intellectual propertyinfringement, which leads to punishment by local authorities. Obviously,we should think about how to prevent such things from recurring.
     Secondly, there are many disputes of intellectual propertyinfringement happened at international fairs held in China. it is a pitythat our law enforcement systems can’t afford adequate and efficientrelief to owners of intellectual property when their rights are infringed at international fairs, which impairs the development of Chineseexhibition industry. Therefore, establishing practical and effectivemeans for the enforcement of intellectual property rights atinternational fairs is the only way China can choose.
     Last but not the least, Shanghai Expo2010gives us a vivid practicefor the protection of intellectual property rights at international fairs.In order to guarantee that Shanghai Expo2010goes well, China hasformulated many rules about protection intellectual property rights Atthe Expo, which are useful for the future international fairs held in China.It is our duties to summarize the success and failure of the foregoingprovisions.
     This paper starts from introducing some theories such as“fairs”、“international fairs”、“intellectual property rights”, which are thebasics of the paper. What’s more, for the purpose of following discussion,this paper also defines the characteristics of the intellectual propertyrights at international fairs.
     In Chapter Two, the author describes the legal systems about civil,criminal, administrative law enforcement measures and other specialmeasures used to protect intellectual property rights at internationalfairs in some countries.
     In Chapter Three, the paper discusses legal acts and liabilities ofinternational fairs’organizers and exhibitors. As far as internationalfairs’organizers are concerned, because of the special status, organizerscan play an important role in protecting the intellectual property rightsat fairs. By virtue of UFI Recommendations for the Protection ofIntellectual Property and some rules instituted by some famousinternational fairs, this article analyses the positive role oforganizers. Based on the forgoing discussion, the opinion thatinternational fairs’ organizers should be responsible for the infringement conducted by people who display or demonstrate counterfeitor fake commodities at the fairs under certain conditions is offered inthis Chapter. As far as exhibitors are concerned, there are differentopinions whether exhibitors displaying or demonstrating products withoutIP owner’consent should assume tort liabilities as “using”,“offeringfor sale” or “selling”. The author gives his own point of view basedon basic principles of law and the exhibitors’specific behaviors atinternational fairs.
     Chapter Four is about protection of intellectual property rightsregarding symbols of international fairs, which should be ascertained as“Commercial signs”. By virtue of learning other countries’legislation,we should construct relevant legal systems to protect symbols ofinternational fairs from being infringed.
     The theme of Chapter Five is how China deals with disputes ofintellectual property happened in international fairs. As we all know,Chinese enterprises were often threw into a dilemma of disputes aboutintellectual property when they participated in overseas fairs andincurred a heavy loss. So we should design a proper way to protect theirinterests. The author probes some rules that exhibitors, organizers andgovernment should abide by. What’s more, the author points out both theadvantages and defects of legal systems about protection of intellectualproperty at international fairs held in China. By virtue of introducingChinese legislation and enforcement measures, the author brings somesuggestions about how to improve our rules and regulations aimed atprotecting intellectual property at international fairs held in China.
    3参见刘思俣:《海外展会屡遭专利阻击,中国标准亟待推向市场——2007年德国CeBIT MP3扣货事件启示》,载田力普主编:《中国企业海外知识产权纠纷典型案例启示录》,知识产权出版社2010年版,第269-270页。
    1参见文章《自主创新和知识产权保护聚焦上海“华交会”》, http://www.sipo.gov.cn/dfzz/shanghai/xwdt/ywdt/200803/t20080310_236088.htm,(访问时间:2011年5月6日)。
    1See Edward Vassallo, Kristin Blemaster and Patricia werner, An International Look at AmbushMarketing,95Trademark Rep.1338(2005);Leubsdorf,John,The Standard for Preliminary Injunctions,Harv. L. Rev.525(1978); Peter-Tobias Stoll Jan Busche and Katrin Arend ed., WTO–Trade-RelatedAspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, Boston(2009);Ramsey Shehadeh&Marion B.Stewart, An Economic Approach to the“Balance Of Hardships” And“Public Interest”Tests for Preliminary Injunction Motions in Patent Infringement Cases,83J.Pat.&Trademark Off. Soc'y341(2001);Charles S. Wright, Notes&Comments, Actual Versus LegalControl: Reading Vicarious Liability for Copyright Infringement Into The Digital MillenniumCopyright Act of1998,75Wash. L. Rev.1005(2000);Barbara Kolsun&Jonathan Bayer, IndirectInfringement and Counterfeiting:Remedies Available Against Who Knowingly Rent To Counterfeiters,
    16Cardozo Arts&Ent LJ383(1998);Tilman E. Self III, The Vicarious Liability of Trade ShowOrganizers for the Copyright Infringements of Exhibitors,5Tex. Intell. Prop. L.J.81(1996);
    Demian Stauber&ZhongQi Zhou, Protection of intellectual property rights at trade fairs inChina—analysis of the current legal framework and comparison with other approaches,10U.C. DavisBus. L.J.2007(2010);ect.
    3Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization,Article2.8,“intellectual property” shall include the rights relating to:-literary, artistic andscientific works,-performances of performing artists, phonograms, and broadcasts,-inventionsin all fields of human endeavor,-scientific discoveries,-industrial designs,-trademarks,service marks, and commercial names and designations,-protection against unfair competition,and all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literaryor artistic fields.
