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New venture performance has been the hot issue in academe .From the aspects of relevant research at home and abroad, the research on new venture performance should emphasizes four aspects of the colony zoology theory, cognition theory, resource theory and strategy of adaptation theory. The influential factors of new venture performance mainly include resource, environment, capacity, entrepreneur trait, strategy orientation, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial network.
     Resources Based Approach (RBT) emphasizes that the resources owned by firm and resource heterogeneity are the main causes of difference of firm performance, meanwhile also emphasizes the significance of the resources owned by firm and the combination and distribution of these resources. Meanwhile, for new venture, because of their small scale and shortage of resource, it is important that to combine and distribute their own resources, but the more important one is that how to acquire these pivotal resources. Now our country is in the period of economic transference, and the environment in this period has the characteristic of high uncertainty, which represents in detail that the degree of market subdivision is much higher, the form of organization is more variable, policy becomes more discontinuous, increasing technology transformation, incomplete competitive market, complex embedded social relationship, etc. In this environment, it is significant for new venture how to acquire their needed resources from outside and upgrade the firm performance, and entrepreneurial network is just the“bridge”between new venture and their external environments. The favorable relationship between new venture and their external environment ensures that the new venture’s acquisition of resource, and then upgrade of new venture performance finally.
     Thereby, this dissertation analyzes relevant theories of new venture performance and the development practice of new venture and concludes the clue, that is resource is the important influential factor on new venture performance and the main clue of this dissertation; entrepreneurial network is the“bridge”which connects the new venture and their external environment, and also the angle of view of research on the influence of entrepreneurial environment on new venture performance; the organic combination of resource acquisition and capacity of resource combination is the key to upgrade of new venture performance.
     Although many scholars obtain some achievements in the research on new venture performance, the existent researches lack systematicness and penetration, usually pay attention to the effect of single factor but neglect the influences of other important factors, and don’t organically combine the internal factors of new venture and its external factors. Thereby, basing on the Resources Dependency Approach (RDA), Resources Based Approach(RBT), Transaction Cost Approach(TCA),and Social Network Approach (SNA), with the main clue of resource and the bridge of entrepreneurial network, this dissertation organically brings the characteristic of entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial network, resource acquisition, the capacity of resource combination and new venture performance to a frame work, builds the theory model of the affecting mechanism of entrepreneurial environment on new venture performance based on network view, deeply analyzes the operational relationship among these elements, validates the theory model and its hypothesis by normative empirical, discusses the result of hypothesis, and reveals the theory value and significance of direction.
     The context of this dissertation includes the following five parts, firstly, deeply analyzes the relevant theories of this dissertation, of which RDA analyzes the dependence of new venture on external environment, RBT emphasizes the influential factors of new venture performance, TCA analyzes the necessity and rationality of the establishment of the entrepreneurial network from the point of view of resource acquisition,and SNA analyzes the cost predominance brought by entrepreneurial network to new venture in the eye of economics. Basing on the analysis of basic theories, this dissertation summarizes the existing literatures related to new venture performance from home and aboard, entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial network, for instance the research on new venture performance based on resource view, evaluation of new venture performance, the investigation of the constitution system of entrepreneurial environment element and the constitution of environmental actor, the research on the relationship between entrepreneurial network and new venture. Predecessors have obtained some achievement, but there is still large research space left, which is the basis of this dissertation. Finally this dissertation summarizes its primary research elements, which include the characteristic of entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial network, resource acquisition, the capacity of resource combination and the new venture performance.
     Secondly, this dissertation builds the theory model of the affecting mechanism of entrepreneurial environment on new venture performance based on network view, divides the entrepreneurial environment into three dimensions of hostile, dynamic and complexity on the basis of current theory research, divides the entrepreneurial network into two dimensions of individual network and organizing network, and puts forward the theory model of the relationship among each element.
     Thirdly, this dissertation puts forward the hypothesis of relationship among each element in this theory model basing on the theory deduction, which includes in detail the hypothesis of relationship between characteristic of entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial network, hypothesis of relationship between entrepreneurial network and resource acquisition, hypothesis of relationship between resource acquisition and new venture performance, hypothesis of moderation of the capacity of resource combination to the relationship between resource acquisition and new venture performance, hypothesis of the effect degree of two kinds of entrepreneurial network in different development stage on resource acquisition and 12 hypothesis in all.
     The Fourth part is concerned with empirical research, which validates the theory model and relevant hypothesis with SEM and AMOS basing on the measurement of each variable. The data are obtained from the questionnaires to 112 new ventures in Changchun city, and the results show that 9 of 12 hypotheses are supported and 3 ones don’t gain supports.
     Fifthly, this dissertation discusses the results which are checked out by hypothesis, which shows definitely the significance of theory and practice. The verifiably hypothesis could reveal the operational relationship among each elements, and the practical enlightenment of supported hypothesis; as for these hypothesis proved to be wrong, reveal the reasons combining with entrepreneurial environment and development practice of new venture.
     The practical enlightenments were put forward from the point of view of the self of new venture and the policy includes in detail new venture should adapt the external environments; should pay attention to the establishments of variable entrepreneurial network in its different development stage; should pay attention to the construction of internal capacity; strengthen the construction of the actor of organization of external environment.
     The basic conclusions of this research include that characteristic of entrepreneurial environment is related positively with individual network; the hostile of characteristic of entrepreneurial environment is related positively with organizing network; the relationship between dynamic, complexity and organizing network isn’t significant; entrepreneurial network related positively with resource acquisition; the capacity of resource combination has the effect of regulating the relationship between resource acquisition and new venture performance, the influence of individual network on resource acquisition is more significant in the early stage and grow-up stage.
     This dissertation has the following innovations, firstly, builds the synthesis model of the affecting mechanism of entrepreneurial environment on new venture performance based on network view; secondly, research on the effects of characteristic of environment on different entrepreneurial network (individual network and organizing network); thirdly, research on the effect of entrepreneurial network on new venture performance with the resource acquisition as intermediary variable and analyzes the affecting mechanism of different entrepreneurial network on resource acquisition; fourthly, research on the relationship between resource acquisition and the capacity of resource combination and bring these two elements to the model of influence of entrepreneurial environment on new venture performance.
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