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China's economy is in a historic transition period, the developed countries demandactive period ended after the international financial crisis, China's exports to in the quantityexpansion faces the challenge, at the same time, also faces fierce competition from the newlyindustrialized countries. With the increasing importance in the fields of national economy,national security and people's social life, information industry has become a pillar industry inChina and the largest export industry. Economic information, globalization is the trend ofworld development, penetration of high technology with information technology as the corein every field of the national production, life. Personnel, funds, information and materials inthe global scope of faster flow, the international division of labor and cooperation isexpanding, the international competition is more intense."The BRICS" with its stronginnovation demand, a huge market, a relatively stable political environment more and moreattention in the world. Compared with developed countries, the "BRIC" economic order isstill not perfect, but countries are trying to explore with the strategic development ofinformation industry's own characteristics, by virtue of their respective advantages inresources to occupy a space for one person in the global information economy competition.The development of the information industry should not blindly follow the example ofdeveloped countries, occupies a leading fully developed countries in the aspects ofintellectual property rights."BRIC" countries in the economic, political high compactness, isrepresentative of the interests of developing countries. China, Brazil, Russia, India and SouthAfrica economic and trade relations have become more frequent and close, through acomparative study of other "BRIC" economy of information industry developmentexperience and lessons, help to establish suitable for China's information industry policy anddevelopment strategy.
     This paper is divided into four parts besides introduction and conclusion: The first partis the basic theory, including the second chapter and the third chapter. The second chapter isa summary of the industrial structure theory. Then from the logic perspective on InformationIndustry in different countries or regions defined and reviewed the different classificationcriteria. Standard for classification of information industry at present there is no unified, thearticle mainly arranges the Information Industry Association, the European Union, Japan American technology and Economic Association and Chinese scholar Chen Den, Chen Yu,Xi Kang et al. The third chapter analyzes the related theory of industrial competitiveness.After focusing on the "Diamond Model",its basic elements and evolution. Many scholarson Potter's "Diamond Model" theory was modified summed up with a "multi factors ofdiamond model","internationalized diamond model","double diamond model" and"generalized double diamond model" theories.
     The second part included the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter. The fourth chapterfrom the aspects of policy, technology and personnel training to start, analyzed thecharacteristics of USA, Japan, Germany, South Korea, the four countries of the developmentof information industry. Its main features are: play a role in policy oriented; cultivatingtalents; the establishment of science and technology parks play a cluster effect; carry outinternational cooperation in science and technology and so on, is the development model thatmake these national information industry has a strong competitive strength. After theforecast trend of development of world information industry is the globalization of theindustrial division, the product scale expanding, leading enterprise internationalization,industry boundaries blurred, the competition core technology. The fifth chapter is about theBRICS countries economic development and information industry development one by oneindividual overview. Play a decisive role in Brazil's position in the Latin American region, isthe high level of the information state. In the telecommunications industry policy, Braziltakes the full liberalization of the telecommunications industry development policy. Intechnology and fund, Brazil adopted a comprehensive introduction of the policy; theinformation industry has made rapid development. Now Brazil's government is payingattention to infrastructure construction and technological transformation and technologicalinnovation. Russia is one of the world's most important countries of science and technology,scientific research strength, research institutes and scientific and technical personnel number.But in the past, Russia's information technology is very high in the military, defenseapplications, and the general public to promote the use of degree is low, in recent years,Russia began to build e-government platform, multi functional electronic card system,information technology has penetrated into the daily economic activities, the use ofinformation technology has greatly enhanced. India is the low per capita income, primaryeducation and health level is low, but the rapid development of information industry hasmade remarkable achievements, thanks to the vigorous development of software industry.India software outsourcing, software, consulting and services and other related business has been involved in the global hundreds of countries and regions in the world economicactivities, mainly well-known enterprises have a considerable part in the use of India'ssoftware products or services. Focus on the development of information industry in India isvery clear, that is focus on the development of the software industry, take the cultivation ofreserve talents is a very effective way, various ways of combining. Private traininginstitutions have issued relevant academic qualifications, and the cultivation of talents withstrong, professional level is higher, can the gap effective supplement information industrydemand for talent. A steady upward trend in recent years the scale of information industry inChina, the electronic products manufacturing, processing, export volume increased year byyear, communication infrastructure development is good, the rapid growth of Internetapplication index. But there are still some problems, such as the existing software enterprisessmall in scale, lack of core technology, competitiveness is not strong; structure of industrialcluster is not reasonable; the information industry policy not perfect etc.. South Africa is thesize of the national economy a minimum of five economies, communication infrastructure isweak, lack of information talent. In recent years, South Africa to strengthen the satellite andmobile communications technology investment, to the information industry becomes thefastest growing industry in South Africa.
