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The research target of bioinformatics is to reveal the secret of life. DNA sequencing is the foundation of finding out the structure and function of genes, so it is the research starting point of bioinformatics. The startup of human genome project rapidly advanced bioinformatics. On July 2, 2008, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute claimed that, their projects, CSP, would support DNA Sequencing plan in 2009. These show that rapid sequencing biological genome has been an urgent demand.
     Sequencing by hybridization is the most widely used method, which is divided into hybrid experiment and sequence reconstruction. Because of the technology limitation, hybrid experiment often includes two kinds of errors. Errors will bring a lot of difficulties in the sequence reconstruction. DNA sequencing problem with errors in the hybridization data has been proved to be strongly NP-hard.
     There is much research literature about SBH problem at home and abroad. Methods which solve the SBH problem are exact algorithms (branch and bound algorithm, dynamic programming method, etc.)and heuristic methods (tabu search algorithm, genetic algorithm, ant colony algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm, etc.). The exact algorithms are used only when the length of sequence is small, however, the heuristic methods got more applications because they don’t depend on the problem space.
     Genetic algorithm is an adaptive global optimization algorithm, which simulates biological evolution process in the natural environment. Genetic algorithm is not under the constraint of the restrictive assumption from search space. It has been proved that, genetic algorithm is superior to the other algorithms in solving the DNA sequencing problems with errors. Due to the intrinsic parallel property, genetic algorithm is suitable to solve large-scale parallel computation problems. Parallel genetic algorithm can often increase speed and improve solution performance.
     Based on the above mentioned, the intention of this paper is obvious, which is to improve existing parallel genetic algorithm, and apply it in DNA sequencing problem to achieve accurate solutions and spent less time. First, the SBH problem is modeled. Then, the evolutionary strategy is determined based on existing genetic algorithm model. Next, new parallel genetic algorithm framework to optimize the solution is designed and the calculation results are discussed. Experimental results show that, the parallel genetic algorithm obtains more optimal solution than genetic algorithm in solving the SBH problem. The core points of the paper are selection of the parallel genetic algorithm framework and improvements of the migration operation. The parallel genetic algorithm has four kinds of implementation framework. Combining with DNA sequencing problem, the communication mode of four models is analyzed, and the coarse grain and master-slave double-level parallel framework is chose to use. Then, the effect of the migration on the parallel operation is considered, and a new migration policy is proposed. Experimental results show that the new migration strategy effectively reduce the communication overhead.
     Parallel genetic algorithm should be applied in solving complex biological engineering problem. The research on the parallel genetic algorithm for DNA sequencing by hybridization provides theoretical basis for the application and spreads it greatly.
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