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As the information time comes, au kinds of professions meet information tide of a new global net, grasping the advantage of information construction, taking the best use of it, transforming abundant agriculture resource into advantage of economy and pushing the development of agriculture overall is the main task of speeding is a far suburban district of Xi’an city. Recently adjustment of agricultural property gained notable effect. Distinguish agricultural product is in large scale. Agricultural product is in large scale. Agricultural product such as muskmelon and vegetables without harm have become the main product of increasing peasants’income .Agriculture information technology played a key role in adjustment and increasing production .Therefore, the essay discusses that the construction of agricultural in formation is an important subject which must be thought of highly.
     The kernel content of this essay is the spread, usage and improvement of information. As far as the essay is concerned, the emphasis and direction of development of construction of agriculture equipped with information technology in Yanliang is using information technology, applying computer management ,realizing net with information technology in agricultural producing, processing, circulation, selling ,service and consuming, basically realizing modernization basic infrastructure in agricultural information technology, training a group of compound talents as well as information usage and management, gradually setting up agricultural information ,site based on the whole country’s net and agricultural data, realizing the target of agricultural modernization by means of agricultural information ,speeding up the development of Yanliang’s information construction, laying a solid foundation for improving the level of agricultural information technology.
     The essay referred to some materials of agricultural in formation construction home and abroad, summarized .It also analyzed Yanliang’s agricultural information construction and the present situation overall and made clear that Yanling’s construction of agricultural information technology faced three challenges, three opportunities, five limited factors and put forward the general route of Yanliang’s construction of agricultural information technology including five principles, five targets, seven items and dealing well with those relationships. as well as realizing four promotion and strengthening four guaranteed measures.
     Achievement of the construction of Yanliang’s agricultural information technology: the first is gradually setting up information net. The service center of agricultural economic information, the information of electronic government administration have been established . Agricultural information service stations of all streets and towns as well as villages have been established. The system of agricultural information technology has been formed. The second: contingents have been established initially. The agricultural information contacting contingents have been established including association of peasants, specialized bighouse’s olds, agents, expert from peasants and agricultural technician of district. What’s more, they have been trained so that they are familiar with operating and can receive dispatch information correctly. The third, having a diversity of service ways. Making the best use of television and internet, etc carries on information service with communication ministry .It improved percentage of information covering. The construction of information technology played a key role in increasing peasants, production.
     Challenges that agricultural information technology faces: the first: challenges coming from international situation. Information technology developed earlier and their level is very high in some major industrial countries and areas. The leading role that information technology plays in the development of economy and society is much mare obvious.
     Yaliang is a small western district. Its base of information technology is relatively weak. The second: the challenges coming from coastal areas. Compared to coastal areas in our country, opening degree of Yanliang is weak .Getting information is in inferior position and it can’t reply markets home and abroad sensitively .The third challenges from agriculture itself. Agriculture is a weak property. Investment of Yanliang information technology in Yaliang: the first, the opportunity that the country and party think highly of agriculture.《The decisions that the central government has made about of agriculture》that the Third Penary Session of the thirteenth passed points out that Yanliang should conform to the international technology developing trend of the times, have the construction of modernized agriculture in mind, accelerate collection of agricultural technology continuously, mechanize the process of labor, produce and run with information technology. The second, the improvement of Yanliang’s fame and influence.The construction of Big Plane’s item and the fast development of the base of high technology property of Xi’an Yanliang Country Aviation brings vitality and vigor. A large amount of investment developed items makes Yanliang be able to work for development of agricultural information technology and bring a long it by industrialization. The third : the basis of Yanliang’s agriculture is good .The basic infrastructure of Yanliang’s villages achieved greatly ,especially realized every village had telephones, improved the basic infrastructure. The agriculture has good developing basis. It also has advantages using modern information technology and can take in developed technology and advance experience directly. It can develop agricultural information technology at a highpoint.
     The limited factors in the construction of agricultural information technology, the first: limited factors of concept. Cadres at the basic level don’t think highly of information construction. Peasants and workers at the basic level don’t realize the importance of information deeply. And this doesn’t fit with the need of villages requiring information service of agriculture .The second: the limited factors of funds. The construction of agricultural information technology is public good. It needs a large amount of funds. District investment is limited. The third, lacking of compound talents. Agricultural information service involves each field. It requires of compound talents. Agricultural information service involves each field. It requires servers knowing agricultural technology and information technology, but this kind of talent lacks very much at the basic level. The forth, the property degree of agriculture is low. The way of scattered management made the percentage of using information decrease greatly. The fifth, the channels of getting information are not so many. All kinds of media lack cooperation and good combination in connecting information. How peasants obtain information finally is not solved well.
     The goal of agriculture information technology in Yanliang . The first ,realizing resources with information technology, setting up information net between agricultural resources and balanced environment, learning about, developing and using agricultural resource and changes in agricultural balanced environment correctly and in time, working out relevant policies and measures in time. The second, realizing economy management with information technology in villages .Information technology, the spreading degree of science and technology, peasants’income, roads, resources and sanitation situation. The third, realizing using information all kinds of contradicting of producer goods makes it improved in administration control, administration of production as well as technology and enterprises speeding up the development of agriculture. The fourth, realizing agricultural technology education net of agriculture technology, speeding up information net of agriculture technology, speeding up interchange and spread of achievement of technology and the popularization of agricultural technology, improving peasants, technology and culture. The fifth, realizing the market of product using information technology, setting up complete net about deeds of product, making agricultural product market flow freely.
