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Based on the unprecedented economic background of transition from plan to market, this thesis researches on the paths of labor resources reallocation and the factors influencing the reallocation during transition. It is very important to understand transition and the function of labor market system better. In addition, it holds significance to develop the reallocation theory applying to any economies under large-scale restructuring. As its practical significance, this thesis does comparative study of the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), offers sufficient information to other transition countries and the countries facing resources reallocation problem. It also provided lessons and reference to China' s labor resources reallocation during reform.
    This thesis takes "the labor resources reallocation during transition" as the topic, uses the classic the Optimal Speed of Transition (OST) theory as the basis, compares the paths of labor resources reallocation of CEE and CIS countries during transition from the three perspectives of macro, middle and micro. Through empirical analysis, this thesis points out that OST theory has deficiency in the hypothesis about labor supply and ways of labor flow so that it could not explain why CEE and CIS countries holds differences about labor resources reallocation. By introducing the labor market institutions as non-employment benefits, this thesis rectifies the OST theory and concludes that compared with the policy advice of "controlling the closure speed of state-owned enterprises" raised by OST theory, constructing the labor market institutions and arranging the reform time of welfare system properly is more important to the labor resources reallocation. The experimental analysis of 1998 Slovenia benefit reform testified that conclusion. What' s more, this thesis also finds that as to the resources reallocation during transition, promoting new enterprises and restraining old enterprises is the experience from the most successful transition country, and the human resources construction combined with labor supply is also very important to the reallocation.
    This founds offer lessons to China' s labor resources reallocation during reform.
    The first chapter is preface. The second chapter introduces the situation of transition and transition countries, the labor resources allocation system before transition and the shocks by transition. The third chapter introduces the OST theory, analyses the government of transition countries how to realize the optimization of transition speed and labor resources reallocation by controlling the closure speed of SOEs. The fourth chapter comparatively studies the paths of labor resources reallocation and the non-employment situation of CEE and CIS countries, analyses the OST theory empirically and points out its deficiency and amendment target. The fifth chapter rectifies the deficiency of hypothesis of OST theory, analyses the functions of labor market institutions especially the non-employment benefits during transition, draw a conclusion different with OST theory. The sixth chapter studies the adjustment of labor market institutional factors of CEE and CIS countries during transition, comparatively studies the impacts of these factors on the labor resources reallocation, takes the 1998 Slovenia benefit reform as example to do an experimental study to testify the conclusion, and offers some advices about the forward reform on these factors. The last chapter is applies of comparative conclusion of CEE and CIS countries to China.
    The creations of this thesis lie in: firstly, the former theoretic analysis about the labor market institutions as non-employment benefits focused on developed countries, it is the first time to apply it in transition countries, by amending the OST theory, this thesis gets a new conclusion about how to arrange the benefit system reform during transition and testifies this conclusion through the experimental study about 1998 Slovenia benefit reform. Secondly, it is the first time to use the three-perspective comparative methods to compare the reallocation paths of CEE and CIS countries. Thirdly, this thesis uses the comparative method completely the whole thesis. In addition, most of the studies about CEE and CIS counties are limited within these economies, this thesis compares these two country groups both from theory and practice, and
    applies the conclusion to China, which constructs a bridge between transition research and China' s economic research.
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    [25] John E. Jackson and Bogdan Mach, Job Creation, Destruction and Transition in Poland, 1988-1998: Panel Evidence [EB/OL], William Davidson Working Paper No.502, June 2002.
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    [35] Natalia Smimova. Reemployment Probabilities and Wage Offer Function for Russian Labor Market [Z]. William Davidson Institute. Working Paper No.547, 2003.
    [36] Tito Boeri, Transition with Labor Supply [EB/OL]. Institute for the Study of Labor, Discussion Paper No.257, Feb.2001.
    [37] IMF, Republic of Armenia: First Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility—Staff Report; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Armenia, [EB/OL]. IMF Country Report No. 05/422, Nov. 2005.
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    [44] Giulia Faggio and Jozef Konings, Gross Job Flows and Firm Growth in Transition Countries: Evidence using firm level data on five countries [EB/OL]:http://ideas.repec.org/p/cpr/ceprdp/2261.html, October 1999.
