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Diversification of funding sources in higher education has made it become an important means of rapid development in the worldwide. Private universities in the United States is the most developed in the world, the top 20 are private universities in the rankings of American universities in 2008. U.S. private university management autonomy and school autonomy, determine its source of funding for self-nature. Donations come from Alumni is very important source of funding for private universities in the United States, which mainly due to the relationship of "learning edge", In addition, it related with the religious beliefs, Measures come from government and efforts come from private universities.
     Private universities in China are often referred to as non-governmental college, the first private university has been nearly 30 years old, and it was built in 1982. The survival rate of private universities in our country is only 40%, which has a great relationship with lack of funding. So the measures that private universities in the United States how to obtain alumni donations is very worthy of study and reflection in order to increase the funding and promote the development of private higher education in China.
     This paper comprehensively studied the development of alumni donate to alma mater in America by those main methods:description, documents, case analysis, comparative and so on.The main body of this Paper was divided into six Parts.The first part of the paper was introduction. It analyzed the cause of choosing the subject. Furthermore, it defined some concepts, and introduced trains and ways of thought. The second part of the paper to tease out the three historical stages of alumni donate to alma mater, who are in private universities in the United States, combining the characteristics of private universities in the United States and social background of various periods. In the third part from the social culture, government, university and personal to explore the underlying causes that affect alumni donate to the alma mater. The fourth part, for example Harvard, which was well-known private university in the United States, to describe the organization, regulation, donor channels that alumni donate to Harvard, and that made how importance to development of Harvard University. In the fifth part, analyzed the major experiences and problems that the alumni of US private university donate to alma mater. In the sixth part, it analyzed the status of private universities in our country; point out what measures should be taken if private universities want to get alumni donation.
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