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本文在国家科技部“九五”仪器仪表攻关项目的资助下(专题号:96-A23-02-010),以土壤介电特性为研究的锲入点,对基于驻波率原理(Standing Wave Ratio—SWR)的土壤水分快速测量方法做了系统的理论分析和深入的性能分析研究,为研究开发成功SWR型土壤水分测量传感器奠定了基础,同时研制出与全球定位系统(GPS)联合使用的土壤水分空间分布速测仪样机。概括起来本文的研究内容主要有以下几点:
As part of the Nationa1 "9'5" key project (No.f 96-A23-02-010) on instrUmentation suPPorted by the
    Ministry of Science & Technology Ministry this study took the behavior of soil-water-system
    dielectrics as a key point for further development and evaIuation of a new kind of Standing WaVe Ratio
    (SWR) soil moistufe measuring system. A series of academic analysis and a lot of experiment
    research on SWR4ased soil moisture sensor were catried out and presented in this paPer. On the basis
    of the research, a new soil moisture sensof, which it is very suitab1e fOr field use, was developed. At the
    same time, a new system to measure the spatial distributions of soil moistllre, which can be used
    combining with Global Positioning System (GPS), was developed too. Ih generaI, the stUdy reported in
    this dissettation can be briefly suonarized as follows f
    l. Through theoretical analysis on the behavior of soil-water-system dielectrics, it is proved that the
    real parts of the dielectric constant under high frequency or microwave can be used to measure soil
    water content raPidly This method can get a lot of measurement results with high accuracy and
    wide aPplicabiIity In addition, the results are seIdom affected by the spatiaI variation of soil
    property As a further aPplication of the above result, a soil moisture sensor based on Standing
    Wave Ratio was developed.
    2. In this dissertation, a key point of the study is to build up a mathematical model of the character
    imPedance the SWR sensor. The strUcture of four equal-length probes can be viewed as a special
    fOrm of coaxial hansnussion line. Combining the character imPedance of coaxial and the para1lel
    transmission line, the character imPedance model of probe with eqtlaling length was built uP by
    utilizing mathemaical theory of aPproach. And then, the character imPedance model of SWR probe
    was built uP and validated by experiments.
    3. The spatial sensitivity of SWR sensor was another key poiflt in this study By analyzing electrostatic
    distribution around probes, it was fOund that the spatia1 sensitivity ot SWR sensor is a cone whose
    cellter is the mddle probe and radius is smal1er than the distance betWeen middle probe and around
    probe. The correctness of this conclusion had been validated by experiments too.
    4. Large amounts of lab exPerimellts showed that the consistency of SWR sensor is very good, and the
    SWR sensor have excellent results in every kinds of soil texture, especially in loam, clay and acid
    loam. There were not big variations among their measurement results. The correlative coefficient of
    their measured data atrived at 0.97.
    Under the suPport of Federal AghcuIturaI Research Center (FAL) of Germany, a series of
    experimeflts had been done to compare SWR sensor with TDR sensor made by Germany and FD
    sensor made by Holland. The results showed that the performance of the SWR sensor is as good as
    other sensors. ln addition, the result further showed that the SWR sensor have excellent results in
    every kinds of soil texture.
    5. To meet the needs of soi1 moisture monitoring and vanabIe irrigation, a measurement system,
    named Model TSCIV intelligent monitor, fOr measuring the spatial distributions of soil moistUre
    was developed. SWR-based soil moisture sensor was combined or connected with Ag132 Global
    Positioning System (GPS) in the system. The co1Iection and processing of GPS data and the
    coIIection and saving of SWR data could be achieved, and the spatial distfibution map of soil water
    content couId be protracted using ArcVew software of GIS. The system can be used to monitor soil
    water content and to further advise variable irrigation.
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