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Runyang Changjiang highway bridge is a main bridge of across Changjiang in Jiangshu province, with six lances for 100km per hour designing vehicle speed. It's deep-large rivet foundation at the north embankment ,in Shiye, Zhenjiang.is a important part of the suspension bridge. The foundation engineering is typical in both excavation depth and scale, on the basis of in-situ investigation, the design optimistic of retaining wall was discussioned in this paper, the mian reseaches including:the using of FEM optimazition methods of rods system;the delvopment of programs for optimazition of imbedding depth of structure based on MATLAB and for whole design optimaziton of the retaining structures based on ANSYS,under the two controlling factors of the saft coefficient and the reliability probability about the whole damage of retaining atructure;the analysis on the m index of soil,the depth of retaining structures imbedded in the rock and the overall optimistic design of retaining structures.
    The results of research show that:
    1.The statistical analysis of the in-situ measured soil and water pressures and lateral horizontal displacement of the underground consecution wall revealed that soil and water pressures chang continuously with the excavation depth,the maximum values appear when excavation depth reach 1/2-5/8 of the designing excavation depth.Generally, the soil and water pressures on the underground consecution wall are less than that calculated by conditional ways.The lateral horizontal displancement of the underground consecution wall increase with the increase of excavation depth.during the process of excavation,the following excavation of soil have an obvious effect on inner force and displacement of the previous struts,which proved that classic methods(imagine beam method etc) are unreasonable.
    2.On the basis of the soil and water pressure and the lateral horizontal displacement in-situ investigation the force-resisting coefficient of soil layers are back-calculated.and it is less than that determinged form standard codes and the empirical values.
    3.The results of the optimization reseach on the imbedded depth of underground consecution wall show that the lateral horizontal displacment of the underground consecution wall do not infinitely decrease with the increase of the imbedded depth of the underground consecution wll.
    4.Theresultsof the optimization reseach on the design of the underground consecution wall show that without the increasing of the rigidity and section of struts.the cost of underground consecution wall can decrease about 5.5% or so,the cost of istruts decrease about 6.3%.
    The results drawed in this paper offering some actual prefencesses.
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