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    [47] Eric Bartelsman, John Haltiwanger and Stefano Scarpetta, Microeconomic Evidence of Creative Destruction in Industrial and Developing Countries, [EB/OL].October 2004.
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    [50] J. David Brown and John S. Earl, Job Reallocation and Productivity Growth in the Ukrainian Transition, [EB/OL]. Center for Economic Reform and Transformation,Discussion Paper 2004/07, Oct 2004.
    [51] Hartmut Lehmann, Norberto Pignatti and Jonathan Wadsworth, The Incidence and Cost of Job Loss in the Ukrainian Labor Market [EB/OL]. Center for Economic Reform and Transformation, Discussion Paper 2005/04, Sep 2005.
    [52] J. David Brown, John Earle and Almos Telegdy, Does Privatization Raise Productivity? Evidence from Comprehensive Panel Data on Manufacturing Firms in Hungary, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine [EB/OL]. Center for Economic Reform and Transformation, Discussion Paper 2004/10, Nov 2004.
    [53] Atanas Christev, Olga Kupets and Hartmut Lehmann, Trade Liberalization and Employment Effects in Ukraine [EB/OL]. Center for Economic Reform and Transformation, Discussion Paper 2005/06, Oct 2005.
    [54] J. David Brown, John Earle, Vladimir Gimpelson, Rostislav Kapeliushnikov,Hartmut Lehmann,Almos Telegdy, Irina Vantu, Ruxandra Visan and Alexandru Voicu, Nonstandard Forms and Measures of Employment and Unemployment in Transition: A Comparative Study of Estonia, Romania, and Russia, [EB/OL].The Institute for the Study of Labor Discussion Paper No. 1961,February 2006.
    [55] Willem H. Buiter, Chief Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, What have we learnt from fifteen years of transition in Central and Eastern Europe? [EB/OL]. Paper prepared for the International Policy Conference on Transition Economies, 31 May and 1 June 2004, Hanoi, Vietnam. 2004-12-07.
    [56] Marek Dabrowski, Oleksandr Rohozynsky, and Irina Sinitsina, Poland and the Russian Federation, A Comparative Study of Growth and Poverty [EB/OL].A case study from Reducing Poverty, Sustaining Growth. What Works, What Doesn.t, and Why A Global Exchange for Scaling Up Success Scaling Up Poverty Reduction: A Global Learning Process and Conference Shanghai, May 25.27, 2004.
    [57] Klara Z. Sabirianova, The Great Human Capital Reallocation: An Empirical Analysis of Occupational Mobility in Transitional Russia [EB/OL]. William Davidson Institute Working Paper Number 309, October 2000.
    [58] Swati Basu, Saul Estrin, and Jan Svejnar, Employment and Wages in Enterprises Under Communism and in Transition. Evidence From Central Europe and Russia [EB/OL].William Davidson Working Paper Number 440, June 2000.
    [59] Dean Baker, Andrew Glyn, David Howell, and John Schmitt, Labor Market Institutions and Unemployment: A Critical Assessment of the Cross-Country Evidence [EB/OL]. Center for Economic Policy Analysis Working Paper 2002-17, November 8,2002.
    [60] Ray Brooks and Ran Tao, China's Labor Market Performance and Challenges [EB/OL]. IMF Working Paper WP/03/210, November 2003.
    [61] Zuzana Brixiova, ON the Speed of Transition in Central and Eastern Europe:Does on-the-job Search Matter? [EB/OL]. IMF Working Paper WP/97/102, August 1997.
    [62] Panu Kalmi, Employment and Ownership Change Under Employee Share Ownership- An Application to Transition Economies [EB/OL]. Paper prepared for the CEES workshop in Copenhagen August 20th-22nd 1998, July 1998.
    [63] Niels Mygind, Transition from plan to market-an overview, CEES/CBS,Januaty 2004.该参考文献为作者在丹麦哥本哈根大学做访问博士期间选修Mygind教授“转型经济学”课程的课件之一。
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    [66] Peter Fredriksson, Uppsala University, and Bertil Holmlund, Uppsala University,Optimal Unemployment Insurance in Search Equilibrium [J].Journal of Labor Economics, 2001, vol. 19, no. 2: pp370-399.
