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Telecommunications industry is leading the national economy, fundamental andstrategic industry in the economic system occupies an extremely important position, andthus often referred to as macro-economic growth of the "accelerator","double", andsocial development of the "converter "industrial upgrading" booster."Moderntelecommunications industry originated in the United States, Japan and France have avery good development, its legal environment created in the telecommunicationsindustry, the industry regulator, the market structure is formed, the mainstream telecomoperators and the evolution of international telecommunications and many other fieldshave achieved remarkable results. By combing the United States, Japan, FranceTelecom sector reform and development process, summarize the development of itstelecommunications industry, useful experience for the norms of Chinesetelecommunications market, exerts its effect on the current economic structureadjustment and economic growth pattern has important guiding significance.
     Since the emergence of the modern telecommunications industry, for the developmentof the telecommunications industry and its economic performance of increasingly rich, itstheoretical foundation mainly in the following two areas: First, relax and economicperformance regulation theory, including the natural monopoly theory of elasticity,competitive markets can theory, regulatory capture theory; two telecommunicationsuniversal service and economic performance theory, including externality theory, theory ofbalanced regional development and economic spillover theory.
     In today's global telecommunications industry development status and evolutionmechanism, the current main show the following characteristics: First, the mobile phonemarket has become saturated, the second is the Internet market is still rapidly risingchannel, three fixed broadband prices continue to fall, four continued growth of mobilebroadband services, five wireless broadband frequency demand.
     In order to explore more targeted reform and development of thetelecommunications industry in general logic, and learn from the experience ofregularity, as well as well-developed telecommunications market effectively capture the current trends and characteristics. This article choose the United States, Japan andFrance three samples were compared. Among them, the earliest origins of U.S.telecommunications industry, the development of a more mature; Japan's long history ofthe telecommunications industry and its regulation in the industry and businessinnovation with significant features; France is in Europe, the Europeantelecommunications industry, a typical representative of the developed markets.
     U.S. telecommunications industry has the following main stages: First, in the early1870s, the telecommunications industry patent monopolies; Second1900-1930era offree competition and monopoly control of this period, the early development of free andcompetitive market began, but the whole industry or show monopoly characteristics;Third1930-1970era era of monopoly regulation, enacted in1934,"Americancommunications Act" has become an important guiding legal basis for development ofthe industry, comprehensive control became a distinctive feature of this period; Fourth1970-1990era telecommunications monopoly end of the era, in1984aT&T's historicsplit, and in1996promulgated a new "American telecommunications Act," to furtherimprove the legal environment, and thus make the whole industry into a large-scalemerger and reorganization phase. Summarize the current status of U.S.telecommunications industry, there are several significant features: First, the traditionalbusiness market saturation, future growth mainly depends on new telecom businessdevelopment; second is to increase efforts to promote national broadband plan; three isto accelerate the development of LTE and4G construction.
     Japanese telecommunications industry mainly in the following stages: First, before1985, in the early stages of development, market is dominated by a monopoly operator;Second, the first round of1985-1997phase of reform the telecommunications industry,"Telecommunications Business Law,""NTT Law "and" KDDI Law "promulgated; threeis the second round of the1997-2001phase of the telecommunications sector reform,strengthening market competition mechanism, telecom operators through mergers andacquisitions and international strategy to seek greater development. Summarize thecurrent status of the development of the telecommunications industry in Japan, there areseveral significant features: First, the traditional telecom services market is saturated;two new mobile services is becoming a new growth engine, three are unit profitabilitystabilized after long-term decline. Sustainable development of the telecommunicationsindustry in Japan, there are three main aspects of successful experience: First,privatization reforms strengthen the leading corporate strength, the second is to relaxregulations to improve the overall efficiency of the industry and the third is to improve the legal environment to guide telecommunications market reforms.
     France Telecom industry mainly in the following stages: First, before themid-1990s and the early stage of monopoly system; Second, open thetelecommunications market in1996, France introduced new telecommunications law,establish a complete telecommunications regulatory system, and introduction ofcompetition in the telecommunications market mechanism; Third, since2000, to the EUmarket integration and internationalization. Summarize the current status of the Frenchtelecommunications industry, there are several significant characteristics: First,re-entered the growth channel, two major reform of France Telecom, three are in thefield of network neutrality conducted a preliminary attempt, four is to develop andimplement national Broadband Plan, five are in the development of3G services basedon4G services have begun to taste.
     Telecommunications industry through direct and indirect channels acting onmacroeconomics, the former refers to the direct value added and employmentcontribution, which is defined by combining with other industries, and enhanceindustrial development of the platform, including four ways: First, throughcommunication and network platform to build and offer a wide range oftelecommunication services and reduce economic and social distribution costs andtransaction costs, improve economic efficiency of the system and profit; Secondtelecommunications penetration of other industries, is conducive to the optimization andupgrading of traditional industries, is conducive to economic structure adjustment andeconomic growth mode transformation; Third, the development of thetelecommunications industry, helping to improve efficiency of resource use, therebyreducing the unit cost of economic growth; Fourth telecommunications industry led tothe development of other industries employment levels.
     From a global point of view, the level of development of the telecommunicationsindustry characterized by various variables and GDP per capita has a significant positivecorrelation, where broadband penetration, Internet penetration and GDP per capitacorrelation coefficient of0.95, the mobile phone penetration rate and per capita GDP isslightly lower correlation coefficient,0.89. In addition, the role of thetelecommunications industry through modeling the combined effect of the macroeconomy, the following conclusions: First, the development of the telecommunicationsindustry to economic growth has a significant positive role in promoting economicgrowth in the telecommunications industry to have a "multiplier" effect, this isdiscussed earlier effective verification. Second, the telecommunications industry has a comprehensive long-term trends in economic effects, the United States, Japan, FranceTelecom industry not only in the current period, but will affect the next issue GNPgrowth rate, although the role somewhat attenuated, but still very significant, States tothe telecommunications industry as a strategic industry of national economy, basicindustry to develop the obvious reasons. Third, the whole, the U.S. telecommunicationsindustry supporting role on economic growth is most obvious, followed by Japan andFrance.
     Course of development of China's telecom industry can be summarized as thefollowing aspects: First, the monopoly until1994, two years is the1994-2008competitive duopoly to monopoly under separate operation, three are mixed operationsince2008and early internationalization. Summarize the current status of thedevelopment of China's telecom industry, there are several significant characteristics:First, the rapid development of business data traffic Lei, non-voice revenue accountedfor upgrading; Second, broadband consumption significantly improved the effectivenessof China's strategic broadband obvious; Third3G business growth, TD technicalprogress rapidly; Fourth, the traditional telecom services fell significantly, marketsaturation; Fifth,4G, LTE, and other aspects of national broadband bright prospects fordevelopment. United States, Japan, France Telecom Reform and DevelopmentImplications for China include the following aspects: the development of thetelecommunications industry, the legal environment to become the cornerstone of soundand effective regulatory system is the industry standard security; reasonable marketstructures promote sustainable development; telecommunications industry to becomethe source of economic growth. Future to promote the development of China's telecomindustry recommendations include: improving the legal environment for thetelecommunications industry; further strengthen the telecommunications regulatoryfunctions; actively implement the national broadband plan; comprehensively promote3G,4G business development; efforts to promote the integration of telecommunicationnetwork business.
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