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With the rapid development of economy,the energy crisis and environmental pollution has become a global problem, Energy shortage will become the main factor on confining modern economic and social development. It is urgent to develop new energy.And it regards a main job as to develop new energy.Compared with traditional energy of coal,petroleum and natural gas,biomass energy has many advantages,such as it can be recyled and easy to develop,clean and smokeless ,easy to transport and store,high burning quality and high calorific value.As a new energy, the development prospect of biomass energy is very broad.
     This design is based on TYK-1000A and JYW2-75 biomass briquetting machine,with the purpose of increasing the output and saving energy,the main research content and conclusion as follows:
     (1)The factors affecting its molding are studied and the 3D model of JYL4-75 biomass briquetting machine is built in Pro/Engineer.
     (2)The 3D solid model is put into the ADAMS by mech/pro, the load curve is fitted in ADAMS with the function in it, the model system is simulated and the stress of every part is gotten. The main purpose of the simulation is to provide the basis for the latter check .
     (3)The finite element analysis of some important parts are carried out with the large scaled finite element software ANSYS,so we can have a clear understanding of their strength,static stiffness and stability.After testing,it proves that these parts can meet the loads in the real work.
     (4)The flexible models of crankshaft and box are built by using the co-simulation with ADAMS and ANSYS ,the co-simulation can successfully solve the problem about redundant constraint in ADAMS,and then we know the more accurate stress near the redundant constraints.Compare the two results,we can find that the flexible model simulation result is more close to actual situation.
     This design about JYL4-75 biomass briquetting machine has an applied value and instructive meanings in the development of biomass briquetting machine.
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