    [67] Jennifer Hunt, University of Montreal, The Transition in East Germany. When Is a Ten-Point Fall in the Gender Wage Gap Bad News? [J]. Journal of Labor Economics, 2002, vol. 20, no. 1: pp148-169.
    [68] Rafael Di Tella, Harvard Business School, and Robert J. MacCulloch, London School of Economics, The Determination of Unemployment Benefits [J]. Journal of Labor Economics, 2002, vol. 20, no. 2, pt. 1: pp404-434.
    [69] tepan Jurajda, and Katherine Terrell, On the Speed of Reallocation in Transition:Micro Evidence from the Czech Republic and Estonia [EB/OL].This work was in part supported by NCEEER grant no. 814-13g. Sep.2001.
    [70] Giulia Faggio, and Jozef Konings, Gross Job Flows and Firm Growth in Transition Countries: Evidence usingfirm level data on five countries [EB/OL]. This paper has benefited from presentations at the K.U. Leuven, at the European Commission (DG Ⅱ) and at a World Bank Conference on "Labour Market Adjustment and Restructuring in Transition Economies", Romania, April 1999.
    [71] John C. Haltiwanger, and Milan Vodopivec, Gross Worker and Job Flows in a Transition Economy: An Analysis of Estonia [EB/OL].University of Maryland, USA;GEA College of Entrepreneurship, Slovenia and World Bank. November 2000.
    [72] Swati Basu, Saul Estrin, and Jan Svejnar, Employment and Wages in Enterprises Under Communism and in Transition: Evidence From Central Europe and Russia [EB/OL]. WDIU Working Paper No. 114b, May 2000.
    [73] Stμepan Jurajda, Three Stages of Czech Labor Market Transition: Reallocation,Incentives and EU Standards [EB/OL].CERGE-EI, August 13, 2003.
    [74] Tito Boeri, IGIER-Bocconi, CEPR and WDI, and Katherine Terrell, William Davidson Institute (WDI), Institutional Determinants of Labor Reallocation in Transition [EB/OL].March 19, 2001.
    [75] Tito Boeri, IGIER-Bocconi and CEPR, Transition with Labor Supply [EB/OL].Paper prepared for the 5th Nobel Symposium in Economics, December 6, 1999.
    [76] Crline Bignebat, Employment levels and local labour concentration. a monopsonistic analysis of the evolution of the Russian labor market [EB/OL].
    [77] Simon Commander and Andrei Toistopiatenko, Why is Unemployment Low in the Former Soviet Union? Enterprise Restructuring and the Structure of Compensation [EB/OL]. The World Bank Economic Development Institute Policy Research Working Paper 1617, June 1996.
    [78] Jan Rutkowski, Rapid Labor Reallocation with a Stagnant Unemployment Pool.The Puzzle of the Labor Market in Lithuania [EB/OL]. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2946, January 2003.
    [79] Harry G. Broadman and Francesca Recanatini, Is Russia Restructuring? New Evidence on Job Creation and Destruction [EB/OL].
    [80] Jan Rutkowski, Why is Unemployment so High in Bulgaria? [EB/OL]. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3017, April 2003.
    [81] Jan Rutkowski, Does Strict Employment Protection Discourage Job Creation?Evidence from Croatia [EB/OL]. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3104,August 2003.
    [82] Milan Vodopivec, Unemployment Insurance and Duration of Unemployment Evidence from Slovenia's Transition [EB/OL]. The World Bank Policy Research Department Transition Economics Division Policy Research Working Paper 1552,December 1995.
    [83] Jan Rutkowski, Firms, Jobs and Employment in Moldova [EB/OL]. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3253, March 2004.
    [84] Hartmut Lehmann, Active Labor Market Policies in the OECD and in Selected Transition Economies [EB/OL]. Background paper for World Development Report 1995, The World Bank Office of the Vice President Development Economics, Policy Research Working Paper 1502, August 1995.
    [85] Michal Rutkowski, Workers in Transition [EB/OL]. Background paper for World Development Report 1995, The World Bank Office of the Vice President Development Economics, Policy Research Working Paper 1556, August 1995.
