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Sheet electron beam (or ribbon beam, high-elliptical beam) vacuum electronic devices, or planar devices, are one of the developing fields and a new branch of modern vacuum electronics. Sheet electron beam devices can be a new branch and suitable to produce high-power, high-frequency radioation, because of their unique virtues-be able to transport high current beam at reduced space charge field. In the twenty-first century, high-frequency(to teraherz), high-power(to gigawatt) are two most important development of modern vaccum electronics. Sheet electron beam device will be well boom in this background.
     In this paper, some basic research on sheet electron beam device are done and lised as the following:
     1. based on the research of Pierce gun, we design sheet electron beam gun and produce sheet electron beam. .
     2. we have acquired sheet electron beam from round electron beam, when the round beam pass through a quadrupole, because quadrupole can extant the electron beam in horizontal direction, while it can compress the electron beam in vertical direction.
     3. We acquire sheet electron beam by round electron beam pass through a elliptical solenoid.
     4. We have investigated the diocotron mode (diocotron instability) of sheet electron beam.
     5. We have investigated the conditions for stably transporting sheet electron beam in periodic magnetic field (include wiggler field and periodic cusped magnetic field).
     6. We have investigated the conditions for stably transporting sheet electron beam in periodic magnetic quadrupole (include symmetric and non-symmetric quadrupole).
     7. We have investigated the conditions for stably transporting sheet electron beam in periodic elliptical solenoid.
     8. We have set up platform for experimental of sheet electron beam device. We have designed sheet electron beam BWO and are carrying on experimental.
     Based on our research, formatting and stably transporting sheet electron beam is possible. Research on sheet electron beam devices is urgent and real. The methods in this paper are viable ways for formation and focusing sheet electron beam and will be useful in further study and design of high-power, high-frequency sheet electron beam devices.
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