    3具体参见德国的“工业产权与知识产权”特别条款(EXPO2000Hannover Special Regulation No.12)。
    4具体参见爱知世博会的特殊条款第11条“工业产权与知识产权”(Special Regulation No.11IndustrialProperty Rights and copyrights)。
    6Chapter7Technological and Legal Developments in Intellectual Property, WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook: Policy, Law and Use, at http://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/about-ip/en/iprm/pdf/ch7.pdf, Nov.1,2011.
    2参见文章《2010年法兰克福中东(迪拜)国际汽车零配件及售后服务展览会Automechanika Middle East2010》,http://laiba.tianya.cn/tribe/showArticle.jsp?groupId=371142&articleId=2723783334760726818291142,(访问时间:2011年5月18日)。
    2Demian Stauber&ZhongQi Zhou, Protection of intellectual property rights at trade fairs inChina—analysis of the current legal framework and comparison with other approaches,10U.C. DavisBus. L.J.207(2010), pp.210-211.
    3Demian Stauber&ZhongQi Zhou, Protection of intellectual property rights at trade fairs inChina—analysis of the current legal framework and comparison with other approaches,10U.C. DavisBus. L.J.207(2010), p.210.
    1参见南京大学中德法学研究所翻译的《德国新反不正当竞争法》第12条, http://wenku.baidu.com/view/defa7f3567ec102de2bd89a3.html,(访问时间:2011年9月10日)。
    2Russ VerSteeg, The Roman Law Roots Of Copyright,59Md. L. Rev.522(2000), p.551.
    4See Elizabeth A. Martin ed., Oxford Dictionary of Law, Oxford University Press, Fifth edition, Reissued with new covers (2003),p.252;also see Anthony L. Friend, Q.C.,and Michael P. Theroux, Injunctions in Intellectual Property Cases, at http://www.bennettjones.ca/BennettJones/images/Guides/update606.pdf, Feb.28,2012.
    5Bryan A. Garner ed., Black's Law Dictionary,7th edition, St. Paul Minn (1999), P.788.
    1Wold Arthru D,Preliminary Injunctions:The Varying Standards, Western New England Law Review,Vol.7, Issue2(1984), p.173.
    2Leubsdorf,John,The Standard for Preliminary Injunctions, Harv. L. Rev.525(1978), p.541.
    3TRIPS, Article44, The judicial authorities shall have the authority to order a party to desistfrom an Infringement, inter alia to prevent the entry into the channels of commerce in theirjurisdiction Of imported goods that involve the infringement of an intellectual property right,immediately after customs clearance of such goods.
    4TRIPS, Article50.1, The judicial authorities shall have the authority to order prompt andeffective provisional measures:(a) to prevent an infringement of any intellectual property rightfrom occurring, and in particular to prevent the entry into the channels of commerce in theirjurisdiction of goods, including imported goods immediately after customs clearance;(b) topreserve relevant evidence in regard to the alleged infringement.
    1Peter-Tobias Stoll Jan Busche and Katrin Arend ed., WTO–Trade-Related Aspects of IntellectualProperty Rights, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, Boston,2009, P.742.22004/48/EC,Article9(1), Member States shall ensure that the judicial authorities may, at therequest of the applicant:(a) issue against the alleged infringer an interlocutory injunctionintended to prevent any imminent infringement of an intellectual property right, or to forbid,on a provisional basis and subject, where appropriate, to a recurring penalty payment whereprovided for by national law, the continuation of the alleged infringements of that right, orto make such continuation subject to the lodging of guarantees intended to ensure the compensationof the rightholder; an interlocutory injunction may also be issued, under the same conditions,against an intermediary whose services are being used by a third party to infringe an intellectualproperty right; injunctions against intermediaries whose services are used by a third party toinfringe a copyright or a related right are covered byDirective2001/29/EC;(b) order the seizureor delivery up of the goods suspected of infringing an intellectual property right so as to preventtheirentry into or movement within the channels of commerce.32004/48/EC, Article9(4), Member States shall ensure that the provisional measures referredto in paragraphs1and2may, in appropriate cases, be taken without the defendant having beenheard, in particular where any delay would cause irreparable harm to the rightholder.In that event,the parties shall be so informed without delay after the execution of the measures at the latest.
    3Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (2010) Rule65(b),(1) The court may issue a temporaryrestraining order without written or oral notice to the adverse party or its attorney only if:
    (A) specific facts in an affidavit or a verified complaint clearly show that immediate andirreparable injury, loss, or damage will result to the movant before the adverse party can beheard in opposition; and (B) the movant's attorney certifies in writing any efforts made to givenotice and the reasons why it should not be required.(2) Every temporary restraining order issuedwithout notice must state the date and hour it was issued; describe the injury and state why itis irreparable; state why the order was issued without notice; and be promptly filed in the clerk'soffice and entered in the record. The order expires at the time after entry—not to exceed14days—that the court sets, unless before that time the court, for good cause, extends it fora like period or the adverse party consents to a longer extension. The reasons for an extensionmust be entered in the record.
    7Vehicular Technologies Corporation V. Titan Wheel International, Inc,212F.3d1377.
    4Ramsey Shehadeh&Marion B.Stewart, An Economic Approach to the“Balance Of Hardships” And“Public Interest”Tests for Preliminary Injunction Motions in Patent Infringement Cases,83J.Pat.&Trademark Off. Soc'y341(2001), p.341.