    [86] Simon Commander, and Ruslan Yemtsov, Russian Unemployment: Its Magnitude, Characteristics [EB/OL]. Europe and Regional Dimensions, The World Bank Economic Development Institute, National Economic Management Division and EDI Moscow Office, Policy Research Working Paper 1426, February 1995.
    [87] Jan C. van Ours, and Milan Vodopivec, How Changes in Benefits Entitlement Affect Job-Finding: Lessons from the Slovenian "Experiment" [EB/OL]. Institute for the Study of Labor, IZA DP No. 1181, June 2004.
    [88] Belton M. Fleisher, Klara Sabirianova, and Xiaojun Wang, Returns to Skills and the Speed of Reforms: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, China, and Russia [EB/OL]. Institute for the Study of Labor, IZA DP No. 1182, June 2004.
    [89] Tito Boeri, J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, and Vincenzo Galasso, Protecting Against Labor Market Risk: Employment Protection or Unemployment Benefits? [EB/OL].Institute for the Study of Labor, IZA DP No. 834, July 2003.
    [90] Alena Nesporova, Unemployment in the transition economies [EB/OL].Employment Strategy Department, International Labour Office, Geneva.
    [91] Jan Svejnar, Transition Economies: Performance and Challenges [EB/OL].Prepared for the Journal of Economic Perspectives conference, CERGE-EI, March 24,2001.
    [92] Vit Sorm and Katherine Terrell, Sectoral Restructuring and Labor Mobility. A Comparative Look at the Czech Republic [EB/OL].The William Davidson Institute University of Michigan Business School, Working Paper Number 273, November 1999.
    [93] Stepan Jurajda and Katherine Terrell, Job Growth in Early Transition.Comparing Two Paths [EB/OL].William Davidson Working Paper Number 503 August 2002.
    [94] Alvaro Forteza, and Martin Rama, Labor Market "Rigidity" and the Success of Economic Reforms Across more than One Hundred Countries [EB/OL]. This paper was prepared for the research project on The Impact of Labor Market Policies and Institutions on Economic Performance, supported by the World Bank's Research Committee through grant RPO 680-96.
    [95] Ruvim Shakhnovich, and Galina Yudashkina, Wage-Setting and Employment Behavior of Enterprises during the Period of Economic Transition [EB/OL]. Economics Education and Research Consortium Working Paper No 01/04.
    [96] John Hassler, Jose V. Rodriguez Mora, Kjetil Storesletten and Fabrizio Zilibotti, Equilibrium Unemployment Insurance [EB/OL]. Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm, Sweden, Seminar Paper No. 665, January 1999, http://www.iies, su.se/.
    [97] Assar Lindbeck, Unemployment.-Structural [EB/OL]. Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm, Sweden, Seminar Paper No. 676, Oct. 1999,http://www.iies, su.se/.
    [98] Mark Foley, Determinations of Unemployment Duration in Russia [EB/OL].Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper No. 779. Yale University, August 1997.
    [99] Akhmed Akhmedov, Irina Denisoval, and Marina Kartseva, Active Labor Market Policies in Russia: Regional Interpretation Determines Effectiveness? [EB/OL].Center for Economic and Financial Research and New Economic School,Moscow, Russia, June 2003.
    [100] Fiona Duffy, and Patrick Paul Walsh, Individual Pay and Outside Options:Evidence from the Polish Labor Force Survey [EB/OL]. Center For Economic Reform and Transformation School of Management, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton,Edinburgh, Discussion Paper 2002/01. http://www.som.hw.ac.uk/cert.
    [101] J. David Brown, and John S. Earle, Job Reallocation and Productivity Growth under Alternative Economic Systems and Policies: Evidence from the Soviet Transition [EB/OL]. Center For Economic Reform and Transformation School of Management, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, Discussion Paper 2002/08. http://www.som.hw.ac.uk/cert.
    [102] Saul Estrin, Jozef Konings, Zbigniew Zolkiewski, and Manuela Angelucci,The Effect of Ownership and Competitive Pressure on Firm Performance in Transition Countries. Micro Evidence from Bulgaria, Romania and Poland [EB/OL].Center for Transition Economics, LICOS Discussion paper 104/2001,http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/licos.
