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决策神经科学(Decision Neuroscience)是快速成长的前沿交叉学科,也是管理科学的新生研究领域。它将管理科学延伸到神经科学层面,通过研究传统决策“黑箱”的神经活动,从而更好的构建决策行为模型,它可用于对消费者决策问题的研究。事件相关脑电位(ERP)是认知神经科学中最为成熟的脑扫描研究工具之一,它借助稳定的内源性脑电生理指标,结合行为学数据,能够研究传统的外显评估技术难以涉及的认知过程。运用ERP来研究消费者决策,不仅为消费者决策理论找到神经学证据,而且它所采取的基于过程测量的、多系统协作的视角,可弥补过去决策理论中基于结果测量的、单一系统框架不足。
     品牌延伸是常见的营销手段,主要用来降低推出新产品的成本,以及避免新品牌失败的风险。在过去二十多年里,学者们致力于探讨品牌延伸的评估决策过程,形成了围绕A&K模型(Aaker and Keller,1990)的主流学派,研究主题主要围绕影响品牌延伸态度形成的感知质量、契合性、类别相似性等变量;但是品牌延伸评估决策过程中的“黑箱”,即延伸评估的认知处理过程和伴随它的情感迁移过程却讨论不多,并由此带来一些学术争论。检验经典评估模型,弥补理论缺口,对关键性的学术争论给出解释,这是当前品牌延伸研究的主要任务。
     (5)品牌延伸评估决策过程中存在两种分类机制。N270对不同产品类别描述无显著差异,说明相似性匹配与分类处理是两个不同的过程;而P300和N400则均对产品类别描述敏感,且大类描述导致更大的P300,细类描述导致更大的N400,前者支持第一类基于类别的分类处理(category-based processing),而后者支持了第二类基于片断的分类处理(piecemeal integration processing)。
     (3)“五阶段”模型针对理论争论焦点给出了基于神经机制的统一解释。本研究从决策神经科学的“认知—情感;自动—受控”四维视角出发,融合了消费者决策研究中长期对立并存的基于认知过程和基于情感过程的两大流派:而以神经机制为基础的阶段评估决策模型,对一些经典争论给出新的解释。如,发现母品牌的记忆和情感启动效应,解释了Aaker and Keller(1990)和后来Sunde and Brodie(1993)等研究关于实证中为何品牌感知质量不起作用的争论;通过对分类机制的探讨支持了Tauber(1988)情感迁移模型中以契合性作关键中介的假设,也强调了Bhat and Reddy(2001)属性联想模型中以认知评价为中介的合理性;以感知质量的启动效应和契合性判断的冲突处理机制来解释倒“U”型评估现象,支持了Mandler(1982)的图式调适解释和Martin andStewart(2001)的实证结果,也阐明了其他研究没有发现该现象的原因。
Decision Neuroscience is a fast - growing interdisciplinary research area, including in management science. It can extend managemenr science into neural aspect with the studying of "black box" theory in traditional decision science, especially in consumer decision-making. Event-related Potential (ERP) is a mature brain scan technology in Cognitive Neuroscience. Its endogenous neural indicator is superior to explicit evaluation techniques in cognitive processing studies.
     Brand extension is one of common marketing methods and is used to reduce the cost of new products and the risk new brands. Over the past two decades and more, scholars made attempts at expounding the process of brand extension evaluation and consumer decision - making. Aaker and Keller's model (1990) and the succession, the leading theory in brand extension, focused in the variables of "Brand Quality", "Fit", "Category" and so on, but little in the process of cognitive and affective processing of evalustion and decision-making. It is an urgent issue for many disputes in this area and a task to test the classic model, revamp the defects of leading theory and explain the conflict.
     In research methodology, this study based on the comman theory of associative memory model in decision science, consumer behavior and congnitive neuroscience, designed an experimental paradigms of "Stimulus 1brand name- Stimulus 2 product name" (prime-probe) , and build multistage hypothesis. With the process-based measurement of ERP, we test the the relationships of variables in the hypothesis and build a decriptive evalution and decision-making model and tested it with traditional methods. In research content, this study build a five-stage model: the priming of "brand quality", a dual process mechanism for "categorization" with the valve effect of "similarity" and be congruous in "fittness", be affective evaluated in "attitude" and get the decision output of behavior.
     With the ERP laboratory of international standard, this study designed and conducted four laboratorial study in two years, and found the ERP evidences for the critical variables in every stage of the brand extension evaluation and decision -making, so to support the hypothesis. What's more, we analysised the ERP and behavior data in the time interval between stages and build "five-stage model " of brand extension evaluation and decision-making based on the neural mechanism. We also used focus-groups to get the practical support and used surveies with 2448 cases scale to test the model. With the analysis of OLS and SEM Path analysis, we found the "five-stage model" had a better explanatory ability than A&K model, and can also give a unified explaination to many disputes. In the last, this study also analysised the trends of decision neuroscience in top journals of management and science, and designed several study program which can get breakthrough of the frond domain.
     The conclusion of this study is as following:
     (1) There is a priming of "brand quality" (Stage 1). It can be indexed by LPC, which can be elicited by memory retrieval and incidental affect processing.
     (2) There is a "similarity match"(Stage 2). It can be indexed by N270, which can be elicited by mismatch processing.
     (3) There is a "categorization"(Stage 3). It can be indexed by P300, which can be elicited by categorization, working memory update and attention.
     (4) There is a "fit"(Stage 4). It can be indexed by N400, which can be elicited by conflict processing. N400 can also be regressed by N270 and P300. It means that "fit" is an automatic processing with the homing of "similarity match" and performing of "categorization".
     (5) There is a dual categorization process mechanism (category-based processing and piecemeal integration processing) for attitude formation for brand extension and only "categorization" and "fit" relate to it.
     (6) There is an "Attitude"(Stage 5). It can be indexed by LPP, which can be elicited by affective evaluation processing. The behavior result can be regressed by N400 and LPP. It means that there is a dual-attitude system in brand extension evaluation and decision-making: "fittness" is cognitive and automatic processing and "attitude" is affective and controlled processing.
     The innovation of this study is as following:
     (1) Following the trend of decision neuroscience, we used brain scan technology (ERP) to study consumer decision-making.
     (2) We supported the classic theory by neural evidence, and perfect the model of brand extension evaluation and decision-making.
     (3) "Five-stage model" gave a uniform explaination to the literatural disputes by neural mechanism. For example, the priming effect of brand can explain why "brand quality" was not be supported in A&K model; the categorization supports "fit" (Tauber, 1988) and "evaluation" (Bhat and Reddy, 2001) as the intervening variable; the interaction of the priming effect of brand and conflict congruent effect of "fit" can support the schema theory of Mandler (1982) and explain why Martin and Stewart(2001) could find the inverse "U" in brand extension evaluation but most literatures not.
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