    2Suntech Power Holdings Co. v. Shenzhen Xintian Solar Tech. Co., No.08-CV-01582H (NLS)(S.D.Cal. Jan.29,2009).See Eric L. Lane, Consumer Protection in the Eco-mark Era: A Preliminary Surveyand Assessment of Anti-Greenwashing Activity and Eco-mark Enforcement,9J. Marshall Rev. Intell.Prop. L.742(2010), pp.761-766.
    4参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第13页。
    1该法被称为《简化与加快诉讼程序的法律》,德文为Gestz zur Vereinfachung und Beschleunigunigung。
    2参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第15页。
    1参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第33页。
    2司法官(the Bailiff)是指那些由法院任命的经宣誓的法律专家,其除了诸如审判的执行权等众多职权之外,还常常受诉讼人的委托作为现场、行为或事实的官方证人。对于涉嫌侵犯知识产权的证据收集,法院必须任命司法官。参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第8页。
    3参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第8页。
    3笔者的该项论断并非毫无根据,因为Giovanni Casucci等撰写的《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版)中介绍了欧盟指令以及法国、德国、意大利、西班牙、瑞士、荷兰的执法措施。在介绍上述各国的行政执法措施时,无一例外仅介绍海关执法,对其他行政机关在国际展会上的执法措施并无任何介绍。
    4TRIPS,Article51, Members shall, in conformity with the provisions set out below, adoptprocedures to enable a right holder, who has valid grounds for suspecting that the importationof counterfeit trademark or pirated copyright goods may take place, to lodge an application in
    writing with competent authorities, administrative or judicial, for the suspension by the customsauthorities of the release into free circulation of such goods. Members may enable such anapplication to be made in respect of goods which involve other infringements of intellectualproperty rights, provided that the requirements of this Section are met. Members may also providefor corresponding procedures concerning the suspension by the customs authorities of the releaseof infringing goods destined for exportation from their territories.
    1TRIPS,Article58, Where Members require competent authorities to act upon their own initiativeand to suspend the release of goods in respect of which they have acquired prima facie evidencethat an intellectual property right is being infringed……
    2TRIPS, Article59, Without prejudice to other rights of action open to the right holder and subjectto the right of the defendant to seek review by a judicial authority, competent authorities shallhave the authority to order the destruction or disposal of infringing goods in accordance withthe principles set out in Article46. In regard to counterfeit trademark goods, the authoritiesshall not allow the re-exportation of the infringing goods in an unaltered state or subject themto a different customs procedure, other than in exceptional circumstances.
    3TRIP, Article46, In order to create an effective deterrent to infringement, the judicialauthorities shall have the authority to order that goods that they have found to be infringingbe, without compensation of any sort, disposed of outside the channels of commerce in such a manneras to avoid any harm caused to the right holder, or, unless this would be contrary to existingconstitutional requirements, destroyed. The judicial authorities shall also have the authorityto order that materials and implements the predominant use of which has been in the creation ofthe infringing goods be, without compensation of any sort, disposed of outside the channels of
    commerce in such a manner as to minimize the risks of further infringements. In considering suchrequests, the need for proportionality between the seriousness of the infringement and theremedies ordered as well as the interests of third parties shall be taken into account. In regardto counterfeit trademark goods, the simple removal of the trademark unlawfully affixed shall notbe sufficient, other than in exceptional cases, to permit release of the goods into the channelsof commerce.
    1EC1383/2003Article4.1, Where the customs authorities, in the course of action in one of thesituations referred to in Article1(1) and before an application has been lodged by a right-holderor granted, have sufficient grounds for suspecting that goods infringe an intellectual propertyright, they may suspend the release of the goods or detain them for a period of three workingdays from the moment of receipt of the notification by the right-holder and by the declarant orholder of the goods……
    2EC1383/2003Article5.7,……The right-holder shall not be charged a fee to cover theadministrative costs occasioned by the processing of the application.
    3EC1383/2003Article6.1, Applications for action shall be accompanied by a declaration fromthe right-holder, which may be submitted either in writing or electronically, in accordance withnational legislation, accepting liability towards the persons involved in a situation referredto in Article1(1) in the event that a procedure initiated pursuant to Article9(1) is discontinuedowing to an act or omission by the right-holder or in the event that the goods in question aresubsequently found not to infringe an intellectual property right. In that declaration theright-holder shall also agree to bear all costs incurred under this Regulation in keeping goodsunder customs control pursuant to Article9and, where applicable, Article11.
    2EC1383/2003Article11:1, Where customs authorities have detained or suspended the release ofgoods which are suspected of infringing an intellectual property right in one of the situationscovered by Article1(1), the Member States may provide, in accordance with their nationallegislation, for a simplified procedure, to be used with the right-holder's agreement, whichenables customs authorities to have such goods abandoned for destruction under customs control,without there being any need to determine whether an intellectual property right has been infringedunder national law. To this end, Member States shall, in accordance with their national legislation,apply the following conditions:—that the right-holder inform the customs authorities inwriting within10working days, or three working days in the case of perishable goods, of receiptof the notification provided for in Article9, that the goods concerned by the procedure infringean intellectual property right referred to in Article2(1) and provide those authorities withthe written agreement of the declarant, the holder or the owner of the goods to abandon the goodsfor destruction. With the agreement of the customs authorities, this information may be provideddirectly to customs by the declarant, the holder or the owner of the goods. This agreement shallbe presumed to be accepted when the declarant, the holder or the owner of the goods has not
    specifically opposed destruction within the prescribed period. This period may be extended bya further ten working days where circumstances warrant it;—that destruction be carried out,unless otherwise specified in national legislation, at the expense and under the responsibilityof the right-holder, and be systematically preceded by the taking of samples for keeping by thecustoms authorities in such conditions that they constitute evidence admissible in legalproceedings in the Member State in which they might be needed.
