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Chongqing is a municipality directly under the central government who holds double characteristic of city and regional district. As a local government, Chongqing is a basic organization unit of the government political system. It plays a very important role in the supply of public product and service, in the implementation of law, and in the development of local economy. There is a higher demand on the construction of district-level government as Chonqing has been a trial zone of national comprehensive coordinated reform balancing the urban and rural areas, the joint and junction point of establishing new special region, of setting up the long-efficiency mechanism of industry nurture agriculture, cities supports the countryside and driving countryside by city. This research builds up competency model of the district-level government of Chongqing through research of organizational core competencies, which provides a technical guide for the Chongqing government in the further integration of its own resources, the improvement of government core competition, and the strength of government development and adaptation ability in the future key ten years, and provides a reliable evaluation tool for the management activities, such as facilitating performance management, lecture education, reward devising and government cultural construction.
     This research absorbs and combines the related knowledge of management, administration, psychology and statistics etc. First, after introducing the research background and significance, and reviewing the research status on competency at home and abroad, this research points out the originality, difficulties, research purpose, content and methodology and puts forward the research organization. Then after a brief introduction of the definition and classification of competency, the definition of core competency, research methodology, and the method of model building and its practical application are presented. Next, the variables of competency are collected and a questionnaire is designed through literature analysis, structural interview, scene test and expert judgment. Then the questionnaire is distributed and collected. Based on the analysis of the data, the unimportant variables are eliminated and a final questionnaire is designed. The competency model of Chongqing district-level government is put forward and the operation definition of each dimension is given by employing exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). By employing Independent Samples Test and One-Way Anova of variance analyse further differences demographic variables in this model.Finally, we come to quantitative research conclusions and amend overall framework of this study.At last, after analyzing and discussing each dimension in the competency model of Chongqing district-level government, the differences of demographic variables and its application in practice, the conclusion and future research are presented.
     The conclusion can be drawn as following: (1) The construction of competency model of Chongqing district-level government. The research reveals that this model has a clear structure and significant importance, and has good aggregation validity and distinction validity. The competency model includes nine dimensions. They are strategic guide, coordinating development, construction of honest and clean government, management creation, administrational ability, intellectual mechanism, organization security, legal systems construction, and service government; (2) 80.5% of the investigated people think that sixty competency assessment valuables in the questionnaire on competency of Chongqing district-level government are important. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha of the questionnaire is 0.9550, which indicates that the validity of the questionnaire is high and the questionnaire can reflects the competency of district-level government very well, and it can be a tool for further research on developing government competency. (3) Through frequencies analysis on the importance of competency assessment factors, the average scale values of the five factors—resource allocation, responsible government, government’s clearance, quality of civil servant and human-orientation are 93.4%. These factors are important factors in assessing the competency of excellent Chongqing district-level government; (4)The variables of demology have differences between dimensions in the competency model of Chongqing district-level government.
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