     The principles of developing information technology: the first, government plays a leading role. Make sure to guarantee having adequate funds, strengthen the management of cadre at the basic level, conformity resources, perfect management measures of information, speed up to popularize nine-year compulsory education in the rural area and education, develop TV programs. The second: arouse the financial resources of the people. Leading enterprises join in agriculture information system; agricultural cooperative organization and selling companies join up with scattered peasant faming so that it is easy to pass on the information and decrease the cost; information enterprises try to develop some local, diverse and specialized product to adapt to the need of development. The third, take advantage of main body’s role of peasants, change detailed running way, strengthen cooperation between cooperative organization and agricultural company, realize running in large scales, enlarge the needs of in formation, speed up the development of agricultural information technology. The fourth, sharing the resources. Make the most use of organization net, information resources and scientific research colleges and brood cast,TV and telephone, make use of information resources brought by the construction of country’s information technology and all kinds of resources in society, speed up the development of information technology. The fifth : insisting on application . Speed up the construction of the conduct of information technology of information technical product, push on the development of property of agricultural information in a planned way.
     The main content of the construction of Yanliang’s agricultural information technology. The first, speed up the construction of basic infrastructure of agricultural information net, improve the popularization of computes, try to achieve that each village having broad band. the second, set up and perfect agricultural information net, make information net be the media of declaring information and serving for peasants using information net and center, provide the information about agricultural resources and environment, technology, market service of administration, education and agricultural policies and labor, etc. The third, set up information service station mainly including villages and towns. Basic information station must get to“six ones”standard, that is, having one computer, one piece of telephone wires joined with internet ,a printer , a full-time information worker,a special column for publishing information, a complete system of management and service. The forth, set up collecting and publishing system of the price of product and market. Choose one or two agricultural market with large scale and all kinds of product and a large amount of business as collecting sport of product and markets. Select represent tire market as collecting spot, collecting market price regularly after analyzing, synthesizing and arranging the data, publish them in the agricultural internet, lead agriculture carry adjustment of the structure of production. The fifth, realize effective link of data base of resources between the state and municipal. The sixth, setting up many kinds of channels of information reaching to reach each family, solve the problem of information reaching to peasants finally. Mainly spread information of agricultural management and technology etc to the villages. The seventh, strengthen the construction of information workers, use train and test as well as attestation of qualifications, set up a group of information workers, enlarge organization net by villages’cadres, agents, leading enterprises, agency and the family with a large scale of business.
     The relationship that must be dealt well in the development of agriculture with information technology: the first, deal well with the relationships between information technology and developing economy. They help each other forward. We can’t reduce the invest of agricultural basic in formation technology. Information technology is not useful without basic infrastructure. The second: deal well with relationships organization. The government should change microcosmic management into macro-control and give guide of policies to the activities of organization instead of intervention using coercive administration control. Make the most use of the adjustment of the market so that they can develop harmoniously. The third, deal well with relationships between agricultural information technology and Yanliang’s construction. Neither ignore the development of agriculture while carrying on industrialization, nor loosen industry while carrying on agriculture. According to Yanliang’s reality, take the construction of agricultural information technology into consideration of overall plan.
     Agricultural information technology needs realizing four promotions. The first, promote the ability of planning. The second: promote technical creative ability of the people. The third, promote the consciousness and degree of sharing resources, Joining and conformity. The fourth, promote the quality of working people.
     The concrete guaranteed measures of agricultural information technology: the first, arrange administration system well, perfect the structure of organizations having profession al organization of information management and work as well as fall-time workers, establishment, essential equipment, special working funds, perfect service net so as to make sure the construction goes well. The second, perfect arranges the funds every year to be used in the construction of agricultural information technology. Within the country policies’permission, set up pluralistic financing mechanisms, perform the rules that people who invest are beneficial, encourage enterprises, individual person to invest. The third, develop multi-level education train, mainly introduce and train compound talents. Strengthen the train and using of talents. Strengthen the train and using of talents spreading information technology. The fourth, set up and perfect working system, accelerate the construction of agricultural information technology with standardization.
     The essay includes five parts.
     The first part: Introduction. Refer to related materials, according to Yanliang’s reality, it discussed the background, purpose and meaning of essays as well as research trends home and abroad, the basic frame and method of essays.
     The second part: the basic theory of agricultural information technology. By studying the process of agricultural information technology and features of foreign countries, it mainly discussed the basic concept, sign, features and target of evaluation.
     The third part: This part investigated the construction of agricultural information technology overall, analyzed, synthesized, summed up a lot of materials, elaborated the achievement and problems of the construction of Yanliang’s agricultural information technology.
     The fourth part: the general developing route of construction of agricultural information technology. This part is the important one of this essay. It put forward general route, target of task construction of forming a complete set.
     The fifth part: Accelerating the basic guaranteed measures. It put forward the concrete guaranteed measures including strengthening leadership, broadening the channel of raising money overall, speeding up the spread and application of information technology as well as actually improving information net of agricultural management.
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