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     国内关于证券发行监管的研究主要是描述性论述,运用实证研究的方法来分析证券发行监管制度有效性的文章非常少;国外关于证券市场有效性问题最有影响力的理论应首推美国著名经济学家法玛(E.F.Fama)在1970年提出的“有效率市场假说”(Efficient Market Hypothesis,简称为EMH),但其一般只适用于证券交易市场有效性问题的分析。本文试图用一种较为恰当的实证研究方法分析我国证券发行监管制度的有效性,这也是本文研究方法上的创新之处。
In December,1990,taking the establishment of Shanghai stock market as the symbol, the stock market of new China was born and started to grow.After more than 10 years' whets and tempers,the stock market of China,itself the child who toddled from one growing up gradually,has obtained the result which attracted worldwide attention.It has powerfully promoted the state-owned enterprise's mechanism transformation and the establishment of modern enterprise system,and impelled greatly the development of the national economy,the adjustment of industrial structure and the advance in technology.The development of the stock market made the market economy thought sink deep into the hearts of the people and the deepening of the money market has accelerated greatly the entire economic restructuring step.After more than 10 years' development,the stock market of China now stands on the front stage of the stock market in Asia.
     Adapting with the development of the market,the supervision system of negotiable securities in our country is also consummating gradually.In October,1992,the State Council decided to establish State Council Negotiable Securities Committee and the implementing agency—Chinese Negotiable Securities Management and Supervision Committee.In the same year,the State Council promulgated "Notice of the State Council about Further to Strengthen Stock Market Macroscopic Management".In December,1993, "Corporation Law of the People's Republic of China" was promulgated.In November,1997, the Chinese Central Committee held the national finance workshop with the State Council, formulated the organizational reform plan of the stock market supervision,and further strengthened to uniform the supervision of the stock market.In addition,the Chinese Securities Supervisory Association established three-level supervision system and has been responsible for the centralized control of the national negotiable securities and commodities trading.On July 1,1999 "Securities law of the People's Republic of China "promulgated officially,has laid the foundation for supervising and managing the stock market legally.
     The supervision of negotiable securities issue,the first strobe of the stock market,will directly affect the development and stability of the negotiable securities trading market.It will also affect the efficiency of resources allocation of the entire stock market.Therefore,it is necessary to conduct the research on the validity of the supervision of present negotiable securities issue.
     Domestic literatures concerning the supervision of negotiable securities issue mainly concentrate on description,and few of them use empirical analysis.The methods of empirical analysis used to evaluate the validity of the supervision system of negotiable securities issue abroad,should initiate the "Efficient Market Hypothesis"(EMH) put forward in 1970 by the famous American economist,E.F.Fama,which may be the most influential theory.But it is applicable to the analysis of securities trade market generally only,but not suitable to be applied to the market in China for the supervision of negotiable securities issue.In order to evaluate it impersonally and equitably,this paper tries to use a proper method of empirical analysis to evaluate the validity of the supervision of negotiable securities issue in China,which is also the creative foundation of this paper.
     Firstly,the author states the basic concepts of the supervision of negotiable securities issue in the paper,using the method of from general to special.Based on the theories of common economic supervision and the science of law,the paper gives the economic analysis on the necessity and the core of the supervision of negotiable securities issue.Secondly,he expounds the three organic related components of the supervision systems of negotiable securities issue:the review system of negotiable securities issue,the pricing system of negotiable securities issue and the disclosure system of relevant information.The review system of negotiable securities issue reflects the value orientation of the supervision system of negotiable securities issue and also focuses on the idea of the supervision of negotiable securities issue.The pricing system of negotiable securities issue, which mainly reflects the function of modulation in the market,decides the function of determination of value in the market of negotiable securities issue and the exercise of resource allocation.And the disclosure system of relevant information is the basis of the review system of negotiable securities issue and the pricing system of negotiable securities issue,and it is also the basis of the whole market of negotiable securities issue.In order to take the case study systematically in accordance with the review system of negotiable securities issue,the author of the paper states the supervision system of negotiable securities issue for the review system of negotiable securities issue in most cases.Thirdly, after comparing the systems of negotiable securities issue supervision in the foreign developed stock markets with that in China,from the point of view of the institutional change,the paper points out that there's still too much nonmarketizational governmental intervention in the supervision of negotiable securities issue in China.As a result,we still have a long way to go in many aspects compared with the mature markets abroad,such as the function of the supervision of negotiable securities issue,the concepts of securities issue and listing,and the background of using sponsor system,etc.While evaluating the validity of the supervision system of negotiable securities issue in our country,the author does the empirical analysis studying on the outstanding achievements separately from the listed companies appearing on the market in the recent three years.Because of the limitation of the data obtained and too much work to do,the author does the empirical analysis studying mainly according to the data collected from the A listed companies appearing on the market in 2002.The conclusion drawn from the empirical analysis is that we cannot express optimistic view as to improve the validity of the supervision of negotiable securities issue in our country.In consideration of the above,the author puts forward some policy suggestions on how to improve the validity of the supervision of negotiable securities issue in the aspects of systematic environment and micro basis.
