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    容。文章借鉴全面质量管理(TQM)的思想,提出全面价值管理(Total Value
    息客户法(the most infonnative eustomer methodology),和相应的管理步骤和过
With the incessant development of science and technology, social evolution, more demanding customers and fierce competition, the markets in many industries have changed rapidly in an unprecedented way. All companies now are facing a complicated and changeable competition environment, in which markets choppy changes are taking place as a result of demographic and social economic transitions. In addition, the benchmarking of the products and standardization of the production, technology, quality and service processes have been accepted widely in the companies, and which makes the products and services tend to homogeneity in many aspects. Therefore, the profitability of the companies is getting thinner and thinner, the growth of industries is getting stagnant, production capacities are more superfluous over demand, and the competition is getting more violent than ever before. Many companies have to confront a practical issue that their existing markets are becoming more and more limited. So it is a very importa
    nt work of both academics and industrial practitioners for companies to develop and expand their market spaces in the unfavorable market situations and to establish the new competitive advantages.
    The dissertation focuses on the issues on customer value management in market space development, which consists of eight chapters, they are arranged as follows:
    In the first chapter, it has been expatiated on that the market space development based on the customer value is the necessary requirement for the marketing development in the new knowledge economy era. Market space is the Lebensraum and development space for companies, and a new marketing concept; still more, it is the demand of new marketing paradigm of the companies in marketing environment changes. The importance to study the issue of customer value management in market space development exists in the fact that it is the need of management for the environment changes, the demand for companies to seek for their competitive advantages, and the requirement to enrich and fill up the customer value theories.
    In the second chapter, a comprehensive review on the existent literatures on market space and customer value is made. New market space development issue is
    very new research domain, so at present there is little theoretical system for the subject. The essence and prerequisite for market space development is to understand and explore the customer value. The existing customer value researches are mainly defined in the framework of means-ends-behavior, and the researches mainly focus on the impact of the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of the products and services on the customer perceived value, as well as the relationships among customer perceived value and customer relation and customer behaviors. On the basis of literature review, the existent researches are summarized and commented, thus it lays the theoretical foundations for the research of market space development based on the customer value, and the research objectives and scope have been therefore sought out and confirmed.
    In the third chapter, the value general principle is concluded on the basis of Chinese ancient philosophy ideas and the western classic economic value theories, combined with successful practices of modern companies. The value general principle universally holds true, and should be regarded as a basic guideline principle for companies in sustainable value creation and value realization. And after extensive analysis of the research results of the literatures, it is suggested that the customer value be a complex concept set rather than a single concept, which contains various values from both the customer and company aspect. The notion that customer value is a value concept set solves the confusion in customer value concept in literatures at present.
    In the fourth chapter, the customer value orientation and the theoretical framework for CVM are discussed. Customer value orientation is both market orientation and learning orientation with customer value as a foc
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