    1EC1383/2003Article13:1, If, within10working days of receipt of the notification of suspensionof release or of detention, the customs office referred to in Article9(1) has not been notifiedthat proceedings have been initiated to determine whether an intellectual property right has beeninfringed under national law in accordance with Article10or has not received the right-holder'sagreement provided for in Article11(1) where applicable, release of the goods shall be granted,or their detention shall be ended, as appropriate, subject to completion of all customs formalities.This period may be extended by a maximum of10working days in appropriate cases.2. In the caseof perishable goods suspected of infringing an intellectual property right, the period referredto in paragraph1shall be three working days. That period may not be extended.
    3参见刘思俣:《海外展会屡遭专利阻击,中国标准亟待推向市场——2007年德国CeBIT MP3扣货事件启示》,载田力普主编:《中国企业海外知识产权纠纷典型案例启示录》,知识产权出版社2010年版,第269页。
    2Germany patent law, Section142a(1), A product that infringes a patent protected by this Actshall be subject upon import or export, upon the application of the right holder and upon hisposting of security, to seizure by the customs authorities when infringement is obvious and ifCouncil Regulation (EC) No.1383/2003of22July2003Concerning Customs Action against GoodsSuspected of Infringing Certain Intellectual Property Rights and the Measures to be Taken againstGoods Found to Have Infringed Such Rights (OJ, L196, p.7), in the valid version, is not to beapplied. This shall apply in trade with other Members States of the European Union as well aswith the other contracting states of the European Economic Area Agreement only insofar as controlsare carried out by the customs authorities.
    3EC1383/2003Article2.1, For the purposes of this Regulation,‘goods infringing an intellectualproperty right’means:(a)‘counterfeit goods’, namely:(i) goods, including packaging, bearingwithout authorization a trademark identical to the trademark validly registered in respect ofthe same type of goods, or which cannot be distinguished in its essential aspects from such atrademark,……
    1EC1383/2003Article2.1,(c) goods which, in the Member State in which the application forcustoms action is made, infringe:(i) a patent under that Member State's law;……
    3参见EC1383/2003第6条第1款,其使用了the goods in question的表述。
    6参见《关于组织农产品出口企业参加2012年法国国际食品展(SIAL)的通知》第三条第(三)款, http://www.jsagriexpo.com/Article/ShowInfo.asp?ID=2590,(访问时间:2011年6月8日)。
    4参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第11页。
    2参见《香港“快速行动计划”》, http://www.ipr.gov.cn/jwzharticle/jwfair/fairtbgz/200909/550666_1.html,(访问时间:2011年6月7日)。
    4参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第16页。
    1TRIPS, Article61, Members shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be appliedat least in cases of wilful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercialscale.……
    2China–Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights,WT/DS362/R,para7.538.
    1China–Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights,WT/DS362/R,para7.577,7.578.
    2ACTA, Article23(1), Each Party shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be appliedat least in cases of wilful trademark counterfeiting or copyright or related rights piracy ona commercial scale.For the purposes of this Section, acts carried out on a commercial scale includeat least those carried out as commercial activities for direct or indirect economic or commercialadvantage.
    3ACTA, annotate9, Each Party shall treat wilful importation or exportation of counterfeittrademark goods or pirated copyright goods on a commercial scale as unlawful activities subjectto criminal penalties under this Article. A Party may comply with its obligation relating toimportation and exportation of counterfeit trademark goods or pirated copyright goods by providingfor distribution, sale or offer for sale of such goods on a commercial scale as unlawful activitiessubject to criminal penalties.
    1ACTA, Article23(2), Each Party shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be appliedin cases of wilful importation10and domestic use, in the course of trade and on acommercial scale,of labels or packaging:……
    2ACTA, Article23(3), A Party may provide criminal procedures and penalties in appropriate casesfor the unauthorized copying of cinematographic works from a performance in a motion pictureexhibition facility generally open to the public.
    3参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第9页。
    1是指由政府当局出具的正式声明,含有事实和程序方面的详细信息。参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第34页。
    1Demian Stauber&ZhongQi Zhou, Protection of Intellectual Property Rights at Trade Fairs inChina–Analysis of the Current Legal Framework and Comparison with Other Approaches,10U.C. DavisBus. L.J.207(2010).p.227.
    2参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第8页。
    4参见Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,载http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf,第23-24页。
    1Demian Stauber&ZhongQi Zhou, Protection of Intellectual Property Rights at Trade Fairs inChina–Analysis of the Current Legal Framework and Comparison with Other Approaches,10U.C. DavisBus. L.J.207(2010).p.229.
    2Elizabeth A. Martin ed., Oxford Dictionary of Law, Oxford University Press, Fifth edition,Reissued with new covers (2003), P.165.
