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     结果:Th17细胞在外周血CD4+的T细胞中所占的比例用流式细胞仪进行分析计数,与健康对照组比较,髓母细胞瘤组Th17细胞在CD4+的T细胞中所占的比例有所增加,结果进行t检验有统计学意义(2.7±1.4% vs 0.8±0.3%,p<0.01)。髓母细胞瘤患者和健康对照组的血清IL-17和IL-23进行了测定,髓母细胞瘤患者血清的细胞因子浓度和健康对照组比较明显增加,结果进行t检验有统计学意义(IL-17:肿瘤组79.5±37.7 pg/ml对照组15±9.1 pg/ml,p<0.01;IL-23:肿瘤组293±132pg/ml对照组102±55 pg/ml,p<0.01)。
     第二部分目的:髓母细胞瘤是小儿神经外科常见的高度恶性肿瘤,具有生长极其迅速,手术不易彻底切除,并有沿脑脊液产生播散性种植的倾向,使本病的治疗很困难,现在有越来越多的证据表明,肿瘤的发生与免疫系统的变化有很大的关系,但髓母细胞瘤患者的免疫改变目前还不为人们所了解。Th17细胞与IL-17以及IL-23关系密切,另外细胞因子RORC为目前已确定的Th17细胞分化所需要的特异性转录因子。故本实验要了解Th17细胞和相关的mRNA(包括IL-17, IL-23, and RORC)在髓母细胞瘤中的表达。
     结果:通过流式细胞术发现髓母细胞瘤组Th17细胞在CD4+的T细胞中所占的比例与正常小脑对照组比较有明显的增加(分别是6.7±2.4%和1.7±2.1%,p<0.01)。本实验并用RT-PCR的方法在髓母细胞瘤和正常小脑组织中Th17细胞相关细胞因子的表达水平,IL-17和RORC mRNA在6例中被检测出(共13例),在13个标本中的9例检测出IL-23p19 mRNA,在健康对照组中均未检测出上述细胞因子。
     方法:对BALB/c nu/nu雄性裸小鼠进行免疫重建后,建立髓母细胞瘤动物模型,对比加入IL-17组和未加入IL-17组肿瘤的生长趋势,用Western blot和Real-Time PCR检测对比治疗组和对照组中的Th17相关细胞因子IL-6、IL-23及趋化因子CCL-2、CCL-20的表达水平。
Medulloblastoma is a commonly malignant tumor of the puerile cerebellum. Patients with medulloblastomas after primary therapy have a particularly poor prognosis, with a median survival of less than 6 months; the 2-year survival rate among these patients is approximately 9%. Medulloblastoma is one of the difficult problems for resolving in neurosurgery. Current therapies have serious short-term and long-term adverse effects, including postoperative mutism, neurocognitive deficits. Recently, a new member of the CD4+ effector T-cell family (Th17 cells) has substantially advanced our understanding of T cell-mediated immunity. These cells are characterized as preferential producers of IL-17 and IL-23 in humans. Although human Th17-cell development is less well understood, IL-23 have been shown to collectively mediate the differentiation of human Th17 cells in vitro. Recently some findings suggest Th17 cells may also play an active role in tumor pathogenesis.
     PartⅠObjective:In this study, we want to find the relationship between the Th17 cells and medulloblastoma.
     Method and material:Peripheral blood was collected from 23 patients with medulloblastoma and 17 healthy volunteers. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were obtained by Ficoll-Hypaque density centrifugation. Then the PBMCs were cultured for 24 hours. We determined the prevalence of Th17 cells in peripheral blood by flow cytometric analysis. The concentrations of IL-17 and IL-23 cytokines in serum were measured by ELISA.
     Result:The proportion of peripheral blood Th17 cells in medulloblastoma patients was significantly higher than that in healthy donors (2.7±1.4% vs 0.8±0.3%, p< 0.01, the cytokines concentrations were significantly higher in patients than that in control subjects (IL-17:79.5±37.7 pg/ml vs 15±9.1 pg/ml, p<0.01;IL-23: 293±132pg/ml vs 102±55 pg/ml, p< 0.01).
     Part II Objective:To study Th17-related factors (IL-17, IL-23, and RORC) in tumor tissues from patients with medulloblastoma and evaluated the potential association of Th17 cells with human medulloblastoma.
     Method:13 tumor tissues were collected during surgery. Tumor-infiltrating lymphcytes were obtained by Ficoll-Hypaque density centrifugation. Control group cotained 13 cases. Then the tumor-infiltrating lymphcytes were cultured for 24 hours. The PBMCs were cultured for 24 hours. We determined the prevalence of Th17 cells in tumor-infiltrating lymphcytes by flow cytometric analysis. Th17-re-lated factors (IL-17, IL-23pl9, and RORC) in tumor-infiltrating lymphcytes and autologous normal tissues was measured by RT-PCR
     Result:Our data indicated an increased prevalence of Th17 cells in Medulloblastoma-infiltrating T cells s in comparison to controls (6.7±2.4% vs 1.7±2.1%, p< 0.01). IL-17 and RORC mRNA expressions were synchronically detected in 6 out of the 13 samples. Increased expression of IL-23p19 mRNA was observed in 9 out of 13 specimens. No expression was detected in autologous normal tissues.
     PartⅢObjective:To study the activity of IL-17 in immunologic reconstitution BALB/c nu/nu mouse bearing Medulloblastoma and detecte the expression level of IL-23, IL-6, CCL-2, CCL-20 in tumors
     Method:IL-17 was added to immunologic reconstitution BALB/c nu/nu mouse bearing Medulloblastoma. The mouse's survival time and the tumors weights were observed. We also detected the expression level of IL-23, IL-6, CCL-2, CCL-20 in tumors by Westle blot and Real-time PCR.
     Result:The survival times of IL-17 adding group were prolonged and the growing of the tumor of experimental group was retarded.the expression level of IL-23, IL-6, CCL-2, CCL-20 of IL-17 adding group was ascent.
     Conclusion:(1) Th17 cells and relative cytokines IL-17, IL-23 may take a role in the development of medulloblastoma. (2) Th17 cells and related factors (IL-17, IL-23, and RORC) may take a role in the development of medulloblastoma. (3) IL-17 may play a role in the antineoplastic immunity in medulloblastoma.
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