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     (1)改性粘土治理方法能够高效絮凝去除高密度有害藻华生物P. micans、P.donghaiense、S. costatum、A. tamarense,由于硅藻细胞外壳含有大量硅元素,与粘土中铝元素易发生离子置换,外加硅藻细胞的自沉降特性,所以改性粘土对硅藻去除效率更为显著,改性粘土通过“互荫”效应、改变营养结构和胶体缓冲体系等方式影响有害藻华生物的微生境,显著影响其细胞代谢合成不同的荧光物质,单位藻细胞有机氮和磷短期内显著升高,改性粘土治理方法有效抑制了有害藻华生物二次增殖。
     (2)自然消亡过程中藻源有机物在降解过程中会释放大量营养物质,这些营养物质可为二次藻华暴发提供物质基础,改性粘土治理方法在除藻的同时有效地改善了水质环境,水体中TN、TP大幅降低,且未出现二次释放。实验末期海洋原甲藻P. micans改性粘土絮凝后TP约去除39.28%~42.47%,TN约去除26.22%~29.93%;东海原甲藻P. donghaiense改性粘土絮凝后TP约去除51.39%,TN约去除17.24%;中肋骨条藻S. costatum改性粘土絮凝后TP约去除93.36%%~93.60%,TN约去除53.75%~71.95%;塔玛亚历山大藻A. tamarense改性粘土絮凝后TP约去除42.86%~56.30%,TN约去除20.72%~35.53%。
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are one of the most serious and complex globalphenomena affecting aquatic environmental systems. The outbreak of HABs has beenaccelerating in frequency, scale, and duration over the past several decades. WhenHABs occur, they negatively affect not only water qualities and the habitats of marineorganisms but also aquaculture industries and local tourism, mostly because of thehigh biomass of cells. Among various options of mitigation strategies for harmfulalgal blooms (HABs), flocculation of algal cells by modified clay (MC) has beenproven to be an effective, low-cost, and environmentally benign method and is theonly technique that has been widely applied in the field, particularly in Japan, Korea,North America and China. Because of the enormous amounts of clay that may beapplied for a single event of HABs, however, it is of critical importance to examinethe long-term environmental effects of this treatment on sensitive aquatic systems.
     The study report here the investigation on the major nutrient variations and waterquality changes by comparing the natural decaying of different harmful algae withbloom levels of cell density to the flocculation of algae by modified clay application.The thesis concluded all results to summarize the following points.
     (1) The low dosage of modified clay could efficiently remove and control the algalcells of Prorocentrum micans (60%~89.5%removal), Prorocentrum donghaiense(>56%), Skeletonema costatum (>90%), and Alexandrium tamarense (>95%)with high cell density, particularly in diatom control. Modified clay particlesimpact the metabolism of harmful algae and inhibit the re-blooming of HABsthrough the combining effects of the “shading” effects of suspended particles,changing the chemical stoichiometry and buffer capacity in seawater. No cells were found to escape from the algae-clay aggregates and release into seawaterduring the one-month incubation period.
     (2) Modified clay particles also effectively eliminated the nutrients from seawaterand adsorbed both inorganic and organic phosphorus with39.28%~42.47%of TPand26.22%~29.93%of TN removal in Prorocentrum micans,51.39%of TP and17.24%of TN removal in Prorocentrum donghaiense,93.36%%~93.60%of TPand53.75%~71.95%of TN removal in Skeletonema costatum,42.86%~56.30%of TP and20.72%~35.53%of TN removal in Alexandrium tamarense.
     (3) The concentration, proportion and cycling of nutrient were alternated by modifiedclay flocculation. Phosphate and silicate were mainly removed by the direct effectof physical adsorption of modified clay. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen was mainlyeliminated by the indirect effect of chemical adsorption and time cumulativeeffects from modified clay suspended. The conversion rates of dissolvedinorganic macronutrients exhibited that v(NO3--N)100in seawater), which was significantlydeviated from the required nutritional stoichiometry for HABs re-blooming.
     (4) The mechanisms underlying the effects elicited by MC on algal organicnitrogen/phosphorus are also discussed in the study. This study demonstrated thatMC particles could accumulate the algal matters to coagulate the polymericalgae-organic clay complexes settling into the surface sediment. The complexesblocked the nutrients and delayed the degradation and decomposition of algalorganic matter by preserving the recycling velocity of inorganic nutrients withoutsecondary pollution, exerting an antimicrobial activity effect of PACl in MC,organometallic chelation, and consolidation of particles, particularly within thewater-sediment environment, as the result, this part of the organic materials asfossil stored in burial sediments. On the other hand, the surface catalyticproperties of the modified clay particles provided reaction sites for the conversionof chlorophyll-a and algal toxins (PSTs) or other active organic matters.Moreover, the higher toxicity (GTX1and GTX4) changed into the low toxicity (GTX2and dcGTX3). The oxidation potential and high pH in seawater playedthe most important role in the degradation process of PSTs.
     The process of MC treatment forms aggregates, similar to the “marine snow” butdifferent sources, formation states and composition of aggregates. The integration andassociation of the whole interactions must be considered as well as the acute impact ofthe artificial addition process. Innovative synthesis studies investigating the long-termenvironmental effects of MC treatment should be conducted prior to the large-scaleapplication of the MC method. Although our group has had extensive experience inHABs on the Chinese coasts (in the Changjiang Estuary of Shanghai City, SouthChina Sea coast of Shenzhen City, Yellow Sea coast of Qingdao City, and the BohaiBay coast of Qinhuangdao City, among other locations), our findings suggest that areevaluation is necessary to determine the way in which algal detritus is representedin ocean biogeochemical models, and new field applications and observations arerequired to further clarify these processes. Further studies will be related to differentalgal scales, species, nutrient biogeochemical cycles, and how PSTs re-enter the foodchain to ensure the temporal environmental safety of the MC strategy.
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