    5Donoghue v.Stevenson,[1932] A.C.562, House of Lords.
    6Anns v Merton London Borough Council [1978] A.C.728, House of Lords.
    1参见王迁、王凌红著:《知识产权间接侵权研究》,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第5-6页;英国版权法第24条的原文如下:Copyright, Design and Patents Act198,Article24.(1) Copyright in a workis infringed by a person who, without the licence of the copyright owner-(a) makes,(b) importsinto the United Kingdom,(c) possesses in the course of a business, or (d) sells or lets for hire,or offers or exposes for sale or hire, an article specifically designed or adapted for makingcopies of that work, knowing or having reason to believe that it is to be used to make infringingcopies.
    5Gershwin Publishing Corp. v. Columbia Artists Management, Inc.,443F.2d1162(2d Cir.1971).
    2Copyright, Design and Patents Act1988, Article25.(1) Where the copyright in a literary, dramaticor musical work is infringed by a performance at a place of public entertainment, any person whogave permission for that place to be used for the performance is also liable for the infringementunless when he gave permission he believed on reasonable grounds that the performance would notinfringe copyright.
    3Copyright, Design and Patents Act1988, Article26.(1) Where copyright in a work is infringedby a public performance of the work, or by the playing or showing of the work in public, by meansof apparatus for……(3) An occupier of premises who gave permission for the apparatus to bebrought onto the premises is liable for the infringement if when he gave permission he knew or
    had reason to believe that the apparatus was likely to be so used as to infringe copyright.
    1Fonovisa v. Cherry Auction,847F. Supp.1492(E.D. Cal.1994). rev'd,76F.3d259(9th Cir.1996).
    3Shapiro, Bernstein&Co.v. H.L. Green Co,316F.2d304(2d Cir.1963).
    1Deutsch v. Arnold,98F.2d686(2d Cir.1938).
    2Fromont v. Aeolian Co,254F.592(S.D.N.Y.1918).
    1M. Witmark&Sons v. Calloway,22F.2d412(E.D. Tenn.1927).
    2Irving Berlin v. Daigle,26F.2d149(E.D. La.1928).
    1Artists Music Inc. v. Reed Publishing (USA), Inc,31U.S.P.Q.2d (BNA)1623(S.D.N.Y.1994).
    2Polygram Int'l Publishing,Inc. v. Nevada/TIG,Inc.,855F. Supp.1314,32U.S.P.Q.2d (BNA)1481
    (D. Mass.1994).
    2Charles S. Wright, Notes&Comments, Actual Versus Legal Control: Reading Vicarious Liabilityfor Copyright Infringement Into The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of1998,75Wash. L. Rev.1005(2000).p.1016.
    3See Andrew McRobert, Digital Music&Copyright: Third Party Liability&Home Taping, athttp://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/DTLJ/2001/2.html#12, Feb.21,2011.
    4Fonovisa v. Cherry Auction,847F. Supp.1492(E.D. Cal.1994).
    5Fonovisa v. Cherry Auction,76F.3d259(9th Cir.1996).
    6John Salmond, The law of torts: a treatise on the English law of liability for civil injuries,Fifth edition, Sweet&Maxwell,3,Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2.(1920), p.86.
    1Artists Music Inc. v. Reed Publishing (USA), Inc,31U.S.P.Q.2d (BNA)1623(S.D.N.Y.1994).
    2Adobe Systems Inc. v. Canus Productions,Inc,173F. Supp.2d1044(C.D. Cal.2001).
    3See Tilman E. Self III, The Vicarious Liability of Trade Show Organizers for the CopyrightInfringements of Exhibitors,Tex. Intell. Prop. L.J.81(1996), p.95.
    1Id, p.103.
    1Hard Rock Café Licensing Corporation V. Concession Services,955F.2d1143(7th Cir.).
    1TRIPS, Article28(1), A patent shall confer on its owner the following exclusive rights:(a)where the subject matter of a patent is a product, to prevent third parties not having the owner’sconsent from the acts of: making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing for thesepurposes that product;(b) where the subject matter of a patent is a process, to prevent thirdparties not having the owner’s consent from the act of using the process, and from the acts of:using, offering for sale, selling, or importing for these purposes at least the product obtaineddirectly by that process.
    235U.S.C. Article271(a), Except as otherwise provided in this title,whoever without authoritymakes, uses, offers to sell, or sells any patented invention, within the United States, or importsinto the United States any patented invention during the term of the patent therefor, infringesthe patent.
    3Germany patent law, section9, A patent shall have the effect that the patentee alone shallbe authorized to use the patented invention within the applicable laws. A third party not havingthe consent of the patentee shall be prohibited1. from making, offering, putting on the marketor using a product which is the subject matter of the patent, or from importing or possessing
    said product for such purposes;2. from using a process which is the subject matter of the patent,or, when said third party knows or it is obvious from the circumstances that use of the processwithout the consent of the patentee is prohibited, from offering the process for use within theterritory to which this Act applies;3. from offering, putting on the market or using or importingor possessing for such purposes the product produced directly by a process which is the subjectmatter of the patent.
    2Holbrook, Timothy R. Liability for the Threat of a Sale: Assessing Patent Infringement forOffering to Sell an Invention and Implications for the On-Sale Patent Ability Bar and Other Formsof Infringement, Santa Clara Law Review, Vol.43, Issue3(2003),p.778.