     The third part, including the sixth chapter, the seventh chapter and the eighth chapter, isthe most important part of the thesis. The sixth chapter constructs the "BRIC countries"information industry international competitiveness evaluation index system. This paperdemonstrates the diamond model used before the feasibility analysis of an industry'sinternational competitiveness, but also that the diamond model are the problems which needto be improved. Diamond model itself is system analysis and evaluation of a comprehensive,very comprehensive, system, but its defect is mainly studied from qualitative aspect, but alsocovers every element of the surface is very wide, leading to a certain degree of difficulty inpractical use. In order to better the information industry competitive analysis, the detailedfactors diamond model to analysis factors, some quantitative information, according toindustry characteristics, practicality and objectivity and strengthen the relevant factors ofinformation industry selection, which lays a theoretical foundation for the further study ofinformation industry development model. On this basis, puts forward the nationalinformation industry competitiveness index evaluation system. Then in the seventh chapter,the evaluation index system, from the basic conditions, human resources, infrastructure,financial factors, environmental factors, technical factors and innovation in seven aspects of 28sub projects, respectively in Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa Chinese and relevant dataand information in detail, the quantization of the transverse comparison. One of themolecular project, based on the evaluation system of international competitiveness of theworld economic forum and the Swiss Lausanne International Management Institute isfounded, select "industry and information indexes closely related to the globalcompetitiveness report" and "the global information technology report", and strive toobjectively reflect the relationship between actual ability and international competitivenessof information industry. The eighth chapter, the paper according to the results of evaluationindexes in the seventh chapter, the five "BRIC" economic information industrycompetitiveness are summarized, analysis and evaluation. Brazil's economic development isfrom the drive efficiency of transition to innovation driven, its advantage lies in theindustrial policy of free; the size of the market; the use of information technology degree ishigh; the commercial maturity; communication facilities in good condition; high technologyindustry has developed rapidly, exports of high-tech products than the major; science andtechnology personnel quantity; the disadvantage is traffic facilities, backward, the high costof transportation; public education expenditure growth is slow; in the technical personnel oftechnical personnel, R&D personnel less; lack of capability of independent innovation, toforeign technology dependence, foreign monopoly phenomenon is serious. Russia is intransition to innovation driven, the main advantage of using a high degree of information,pay attention to information security, education quality of the national overall high, R&Dexpenditure proportion are higher, the researchers number, patent number, scientific researchlevel is high, pay attention to the international cooperation in science and technology, thesize of the market; the disadvantage is slow population growth and the proportion of menand women disorder, traffic facilities are basic but obsolete equipment, system, innovationenvironment is not free, the exploitation of resources has the ability to attract foreigninvestment and financing ability of information industry is not strong, the commercialsystem is not mature. India was a factor driven stage, but also has the size of the market,develop in the software industry and talent has very big advantage. But the development ofweakness of India is very obvious, educational level of the population, education funding,the popularization of information technology, infrastructure and other aspects in thebackward level. Our country is in economic developing efficiency drive stage, the overalllevel of IT infrastructure has been greatly improved, and information product manufacturing,export capacity, large amount of FDI inflow. But on education and R&D investment is not enough, informatization level is not high, especially the lack of innovation environment,innovation system, and innovative talents, lack of core technology of control, lack of corecompetitiveness. South Africa has the largest area of Africa information products consumermarket information and communication technology, the higher proportion of expenditure,and has a perfect financial system, a good macro environment. At present, the degree ofinformation in South Africa is not high, and technical personnel, patent, listing Corporationare rarely, lack of ability to attract foreign investment also.
     The fourth part is the ninth chapter. Combined with the problems of four other BRICcountries, the development of information industry experience and our country in thedevelopment of information industry, the paper in this chapter puts forward the in laws andregulations, industrial structure, capital investment, personnel training, core technology, keydevelopment fields to improve China's information industry competitiveness of the ninerecommendations. Including through the establishment of a sound information industrypolicy and implementation rules, give full play to the role of policy oriented; to improve theoverall quality of reserve talent through increased education and training investment,establish training system multi way of talent, improve the scale and quality of privateeducation institutions, encourage enterprises to self training; establish effective financingpolicies to support independent research and development of software enterprises, createprofessional software supporting the export chain, cultivate and attract international softwaremarket of talent, and actively promote the export driven embedded software export; theestablishment of information technology innovation system efficiency; increase theindependent research and development efforts, improve the competitiveness of the coretechnologies of software; carry out extensive international cooperation in science andtechnology; improve the intellectual property management system; actively developelectronic commerce; the integration of resources to build the advantage of industrial clusters,the establishment of regional industry focus on the development of the multi-level binding,promoting the sustainable development of capital intensive information industry cluster, givefull play to the leading role of the core enterprise and leading enterprises, strengthen researchand technology intensive industry cluster node risk investment mechanism and development;internal structure refinement of information industry, perfect Chain system and the relatedindustry, carry out international management and establish an international brand image,create the Multi-National Corporation, enhance the competitiveness of the brand; to breakthe monopoly, introduce competition mechanism; perfect the information system security.
     From the Information Industry Competitiveness Perspective on the "BRIC" economiesof comparative data currently is still quite limited, so the author can only try to grasp thecharacteristics of each "BRIC" economy based on existing information and data on thecharacteristics of information industry, the establishment of quantitative comparison analysismodel. So the seventh chapter selects indicators are part of authority as the comparative data.To sum up, with the domestic and foreign markets as the foundation, take independentinnovation as a driving force, break through the core infrastructure industries, thedevelopment of software and information service industry, build a new pattern of regionalinformation industry combination, perfect the innovation system and the mechanism of riskinvestment, eventually China will become the information industry.
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