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The aims of attaining well-off life being raised in CPC's 16th Congress, from then on, the problems of China's agriculture rural and farmer draw people's attention to it once again. In our country, fanner is an important economic organization in rural area, so income growth of farmer households (abr. IGFH) has been the key to dissolve the problem of China's agriculture rural and farmer.
    By now, the causes influencing IGFH are complicated. Above all, investment of farmer households (abr. IFH) is the most important factor. So on the basis of analyzing IFH by the successively observed date of fixed farmer households in Shanxi province, combined normative analysis with positive analysis, the influence of IFH upon IGFH has been demonstrated in the dissertation.
    Research process: on the basis of systemic analysis of development of investment and economic growth theory, also the correlated research on economic activity of farmer household, the model theoretically analyzing the influence of IFH upon IGFH was introduced according to the connection between IFH and development of technology. Based on theoretic analysis, the positive analysis was done to research the variant law of scale-, construction and efficiency of IFH, also it's influence on IGFH. In the end, the thesis was analyzed in the systemic surrounding.
    The main results given:
    (1) On the basis of analyzing investment theory, the conception of farmer's investment was defined by the relationship between investment and capital. Then, a formulation explaining the influence of IFH upon IGFH was offered according to the relationship between IFH and the improvement of technology.
    (2) Based on systemic and dynamic research on the variant law of IFH, the result suggests that IFH appears small size weak dynamics and unequal distribution in general. As for material capital investment of farmer household, it's dynamics was declining, it's rate was stable and it's distribution was unequal. As for human capital investment of farmer household, normal education is the main method, the educational degree of household labors appeared partial distribution to normal distribution. Compared with normal education, dynamics of investment in technique training and health was low, also the scale of labors mobility was narrow.
    (3) Farmer's material capital investment was divided into capital widening and capital thickening by using new classical capital theory, in meanwhile, a formulation shows the relationship between capital widening and capital thickening with labors average income, then through positive analysis, it was concluded that the influence of capital thickening investment was more important than farmer's human capital investment. In the meanwhile, the rate that IFH contributes to IGFH is 80.87% measured by using the Romer's endogenous growth theory.
    (4) In the research of the correlation between farmer's human capital and IGFH, the influence of farmer's educational degree and technique training to IGFH was positively analyzed, it shows that: (Das while as the educational degree of familial main labor is increasing, income of farmer household is growing; in the meanwhile the correlation between educational degree of familial main labor and farmer's income from high technique industry is obviously demonstrated; (2) farmer's per labor income is increasing as general educational degree of familial labors is increasing, also farmer's income is quicken-up as their years of schooling increasing, and farmer's per labor income is not strongly correlated with some lines of business; (D As for familial labor trained for an special profession, the farmer who received training has more income, also illiterate households had more income after being trained compared with high-schooling households.
    (5) Driven by every line of business profit, farmer household apparently invests less in grain and agriculture. In the course of farmer business transferring, income of farmer household from investment in differential industry has great difference. Positively analysis re
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