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A large animal tribute center by the name of the Office of Puzri?-Dagan, which is nowthe Drehem site in Iraq, was built by the king ?ulgi of Ur III dynasty at his 39th year’sdominance. The reason for establishing this animal center was that the Ur III dynasty royalfamily, court officials, the governors and nobles of the cities needed an office to manage theiranimal sacrifices, which were frequently offered to the deities in Nippur, Uruk and Ur.Simultaneously the palace and the officials of the royal court as well as the soldiers alsoneeded the massive domestic animals as foods. The receiving and withdrawals of the largeamount of animals required the special accounting office.é-Puzri?-Dagan, which was near tothe religious center of Nippur and Tummal, therefore was elected as the place of the RoyalAnimal Center. The Office of Puzri?-Dagan was the famous animal managing center inancient Mesopotamia and studying its documents will be the most important task forunderstanding the palace economyof Ur III Dynasty.
     The work in this paper is to reconstruct the documents of Nalu, who was the fattener ofthe tribute animal center. There are 1159 texts of the archives of Nalu in this part. This bookhas been devided into tow parts. Part one give the analysis of the work of Nalu. Part towreconstructed the archive of Nalu according to the chronological order, and presented in threelanguages: 1) Sumerian transliterations, 2) English translations, and 3) Chinese translations.From the archive we know that the name of Nalu appeared in Drehem texts in the period fromthe 26th year of ?ulgi to the 1st month of the 6th year of ?u-Sin, altogether 38 years.Unfortunately, we didn’t find Nalu’s seal, but from the texts, we know that he was the kuru?da(the fattener) in the tribute Animal Center. Nalu received from the central administrationsheep which were fattened with barley. According to this fact we assume that Nalu maintaineda sheepfold. From the documents of Nalu we know that he maintained sheepfold in Ur, Uruk,Nippur and Tummal. The texts in the early period of his career show that Nalu was closelyrelated to the sheepfold in Tummal. After the 46rd year of ?ulgi, Nalu was mentioned inDrehem texts in connection with Nippur, Ur and Uruk, not Tummal. In those cities, Naluwithdrew the fattened sheep for the deities, the royal and the foreigner. He withdrew the deadsheep to the kitchen officials Urnigar and ?ulgi-urumu.
     Nalu was an important official in the tribute Animal Center. Not only he worked for along time but also he offered lievstock to deities. From his work, we can known the offeringand sacrifice of the Ur III.
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    1关于这些地方月名的具体内容见吴宇虹:“Calendar Synchronization and Intercalary Months in Umma, Puzri?-Dagan,Nippur, Lagash and Ur during the Ur III Period”,《乌尔第三王朝时期温马、普孜瑞什达干、尼普尔、拉旮什和乌尔各城年历的同步和闰月研究》,JAC 17,《古代文明杂志》17卷, 2002年,113-134页。
    2具体内容见吴宇虹:“How did they change from Mashda Calendar to Akiti Calendar from Shulgi 45-48 inPuzrish-Dagan”,《舒勒吉四十五年至四十八年间在普孜瑞什达干的发生的年历变化》JAC 15,《古代文明杂志》15卷,2000年, 79-92页。
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