2 转引自《论对证券市场的适度监管》陈岱松《证券法律评论》2003年卷
    3 D.Needham,The Economics and Politics of Regulation A Behavioral Approach,Little Brown and Company,1983
    4 Alan Storne,Regulation and Its Alternatives,Congressional Quarterly Press,1982
    5 B.M..Mitnick:The Political Economy of Regulation,Columbia University Press,New York,1980
    6 D.Gowland:The Regulation of Financial Market in the 1990s,Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.1990
    7 A.E.kahn:The Economics of Regulation;Principles and Institutions,John Wiley&Sons1970
    8 参见洪伟力着:《证券监管:理论与实践》上海财经大学出版社2000年版;李东方着:《证券监管法律制度研究》北京大学出版社2002年版;高西庆:《论证券监管权》载《中国法学》2002年第5期等。
    9 杨志华:《证券法律制度研究》,中国政法大学出版社1995年版,第49页。
    10 日本《证券交易法》第2条。
    11 台湾《证券交易法》第7条。
    12 台湾《证券交易法》第8条。
    17 See Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation,Http://www.iosco.org.
    18 See supra note 1.
    19 http://www.sec.gov/about/whatwedo.shtm10610912005.
    20 http://www.fsa.gov.uk/Pages/About/Aims/index.shtm106/09/2005.
    21 余雪明:《证券管理》,第15页,三民书局。
    22 Gibson H.& E.Tsakalotos,1994:"The Scope and Limits of Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries:a Critical Survey",Journal of Developing Studies,Vol.30,pp.578-625
    23 保罗.萨缪尔森,威廉.诺德豪斯,《经济学》第16版华夏出版社1999年版第223页
    24 保罗.萨缪尔森,威廉.诺德豪斯,《经济学》第16版华夏出版社1999年版第223页
    25 R.A Posner:Economics Analysis Of Lam,P3
    26 R.A Posner:Economics Of Justice,Harvard University Press,1983,P115
    27 R.A Posner:Economics Analysis Of Lam,P25
    28 R.A Posner:Economics Analysis Of Lam,P5l7
    29 《证券法公平与效率及其均衡与整合》,钟付和,人大复印资料《经济法、劳动法》,2001年第3期,P15-19。
    30 许成钢、皮斯托:《不完备法律》(上)载《比较》第3期,第127-128页,中信出版社2002年版。
    31 “制度理论专题”《又读科斯》,盛洪,引自“公法评论”网站,2002年3月20日。
    32 《经济学分析法学》,张乃根,上海三联书店出版社,1995,P9-18.