    1CISG, Article14(1), A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specificpersons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of theofferor to be bound in case of acceptance. A proposal is sufficiently definite if it indicatesthe goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or makes provision for determining the quantity andthe price.
    7Medical Solutions, Inc. v. C Change Surgical LLC,468F.Supp.2d130(D.D.C. Dec.29,2006).
    1Union Asbestos&Rubber Co. v. Evans Prods. Co,328F.2d949,951(7th Cir.1964).
    2Advanced Semiconductor Materials Am., Inc. v. Applied Materials, Inc, No.93-20853,1995WL419747, at6(N.D. Cal. July10,1995).
    3Knapp-Monarch Co. v. Casco Prods. Corp,342F.2d622,145U.S.P.Q.1(7th Cir.), cert. denied,
    4Chen v.Regitar Power Tools Co, No.86C6425,1987U.S. Dist. LEXIS6755(N.D. II. July20,1987).
    5U.S.Envtl.Prods.,Inc.v.Infilco Degremont,inc,611F. Supp.371,374n.3(N.D. Ill.1985).
    1Brennan v. Mr. Hanger, Inc,479F. Supp.1215,1231(S.D.N.Y.1979).
    2U.S. Envtl. Prods., Inc. v. Infilco Degremont, Inc,611F. Supp.371(N.D. Ill.1985).
    3Van Well Nursery, Inc. v. Mony Life Ins. Co,362F. Supp.2d1223,1229(E.D. Wash.2005).
    1其原文是Das Patent hat die Wirkung, dass niemand befugt ist, ohne Erlaubnifs des Patentinhabersden Gegbnstand der Erfindung gewerbsmaessig herzustellen, in Verkehr zu bringen oderfeilzuhalten,参见张韬略:《许诺在专利期限结束后销售专利产品是否构成侵权——从德国联邦最高法院的“辛伐他汀”案说起》,载《电子知识产权》2010年第7期。
    2Herrmann Jsay, Patentgesetz,1932,Verlag von Franz Vahlen,S.241,Anm.40.转引自张韬略:《许诺在专利期限结束后销售专利产品是否构成侵权——从德国联邦最高法院的“辛伐他汀”案说起》,载《电子知识产权》2010年第7期。
    3Georg Benkard/Werner Ballhaus/Karl Bruchhausen/Ruediger Rogge/Eike Ullmann,Patentgesetz,7Auflage, Verlag C.H.Beck,1981,§9, S.347~348, Rdn42,转引自张韬略:《许诺在专利期限结束后销售专利产品是否构成侵权——从德国联邦最高法院的“辛伐他汀”案说起》,载《电子知识产权》2010年第7期。
    4该案件的起因虽然是原告诉被告的商标侵权,但法院在该案件中作出的认定却可适用于专利法上的许诺销售侵权行为,就法院的观点而言,也可参考Hetti Hilge, Does offering at a trade fair imply a riskof first infringement?,该文章将德国法院的观点予以提炼,其原文为“In April2010, the FederalSupreme Court (BGH) has overturned this case-law and issued a ruling (Pralinenform II-I ZR17/05according to which the mere fact of exhibiting a product on a trade fair in Germany does not implythe statutory presumption that the exhibitor intends to sell the product in Germany.” Athttp://germanip.blogspot.com/2011/05/does-offering-at-trade-fair-imply-risk.html,Aug.29,2011.
    1Pralinenform II, infringement proceedings, German Federal Supreme Court,22April2010, DocketNo. I ZR17/05.
    1LG Mannheim Urteil vom29.10.2010,7O214/10.
    2就该案件法院的观点而言,也可参照Thomas Schachl, LL.M, patent law, IP Report2011/II:“MannheimDistrict Court:Exhibiting a product on a trade fair does not constitute a patent-related offerof this product (decision of October29,2010-Case7O214/10-Sauggreifer/Vacuum Gripper)”, at
    http://www.bardehle.com/uploads/files/IP_Report_2011_II.pdf, Aug.29,2011.
    135U.S.C.Article271(i), As used in this section, an “offer for sale” or an “offer to sell”by a person other than the patentee or any assignee of the patentee, is that in which the salewill occur before the expiration of the term of the patent.
    23D Systems, Inc. v. Aarotech Laboratories, Inc,160F.3d1373.
    3Robert Ryan Morishita, Patent Infringement After GATT: What is an Offer to Sell?, Utah Law Review,Vol.1997, Issue3(1997), p.910.
    2Quality Tubing,Inc.v.Precision Tube Holding Corp.,75F.supp.2d.613,621(S.D.Tex.1999).
    3Holbrook, Timothy R. Liability for the Threat of a Sale: Assessing Patent Infringement forOffering to Sell an Invention and Implications for the On-Sale Patent Ability Bar and Other Formsof Infringement, Santa Clara Law Review, Vol.43, Issue3(2003),p.803.
    4B.F.Goodrich Co.v.Aircraft Braking Sys., C.A.Nos.,91-48/91-515-SLR (D.Del. Nov.10,1994).
    5Robert Ryan Morishita, Patent Infringement After GATT: What is an Offer to Sell?, Utah LawReview, Vol.1997, Issue3(1997), pp.909-910.
    6Ardco, Inc. v. Page, Ricker, Felson Mktg., Inc,25U.S.P.Q.(BNA)1382,1384(N.D. Ill.1992).
