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     纵观相关文献,国内学者对中国上市公司资本结构影响因素的研究存在以下问题:(1) 在研究方法上,多数研究者采用简单横截面进行“快照”框架静态回归技术,而资本结构的本质是动态的,因此应该在一个动态框架内进行分析;(2) 没有控制时间特征因素,如利息率和通货膨胀等可观察或不可观察的宏观经济因素;(3)没有控制不可观察的公司特征因素,如管理层的能力,动机和对待风险的态度等;(4)缺乏对公司治理结构如何影响资本结构选择的理论和实证分析,如股权结构、董事会特征、CEO任期和公司控制权市场等;(5) 缺乏对中国上市公司资本结构制度背景的深入研究。
     为此,本文集中研究中国上市公司资本结构的影响因素,并探讨中国上市公司的融资行为或偏好。首先构建双向效应动态调整模型(Two-way effects dynamic adjustment model),在控制时间特征效应和不可观察的公司特征效应下,首次从动态视角研究公司规模、资产构成、非债务税盾、实际税率、成长机会、资产流动性、产品独特性、财务困境成本和产生内部资源能力等公司特征因素如何影响中国上市公司资本结构选择。其次采用因子分析模型研究中国上市公司治理结构对资本结构选择的影响,如股权结构、董事会特征、CEO任期和公司控制权市场等。全文共分八章。
Capital structure theory is always one of the most controversial issues in finance.Myers (1984) in his paper "The Capital Structure Puzzle" pointed out, "How do
    firms choose their capital structures? we don't know....... We know little about capital
    structure. We do not know how firms choose the debt, equity or hybrid securities they issue."
    The puzzle of determinants of capital structures for Chinese listed companies is "tougher". Given the special institutional environment such as unique ownership structure, imperfect legal protection to investors, unbalanced development of capital market and defective corporate governance mechanism etc, what factors should be responsible for the choice of capital structures of Chinese listed companies? Can western capital structure theory be used to explain financing ways of Chinese listed companies? How doses institutional environment affect capital structure choice through firm characteristics? Can macro-economy and industry factors significantly influence capital structure choice? All the above problems are open for theoretical analysis and empirical test.
    Based on reviewing relevant literatures, the author finds that there are some problems existing in studying the determinants of capital structures of Chinese listed companies. First, most researchers adopted "snapshot" framed static state regression technique to study the cross sectional determinants of capital structure. However, the nature of capital structure is dynamic, it should be analyzed in a dynamic framework. Second, time-specific factors are omitted, such as interest rate, inflation and other macroeconomic factors that are observable or unobservable. Third, unobservable firm-specific factors are omitted, such as, managerial ability, motivation and attitude toward risk. Fourth, there is not theoretical and empirical analysis of how corporate governance affecting capital structure choice, such as ownership structure, governance of board of directors, CEO tenure, market for corporate control, legal environment etc. Finally, institutional environment of Chinese listed companies' capital structures has
     not yet been deeply studied.
    Therefore, the dissertation concentrates on studying the determinants of capital
    structures of Chinese listed companies and investigates their financing ways or their preferences. First, the author constructs a two-way effects dynamic model, and studies how firm characteristics (including: firm size, asset structure, non-debt tax shields, effective tax ratio, growth opportunity, liquidity, uniqueness of the products, financial distress cost and the capacity to generate internal resources) affect the choice of capital structures of Chinese listed companies from a dynamic perspective for the first time by controlling time-specific effects and unobservable firm-specific effects. Then, the author applies factor analysis model to analyze how corporate governance structure affects capital structure choice. The whole dissertation is divided into eight chapters.
    Chapter 1 .Introduction.This chapter discusses about background, incentives, underlying theories, main content, methodology and framework. Definitions of relevant terms, improvements and innovations are also given.
    Chapter 2, Review of capital structure theory. This chapter emphatically introduces to static trade-off theory, agency theory, information asymmetry theory, corporate control theory, and market timing theory etc, with the aim of providing theoretical basis for analyzing the determinants of capital structures of Chinese listed companies.
    Chapter 3, Review of empirical literatures on the determinants of capital structure. The chapter reviews empirical literatures on the determinants of capital structure home and abroad, comments on the extant literatures, and provides foundation to define relevant variables.
    Chapter 4, Analysis of institutional background of capital structures of Chinese listed companies. This chapter analyzes institutional background of capital structures of Chinese listed companies so as to provide rea
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