    33 参见范健主编《商法》,高等教育出版社,2000年10月,第265页。
    34 参见徐兆宏主编《中国证券证券法学》,上海大学出版社,2000年10月,第279页。
    35 陈苏:“析证券发行审核制度的二元结构”,载《法学杂志》,2001年第1期,第37-38页。
    36 参见洪伟力:《证券监管:理论与实践》,第134页,上海财经大学出版社2000年版。
    37 See James D.Cox Robert W.Hillman Donald C.Langevoort,Securities Regulation p.15.
    38 林国全:《证券交易法研究》,第46页,中国政法大学出版社2002年9月第1版。
    39 从严格意义上讲,核准制所谓的核准都是指政府主管机构的核准,体现了政府对证券市场所进行的干预,然而在有些国家这种核准的权力并不是由政府机构来行使的,如英国是在2000年5月上市核准权移交FSA以前是由自律机构伦敦证券交易所来行使的,但英国实行的是核准制。所以说从实际情况来看,并不是所有国家实行的核准制都是由政府机构来行使核准权的。本部分仅是从一般意义上来分析核准制的特征,所以主要论述的是政府行使核准权的情形。
    40 在核准制下,也有证券私募发行制度,则不需要证券监管机构或其授权机构批准。
    41 See Jorge Baetge,The Role of Disclosure and Auditing as Affecting Corporate Governance,Presentation at the Symposium on Comparative Corporate Governance at the Max-Planck-Institut,Hamburg,Germany(1997).
    42 参见徐兆宏:《中国证券法学》,第60-61页,上海财经大学出版社2000年10月第1版;洪伟力:《证券监管:理论与实践》,第134页,上海财经大学出版社2000年版。
    43 See James D.Cox Robert W.Hillman Donald C.Langevoort,Securities Regulation p.15.
    44 林田全:《证券交易法研究》,第25页,中国政法大学出版社2002年9月第1版。
    45 L.D.Brandeis,Other People's Money62(1914)see James D.Cox Robert W.Hillman Donald C.Langevoort,Securities Regulation p.4.
    46 林国全:《证券交易法研究》,第25页,中国政法大学出版社,2002年9月第1版。
    47 杨志华:《证券法律制度研究》,第66页,中国政法大学出版社1995年版。
    48 See Landis,The Legislative History of the Securities Actof 1933.Wash.L.Rv29(1959).
    49 该小组由Felix Frankfurter负责召集,包括哈佛大学法学院教授James M.Landis,一位政府律师Thomas G.Corcoran,和一位执业律师Benjamm V.Cohen。在一个星期五,该小组开始工作,周六晚些时,草案完成。
    50 LL.Fundamentals of Securities Regulation,p.32.
    54 林国全:《证券交易法研究》,第40页,中国政法大学出版社,2002年9月第1版。
    55 如台湾“证交法”第四十条规定:“对于有价证券募集之核准,不得籍以作为证实申请事项或保证证券价值之宣传。”我国《证券法》第19条规定:“股票依法发行后,发行人经营与收益的变化,由发行人自行负责;由此变化引致的投资风险,由投资者自行负责。”同样,中国证监会要求发行人在招股说明书的扉页上将第19条的规定原封不动写上,同时还要声明:“中国证监会、其它政府机关对本次发行所做的任何决定或意见,均不表明其对本发行人的股票的价值或投资者收益的实质性判断或保证。”
