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Industry-orientation is an important research direction of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. In order to solve problems such as large scales, too much rigidity, low industry pertinence and heavy customization effort, etc, which commonly exist in commercially available general ERP products at present, it is a feasible approach to the development of version-based and batch-customizable industry-oriented ERP (IERP) under the guidance of theories such as enterprise modeling and software reuse methodology.An IERP system is a version-based and customizable enterprise information system which is developed on the basis of systematically identifying, concluding and packaging the commonness of enterprise management to meet specific industry's (sometimes a few of industries') managerial requirements and characteristics, .and the entire development process is often supported by business software building platform and reuses software assets systematically.From the viewpoints of enterprise modeling theory, software component theory, business platform technology and systematic software reuse theory and methodology, this paper conducts a comprehensive research on the theory and methodology of constructing (an) commercial IERP system(s) so as to provide a foundation of constructing IERP systems successfully.What contains in an ERP system is actually a "virtual enterprise", which is an abstract enterprise managerial model and realizes the mapping of physical enterprises between the real world and the computation world. Therefore, the development of IERPs can be guided by enterprise modeling theory and methodology. This paper advances an enterprise modeling framework aiming at supporting the development of IERPs by investigating existing enterprise modeling frameworks, adopts UML language to describe the meta-models of each components of the framework formally, and then puts forward an IERP modeling methodology which is suitable to the modeling framework aiming at supporting the development of IERP systems.Secondly, the componentization of IERP is explored, which includes three aspects: business modeling driven by business process, acquisition of business components, and IERP construction by assembling business components. Based on the analysis of
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