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In recent years, the increasing of digital video product makes a great demand of copyright protection technology. However, among the existing digital watermarking literatures, image watermarking algorithms are far more than video’s. So more attentions should be paid to video watermarking algorithms. This paper takes original videoes as research object and video watermarking methods based on contourlet transform and independent component analysis(ICA) are researched and realized.
     Firstly, a video watermarking scheme resistant to geometry transformation attacks is realized. In this scheme, average AC energy(AAE) is used for the embedding of watermark according to the characteristic of spatial-frequency of contourlet transform. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme can make the watermark resist geometry transformation attacks effectively and keeps the visual quality of the video. In addition, it also has enough robustness to resist other attacks, such as lowpass filtering attacks.
     Then, a new 3-D multi-resolution transform based on contourlet transform in the dimensional domain and 1-D DWT in the temporal domain is given. With this kind of 3-D multi-resolution transform, watermark can be embedded into the quiescent component and the dynamic component of the sub-band in contourlet domain. The experimental results show that, this algorithm has enough robustness and the watermarking is invisible.
     Next, a video blind watermarking algorithm resistant to geometry transformation attacks is proposed. In this scheme, the background of a video segment in the video shot is extracted by ICA, and meaningful watermark is embedded into the lowpass subband of the background. The watermark is extracted by detecting the distinction of the lowpass subbands of the background image with watermark information and the background image without watermark information. Experimental results show that, this algorithm can make the watermark resist geometry transformation attacks effectively and keeps the visual quality of the video. In addition, it also has enough robustness to resist other attacks.
     Finally, a video watermark scheme based on ICA in contourlet domain is researched. Frames in the same video shot are analyzed by ICA in the contourlet domain. Then, the watermark is embedded into the contourlet coefficients of the motion component. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can preserve high video quality. The watermark can be extracted blindly and is robust to MPEG compression and other common video processing. Further more, it is simple with much less computation amount.
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