    1Minnesota Mining&Mfg. Co. v. International Plastic Corp,159F.2d554(7th Cir.1947).
    3“Protection Against unfair competition”, presented by international bureau of WIPO, P32.转引自孔祥俊著:《反不正当竞争法新论》,人民法院出版社2001年版,第310页。
    2Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, Article2(8)“intellectual property” shall include the rights relating to:…… trademarks, service marks,and commercial names and designations……
    1See Protection Against Unfair Competition Act,1998—20,Article2and article5.
    3Knitwaves,Inc.v.Lollytogs,Ltd.,71F.3d.996(2d Cir.1995),对该案件有关商业外观的表述笔者亦参见
    1John H.Hasla Co.v.Claike Check Inc.,711.F.2d966,219USPQ515(11th Cir1983).
    2Two Pesos,Inc.v.Taco Cabana,Inc.,505U.S.763(1992).
    3Section43(a) of the Lanham Act provides that“Any person who, on or in connection with anygoods or services, or any container for goods, uses in commerce any word, term, name, symbol,or device, or any combination thereof, or any false designation of origin, false or misleadingdescription of fact, or false or misleading representation of fact, which--(A) is likely to causeconfusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive as to the affiliation, connection, or associationof such person with another person, or as to the origin, sponsorship, or approval of his or hergoods, services, or commercial activities by another person, or (B) in commercial advertisingor promotion, misrepresents the nature, characteristics, qualities, or geographic origin of hisor her or another person's goods, services, or commercial activities, shall be liable in a civilaction by any person who believes that he or she is or is likely to be damaged by such act.”
    2Wal-Mart Stores Inc. v. Samara Bros. Inc.,529U.S.205(2000).
    3Edward Vassallo, Kristin Blemaster and Patricia werner, An International Look at AmbushMarketing,95Trademark Rep.1338(2005), p.1339.
    4David M. Hiestand, Ambush marketing becomes Olympic event, Ad week,17, November,1987,转引自徐超:《奥运赞助中的隐性市场行为及其法律规制》,载《广西政法管理干部学院学报》2007年第5期。
    3Payne, M. R.“Ambush marketing: Immoral or imaginative practice”(Paper presented to theSponsorship Europe ‘91Conference, Bacelona, Spain,1991October)[unpublished] as cited in PaulO‘Sullivan&Patrick Murphy,“Ambush Marketing: The Ethical Issues”(1998)15:4Psychology&Marketing349at353, quoted in Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse, Ambush Marketing: Law and Ethics, athttp://www.luys.am/images/scholars/attachments/Gayaneh_Melkonyan-Ambush_Marketing_Law_and_Ethics.pdf,Feb.27,2012.
    4《北京市奥林匹克知识产权保护规定》第三条规定,本规定所称与奥林匹克有关的商标、特殊标志、专利、作品和其他创作成果是指:(一)奥林匹克标志(即五环图案)、旗、会歌、格言,“奥林匹克(OLYMPIC、OLYMPICS)”、“奥林匹克周期(OLYMPIAD)”、“奥林匹亚”、“奥林匹克运动会(OLYMPIC GAMES)”、“奥运会”、“奥运”等名称、图形或者其组合;(二)中国奥委会的徽记和名称;(三)北京申办、承办第29届奥运会期间北京2008年奥林匹克运动会申办委员会、组委会自行或者委托他人为其使用而开发的徽记、吉祥物、名称、标识(含“北京2008”)、会歌、口号;(四)其他与奥林匹克有关的知识产权客体。
    2参见Heinz Goddar:《如何应对德国与知识产权有关的临时禁令》(上),载《世界机电经贸信息》1997年第6期。
    3参见Heinz Goddar:《如何应对德国与知识产权有关的临时禁令》(下),载《世界机电经贸信息》1997年第7期。
    1TRIPS, Article44(2), Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Part and provided that theprovisions of Part II specifically addressing use by governments, or by third parties authorizedby a government, without the authorization of the right holder are complied with, Members maylimit the remedies available against such use to payment of remuneration in accordance withsubparagraph (h) of Article31. In other cases, the remedies under this Part shall apply or, wherethese remedies are inconsistent with a Member's law, declaratory judgments and adequatecompensation shall be available.
    43、Heinz Goddar:《如何应对德国与知识产权有关的临时禁令》(上),载《世界机电经贸信息》1997年第6期。
    44、Heinz Goddar:《如何应对德国与知识产权有关的临时禁令》(下),载《世界机电经贸信息》1997年第7期。
    10、刘思俣:《海外展会屡遭专利阻击,中国标准亟待推向市场——2007年德国CeBIT MP3扣货事件启示》,载田力普主编:《中国企业海外知识产权纠纷典型案例启示录》,知识产权出版社2010年版。
    2、《自主创新和知识产权保护聚焦上海“华交会”》, http://www.sipo.gov.cn/dfzz/shanghai/xwdt/ywdt/200803/t20080310_236088.htm,(访问时间:2011年5月6日)。
    2、Giovanni Casucci等著:《展会中的知识产权保护=欧洲的经验和实践》(第二版),中国—欧盟知识产权项目二期,http://aaa.ccpit.org/Category7/Asset/2010/Mar/16/onlineeditimages/file71268708660522.pdf.