    56 林国全:《证券交易法研究》,第26-27页,中国政法大学出版社,2002年9月第1版。
    57 Ritter J.R.:"Initial Public Offerings".Contemporary Finance Digest,Feb.,1998,pp5-30.
    58 Ritter J.R.:"Initial Public Offerings",Contemporary Finance Digest,Feb.,1998,pp5-30.
    59 冯巍、吕一凡:《新股发行定价方式研究》,深圳证券交易所研究报告,2000年12月。
    60 冯巍、吕一凡:《新股发行定价方式研究》,深圳证券交易所研究报告,2000年12月。
    61 桑榕:《各国首次公开发行股票的发售机制比较及借鉴》,《国际金融研究》,2001年10期。
    62 赵林茂、张小蒂:《IPO's发售机制的演进趋势及比较分析》,《证券市场导报》,2003年12月。
    63 该组织现已更名为“中华民国证券商业同业公会”。
    64 除竞价方式外,该办法还增加了累积投标方式,但目前仅限于上市公司增发新股使用。
    65 冯巍、吕一凡:《新股发行定价方式研究》,深圳证券交易所研究报告,2000年12月。
    67 赵林茂、张小蒂:《IPO's发售机制的演进趋势及比较分析》,《证券市场导报》,2003年12月。
    68 Rock,Kevin:"Why New Issues Are Under priced? "Journal of Financial Economics 15,1986,pp187-212.
    69 冯巍、吕一凡:《新股发行定价方式研究》 2133,深圳证券交易所研究报1959-90告,2000年12月。
    70 谢海昌、周海明:《国外新股短期发行抑价现象及理论综述》,《南方金融》,2004年4期。
    71 张涛:《IPO折价现象的行为金融学解释》,《华南金融研究》,2004年6月。
    72 Ritter J.R.:"Initial Public Offerings",Contemporary Finance Digest,Feb.,1998,pp5-30.
    73 李国秋:《证券市场信息机制》,北京图书馆出版社2003年版,第137页。
    74 李东方:《证券监管法律制度研究》、北京大学出版社2002年版,第138页。
    75 张文显:《当代西方法学思潮》,辽宁人民出版社1988年版,第217页。
    76 李国秋:《证券市场信息机制》,北京图书馆出版社2003年版,第138页。
    77 李东方:《证券监管法律制度研究》、北京大学出版社2002年版,第142-143页。
    78 美国证券专家组:《关于证券立法的报告》,第413页。
    79 洪伟力:《证券监管:理论与实践》,上海财经大学出版社2000年版,第193页。
    80 习龙生、朱晓磊:《中美证券承销制度比较研究》,《证券法律评论》,2002年10月。
    81 黄振中:《美国证券法上的民事责任和民事诉讼》,法律出版社2003年版,第59页。
    82 盛学军:《证券公开规制研究》,法律出版社2004年版,第32页。
    83 王君彩等:《中日上市公司信息披露制度比较研究》,中国财政经济出版社2004年版,第71页。
    84 参见《日本证券交易法》第5条。
    85 参见《日本证券交易法》第13条。
    86 胡继之主编:《海外主要证券市场发行制度》,中国金融出版社2001年版,第194页。
    88 齐斌:《预测性信息披露与安全港制度》,《证券法律评论》,2001年第1期。
    93 李晓华:《证券市场信息披露规则一体化探讨》,《证券市场导报》,2002年1月。
    94 于绪刚着:《交易所非互助化及其对自律的影响》,北京大学出版社2001年版,第152页。
    95 Martini.Budd,Nicholas Wolfson,Securities Regulation,P.17.
    96 张宗新:《中国证券市场低效率的制度分析》,《经济管理》,2001年第19期。
    97 吴敬琏:“中国的改革要警惕‘权贵资本主义'”,《财经界》2001年第3期。
    98 参见陈富良:“政府规制俘虏理论与对规制者的规制”,《江西财经大学学报》,2001年第5期。
    99 参见姜明安:“行政的现代化与行政程序制度”,《法制与社会发展》,1998年第2期。
    100 金泽刚着:《证券市场监管与司法介入》,山东人民出版社2004年,第128页。
    9、A.E.kahn:The Economics of Regulation:Principles and Institutions,John Wiley&Sons,1970.
    10、Alan Storne,Regulation and Its Alternatives,Congressional Quarterly Press,1982.
    11、B.M..Mitnick:The Political Economy of Regulation,Columbia University Press,New York,1980.
    12、D.Gowland:The Regulation of Financial Market in the 1990s,Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.1990.
    13、D.Nccdham,The Economics and Politics of Regulation A Behavioral Approach,Little Brown and Company,1983.
    14、David Ratner,Securities Regulation,West Publishing Co.4th Ed,1992.
    15、Gibson H.& E.Tsakalotos:"The Scope and Limits of Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries:a Critical Survey",Journal of Developing Studies,Vol.30,1994.
    16、Louis Loss,Fundamentals of Securities Regulation,Little Brown,1983.
    17、Louis Loss,Fundamentals of Securities Regulation,Little,Brown & Company,1988.
    18、Martini.Budd,Nicholas Wolfson,Securities Regulation.
    19、Peter.D.Spencer,The Structure and Regulation of Financial Markets,Oxford University Press,2000.
    20、Posner,Richard A.,Taxation by Regulation.Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science,1971.
    21、Posner,Richard A.,Theories of Economic Regulation.Bell Journal of Economics,1974.
    22、Posner,Richard A.,And Kenneth E.Scott,Economics of Corporation Law and Securities Regulation.Little Brown and Company,1980.
    23、R.A Posncr:Economics Analysis Of Lain.
    24、R.A Posncr:Economics Of Justice,Harvard University Press,1983.
    25、Thomas,William Arthur,The Securities Market,New York:Philip Allan,1989.
    57、于允平:《我国证券发行监管“核准制”的意义与再完善》,载《中央财经大学学报》,2002年 第10期。

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