    [103] Natalia V. Smimova, Re-employment Probabilities and Wage Offer Function for Russian Labor Market [EB/OL]. William Davidson Working Paper Number 547,July 2003.
    [104] Stefan Bojnec, and Jozef Konings, Job Creation, Job Destruction and Labour Demand in Slovenia [EB/OL]. Center for Transition Economics, LICOS Discussion paper 74/1998, http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/licos.
    [105] Giulia Faggio, and Jozef Konings, Gross Job Flows in Transition Countries.Results from Company Accounts Data for Bulgaria, Estonia and Romania [EB/OL]. Center for Transition Economics, LICOS Discussion paper 77/1998, http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/licos.
    [106] Jozef Konings, Hartmut Lehmann, and Mark E. Schaffer, Job Creation and Job Destruction in a Transition Economy: Ownership, Firm Size, and Gross Job Flows in Polish Manufacturing 1988-91 [EB/OL]. Center For Economic Reform and Transformation School of Management, Heriot-Watt University. This paper is a product of a World Bank Research Project on Enterprise Behavior and Economic Reform in Central and Eastern Europe (PRDTE), May 1996.http://www.som.hw.ac.uk/cert.
    [107] Peter J. Luke, and Mark E. Schaffer, Wage Determination in Russia An Econometric Investigation [EB/OL]. Center For Economic Reform and Transformation School of Management, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton,Edinburgh, Discussion Paper 1999/08. Sep. 1999. http://www.som.hw.ac.uk/cert.
    [108] Andreas Ammermuller, Hans Heijke, and Ludger Woβmann, Schooling Quality in Eastern Europe. Educational Production During Transition [EB/OL]. Kiel Institute for World Economics, Germany, Kiel Working Paper No. 1154. March 2003.
    [109] Hartmut Lehmann, and Patrick Paul Walsh, Gradual restructuring and Structural Unemployment in Poland, A Legacy of Central Planning [EB/OL]. Center for Transition Economics, LICOS Discussion paper 78/1999,http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/licos.
    [110] Jochen Kluve, Hartmut Lehmann, and Christophe M. Schmidt, Active Labor Market Policies in Poland. Human Capital Enhancement, Stigmatization or Benefit Churning? [EB/OL]. Center for Transition Economics, LICOS Discussion paper 80/1999, http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/licos.
    [111] Jozef Konings, and Patrick Paul Walsh, Employment Dynamics of Newly Established and Traditional Firms: A Comparison of Russia and the Ukraine[EB/OL]. Center for Transition Economics, LICOS Discussion paper 81/1999,http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/licos.
    [112] Fiona Duffy, and Patrick Paul Walsh, A Regional Analysis of Wage Determination in Poland [EB/OL]. Center for Transition Economics, LICOS Discussion paper 87/2000, http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/licos.
    [113] Patrick Paul Walsh, Regional Unemployment in Poland A Legacy of Central Planning [EB/OL]. Center for Transition Economics, LICOS Discussion paper 91/2000, http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/licos.
    [114] Daniel Munich, Jan Svejnar and Katherine Terrell, Returns to Human Capital under the Communist Wage Grid and During the Transition to a Market Economy [EB/OL]. The William Davidson Institute Working Paper Number 272, October 1999.
    [115] Jochen Kluve, Hartmut Lehmann, and Christoph M. Schmidt, Disentangling Treatment Effects of Polish Active Labor Market Policies: Evidence from Matched Samples [EB/OL]. William Davidson Working Paper No. 447, January 2002.
    [116] Nauro F. Campos and Fabrizio Coricelli, Growth in Transition. What We Know,What We Don't, and What We Should [EB/OL]. William Davidson Working Paper No.470, February 2002.
    [117] Jan Svejnar, Labor Market Flexibility in Central and East Europe [EB/OL].William Davidson Working Paper No.496. August 2002.
    [118] Giulia Faggio, Jozef Konings, Job creation, job destruction and employment growth in transition countries in the 90s [J]. Economic Systems 27 (2003): 129-154.
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