    3、Giovanni Casucci ET AL., Eu-China IPR2, How to Protect Your Intellectual Property at Trade Fairs: Experience and Practice in Europe(2008), at http://www.ipr2.org/images/stories/trade_fair_study_brief.pdf.
    1、Suntech Power Holdings Co. v. Shenzhen Xintian Solar Tech. Co.,No.08-CV-01582H (NLS)(S.D. Cal. Jan.29,2009).
    2、Vehicular Technologies Corporation V. Titan Wheel International,Inc,212F.3d1377.
    3、Donoghue v.Stevenson,[1932] A.C.562, House of Lords.
    4、Anns v Merton London Borough Council [1978] A.C.728, House ofLords.
    5、Gershwin Publishing Corp. v. Columbia Artists Management, Inc.,443F.2d1162(2d Cir.1971).
    6、Fonovisa v. Cherry Auction,847F. Supp.1492(E.D. Cal.1994).
    7、Fonovisa v. Cherry Auction,76F.3d259(9th Cir.1996).
    8、Shapiro, Bernstein&Co.v. H.L. Green Co,316F.2d304(2d Cir.1963).
    9、Deutsch v. Arnold,98F.2d686(2d Cir.1938).
    10、Fromont v. Aeolian Co,254F.592(S.D.N.Y.1918).
    11、M. Witmark&Sons v. Calloway,22F.2d412(E.D. Tenn.1927).
    12、Irving Berlin v. Daigle,26F.2d149(E.D. La.1928).
    13、Artists Music Inc. v. Reed Publishing (USA), Inc,31U.S.P.Q.2d (BNA)1623(S.D.N.Y.1994).
    14、Polygram Int'l Publishing,Inc. v. Nevada/TIG,Inc.,855F. Supp.1314,32U.S.P.Q.2d (BNA)1481(D. Mass.1994).
    15、Adobe Systems Inc. v. Canus Productions,Inc,173F. Supp.2d1044(C.D. Cal.2001).
    16、Medical Solutions, Inc. v. C Change Surgical LLC,468F.Supp.2d130(D.D.C. Dec.29,2006).
    17、Union Asbestos&Rubber Co. v. Evans Prods. Co,328F.2d949,951(7th Cir.1964).
    18、Advanced Semiconductor Materials Am., Inc. v. Applied Materials,Inc, No.93-20853,1995WL419747, at6(N.D. Cal. July10,1995).
    19、Knapp-Monarch Co. v. Casco Prods. Corp,342F.2d622,145U.S.P.Q.1(7thCir.), cert. denied,382U.S.828(1965).
    20、Chen v.Regitar Power Tools Co, No.86C6425,1987U.S. Dist. LEXIS6755(N.D. II. July20,1987).
    21、Brennan v. Mr. Hanger, Inc,479F. Supp.1215,1231(S.D.N.Y.1979).
    22、U.S. Envtl. Prods., Inc. v. Infilco Degremont, Inc,611F. Supp.371(N.D. Ill.1985).
    23、Van Well Nursery, Inc. v. Mony Life Ins. Co,362F. Supp.2d1223,1229(E.D. Wash.2005).
    24、Pralinenform II, infringement proceedings, German Federal SupremeCourt,22April2010, Docket No. I ZR17/05.
    25、LG Mannheim Urteil vom29.10.2010,7O214/10.
    26、Quality Tubing,Inc.v.Precision Tube Holding Corp.75F.supp.2d.613,621(S.D.Tex.1999).
    27、B.F.Goodrich Co.v.Aircraft Braking Sys.,C.A.Nos.,91-48/91-515-SLR (D.Del. Nov.10,1994).
    28、Ardco, Inc. v. Page, Ricker, Felson Mktg., Inc,25U.S.P.Q.(BNA)1382,1384(N.D. Ill.1992).
    29、Minnesota Mining&Mfg. Co. v. International Plastic Corp,159F.2d554(7th Cir.1947).
    30、Knitwaves,Inc.v.Lollytogs,Ltd.,71F.3d.996(2d Cir.1995).31、 John H.Hasla Co.v.Claike Check Inc.,711.F.2d966,219USPQ515(11th Cir1983).
    32、Two Pesos,Inc.v.Taco Cabana,Inc.,505U.S.763(1992).
    33、Wal-Mart Stores Inc. v. Samara Bros. Inc.,529U.S.205(2000).
    34、Hard Rock Café Licensing Corporation V. Concession Services,955F.2d1143(7th Cir).
    35、3D Systems, Inc. v. Aarotech Laboratories, Inc,160F.3d1373.
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    2、Thomas Schachl, LL.M, patent law, IP Report2011/II:“MannheimDistrict Court:Exhibiting a product on a trade fair does not constitute a patent-related offer of this product (decision of October29,2010-Case7O214/10-Sauggreifer/Vacuum Gripper)”, at http://www.bardehle.com/uploads/files/IP_Report_2011_II.pdf, Aug.29,2011.
    3、Andrew McRobert, Digital Music&Copyright: Third Party Liability&Home Taping, at http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/DTLJ/2001/2.html#12, Feb.21,2011.
    4、Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse, Ambush Marketing: Law and Ethics, athttp://www.luys.am/images/scholars/attachments/Gayaneh_Melkonyan-Ambush_Marketing_Law_and_Ethics.pdf, Feb.27,2012.
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