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     第一,本文研究了在支持空间可伸缩的条件下如何平衡过完备子带内运动补偿时域滤波(OIBMCTF)方案在低分辨率下解码的不匹配误差和高分辨率下的编码效率。针对这一现有OIBMCTF编码方案所面临的挑战,本文首先对OIBMCTF在低分辨率下解码时不匹配误差的产生和传递进行了理论分析并建立了相应的误差传递模型。在此基础上,本文提出了基于帧的误差减少方案――分辨率层间leaky预测方案和基于宏块的误差减少方案――基于模式的运动补偿时域滤波方案。实验结果显示两种方案都能够有效地减少OIBMCTF在低分辨率下解码的不匹配误差,而且在高分辨率下的编码效率损失相对较小。这两个方案已经正式被MPEG小波视频编码特别小组(Vidwav Group)所采纳作为三维小波视频编码参考软件中子带内运动补偿时域滤波(IBMCTF)方案的基准方法,供所有的MPEG成员使用。
     第三,本文研究了如何将人眼视觉特性同三维小波可伸缩视频编码方案结合以去除视频信号中的视觉冗余,提高视频编码的主观质量。针对“T+2D”编码方案,提出了一种感知自适应MCTF技术。针对“2D+T”编码方案,提出了一种子带内感知自适应预处理技术。在“T+2D”编码方案中,我们在MCTF过程中引入空时视觉掩盖模型来指导MCTF中的运动估计和预测过程以去除视频序列中存在的空间和时间视觉冗余。在“2D+T”编码方案中,我们首先建立了一个局部自适应的小波域JND(Just noticeable distortion)模型。然后在每个空间子带进行MCTF之前插入一个基于该JND模型的自适应预处理模块来去除空间子带内的视觉冗余系数。实验表明,所提的感知自适应MCTF技术和感知自适应预处理算法能够有效地改善解码序列的主观质量。
To reliably deliver video to varying clients over heterogeneous networks using available system resources, particularly in scenarios with unknown system resources and network conditions in advance, the coded bit-stream should provide the temporal, spatial, SNR and complexity etc. scalabilities to meet the requirements of the clients with diverse display resolutions, bandwidths, computational capability and memory capabilities. With the property of natural scalability of three-dimensional wavelet transform, spatial scalability and temporal/frame-rate scalability can be easily supported. Moreover, with the bit-plane coding of the subband coefficients, quality/SNR scalability is also enabled. Recently three-dimensional wavelet scalable video coding schemes with motion compensated temporal filtering (MCTF) has attracted more and more researchers. The research of this thesis also focuses on the three-dimensional wavelet scalable video coding schemes. The content of this thesis is introduced as follows:
     Firstly, we investigate how to make a good trade-off between the low-resolution mismatch error and the full-resolution coding performance in the overcomplete in-band MCTF (OIBMCTF) schemes. Aiming at the big challenge of OIBMCTF schemes, we first analyze the mismatch error propagation along the lifting structure when the low-resolution video is decoded and give the propagation model of this mismatch error. Then based on our analysis we propose two schemes to reduce the mismatch error. One is a frame-based mismatch error reduction scheme ----Cross-resolution leaky prediction scheme. The other is macroblock-based mismatch error reduction scheme----Mode-based MCTF scheme. Experimental results show that the proposed schemes can dramatically reduce the mismatch error for low resolution, while the performance loss is marginal for high resolution. These two schemes have been formally accepted by MPEG wavelet video coding ad-hoc group as the baseline schemes of IBMCTF of the reference software of three-dimensional wavelet video coding and can be used by MPEG members.
     Secondly,how to do motion prediction and coding efficiently in IBMCTF schemes is investigated. An efficient mode-adaptive motion prediction and coding algorithm is proposed. In our scheme, three motion prediction and coding modes are introduced to exploit the subband motion correlation at different resolution as well as the spatial motion correlation in the high frequency subband. By the rate-distortion optimized mode selection engine, the proposed scheme can adaptively decide the most efficient mode. When coding the motion information, we use context-based adaptive binary algorithm coding and design the corresponding probability models for motion prediction modes, motion alignment modes and macroblock partition modes to further improve coding efficiency. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme can improve the coding efficiency about 0.4-0.6db for CIF foreman sequence and 0.5-0.7dB for 4CIF soccer and city sequences at different bitrates, compared with subband-independent motion prediction method.
     Finally, we investigate how to combine the characteristics of human visual system with three-dimensional wavelet video coding schemes to improve the visual quality of decoded sequences. Aiming at“T+2D”scheme, we propose a perceptually-adaptive motion compensated temporal filtering (MCTF) method. Aiming at“2D+T”scheme, we propose a perceptually-adaptive in-band preprocessing scheme. In“T+2D”scheme, a spatio-temporal masking model in image domain is incorporated into the lifting structure of MCTF. The model is used to guide the motion search and the prediction step in MCTF so as to remove the visual redundancy in the video sequence. In“2D+T”scheme, a locally adaptive wavelet domain JND profile is first built which is then incorporated into a preprocessor of the in-band MCTF to remove the visually redundant coefficients before performing the MCTF of each spatial band. Experimental results show that the proposed schemes can efficiently enhance the visual quality of decoded video at different bit rates.
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