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Both of the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods and theory of resources ecology, conservation biology, geobotany, synecology, population ecology and autoecology were used in this thesis to investigate synthetically the species of Camptotheca acuminata, which distributes and was planted artificially in Yangtse rive drainage area and south of this region.
    From the point of view of geobotany, with the method of correlative factors of growth of plants, a countrywide theoretic ecological division was done for the introduction of Camptotheca acuminata and three kinds of areas of ecological preferent zone, ecological adaptive zone and ecological unadaptable zone were divided. With the theory of synecology, the characteristic on environment, constitution, life form spectrum , diversity, similarity of plots of communities were researched. Applying the method of species association, discrete distribution, indensity index, fractal geometry, etc. to research relations between the species of the communities, space distribution of Camptotheca acuminata, structure of age of Camptotheca acuminata, in different communities. Using the theories of autoecology, distibutons of seeds on land and growth of seedlings in vertical and horizontal directions, biomass of organ of Camptotheca acuminata were analyzed. On the opinions of conservation biology, the external and internal factors impressing Camptotheca acuminata were analyzed to research the mechanism of the endangered species, and with using of CTM Model, the future development direction of Camptotheca acuminata in different communities were forecasted, and . Standing on the position of resources ecology, discussing the regularity of camptothein (CPT) in Camptotheca acuminata of different sites and seeding of different resources, also the the derive technics of camptothecin.
    To sum up, through the analysis on characteristics of morphological, taxa, distibution, communities in which Camptotheca acuminata lived, population and individual, the endangered mechanism was given in this thesis. Wild Camptotheca acuminata was evaluated in international and internal criterions of endangered species. The total biomass in wild, the economic biomass and maximal annual harvest biomass of artificial Camptotheca acuminata in China were estimated. The future of the wild population of different communities was forecasted and some reasonable suggestion derived from the research were table a proposal for the conservation of Camptotheca acuminata.
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