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Most of the airports pavement in Syria are rigid; Portland Cement Concrete, inthe last several years a rehabilitation of these airfields ( runways, taxiway,.. ) isneeded because most of them has reached it’s designed life time or because of theincreasing weight of new landing aircrafts.
     The research will try to get use of technology used in China to rehabilitate theairports pavement by adding a new flexible layer ( flexible overlay ) and willdiscus HarbinInternationalAirport as an example of this procedure.
     This research will concentrate on the design of a Hot Mixed Asphalt ( HMA )overlayon an existing Portland Cement Concrete ( PCC ) pavement.
     At first this thesis will discuss the common distresses could be seen in airportspavement surface ( structural, functional ) and the cause of these distresses.
     The research also will discuss the structural and functional evaluation of anexisting PCC airfield pavement and then the design method of a HMAoverlay onPCC pavement according to Federal Aviation Administration in the U.S. and willshow the result of Harbin International Airport pavement evaluation and thereasons of the problems shown in the existing PCC pavement.
     And it will elaborately discuss the optimum methods for designing the materialsto be used in the overlay by showing special specifications of the hot mixedasphalt to be used in the airfield pavement and the difference between airportsand highways pavement .
     Then will browse the HMA design for the overlay used in Harbin InternationalAirport and the results of the investigation which carried out in 2006 todetermine the situation of Stone Matrix Asphalt ( SMA) overlay after 4 years ofbeing in use.
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