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Seamus Heaney is the greatest Irish poet after Yeats and the fourth Nobel Prize winner from Northern Ireland. He emerged as a new voice with the publication of Death of a Naturalist in the 1960s, which received wide acclaims from the public for his great ability to capture the details of a rural world. His subsequent poetic achievements up to 1979 established him firmly as the most important English poet in the 1970s, which were shown mainly in his poem collections Door into the Dark, Wintering Out, North, and Field Work. With twelve published volumes of verse, he is still energetic and glowing with heat of creation today.
     Critics have been largely positive about his verse ever since their first reading. As Helen Vendler, a famous scholar in Heaney study recalls his response to the reading, "my startled and wholehearted response on first encountering Heaney's writing was by no means unique." His poetic achievement is enormous. The Swedish Committee commented that he deserves the special honor "for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past". Now he has won worldwide recognition as the greatest living poet writing in English.
     Despite the new taste among readers of his volumes after Field Work and the unexpected surprise accompanied by reading his newly-published poetry, Circle and District in 2006, I still aim at his early poems before the 1980s. Because I maintain that these poems witnessed the growth and arrival of a genius poet and I believe that they can help me to lay a solid foundation for my further study of his later works. Heaney showed his tendency to root his work in the rural life in his hometown County Derry right at the initial stage of his poetical career. This topic began to reveal in his first five volumes before he became well-known and ran through all of his poetic works. Thus the study of these five volumes is crucial in interpreting Heaney's poetry as a whole.
     In this thesis, I shall adopt Cleanth Brooks'concept of organic unity as my theoretic guide, in order to explore the source of Heaney's poetic inspiration as well as his poetic achievements. Having dug in the Irish countryside and from its poetic tradition in which he was born and brought up, Heaney has absorbed precious nutrients, which have sustained him through his entire poetic career. Although he was once fascinated by the world outside of his hometown, he finally returned to his home soil by the end of the 1970s and began to plough there to shape an artistic style of his own. It is with his unique style that he presents moving pictures of the life in the society of Northern Ireland and has attained tremendous achievements among the talent groups of English poets.
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    4. Adams, Hazard. Leroy Searle. Critical Theory Since Plato (1). Beijing: Peking University Press,2006
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    9. Flanagan, Thomas. There You are Writings on Irish and American Literature and History. New York: The New York Review of Books,2004.
    10. Fleming, Deborah. Learning the Trade: Essays on W. B. Yeats and Contemporary Poetry. West Cornwall:Locust Hill Press,1993.
    11. Foster, Thomas C. Seamus Heaney. Boston: Twayne Publishers,1989.
    12. Garratt, Robert F. Critical Essays on Seamus Heaney. New York: Prentice Hall International,1995.
    13. Goodby, John. Irish Poetry Since 1950s-From Stillness into History. Manchester and New York:Manchester University Press,2000.
    14. Heaney, Seamus. North. London: Faber and Faber,1975.
    15. Heaney, Seamus. Field Work. London: Faber and Faber,1979.
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    21. Heaney, Seamus. Opened Ground: poems 1966-1996. London: Faber and Faber, 1998.
    22. Heaney, Seamus. Finders Keepers: selected prose 1971-2001. London: Faber and Faber,2002.
    23. Harland, Richard. Literary Theory from Plato to Barthes. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan Limited,1999.
    23. Morrison, Blake. Seamus Heaney. London and New York: Methuen,1982.
    24. ()"Modern Irish Literature" in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. (TCLC 102 Topics Volume).
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    26. O'Donoghue, Bernard. Seamus Heaney and the Language of Poetry, London: Harvester Wheatsheaf,1994.
    27. Wand, Alan J. Northern Ireland: Living with The Crisis. New York: Praeger Publisher,1987.
    28. Woodring, Carl. Janes Shapiro. The Columbia History of British Poetry. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2005
    29. Wu Qiancheng. Cruising between the Two Islands: Essays on Poetry of Engagement by Heaney and Some Taiwai Poets. Taiwai:New Century Book Store, 1999
    30. Heaney, Seamus. Wu De-an (Trans.). A Collected Combination Edition of Seamus Heaney's Poems and Essays (C). Beijing: The Writer's Press,2001
    31. Li Chenjian, Irish-British Poet Seamus Heaney and His Balancing Cultural Sttrategy (M), Chengdu: Chengdu People's Press,2006.3
    32. Fu Hao, An Anthology of 20th Century Poetry in English (1) (M), Heibei:Heibei Education Press,2003
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    36. Wang Zuoliang. XINZHI WENCAI:Wang Zuoliang suibi. Beijing: Peking University Press:2007
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    40. Liu Shoulan. Poems. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign language Education Press, 3002.
    41. Zhou yuliang. Essays on English & American Literature and Translation Studies. Ningxia: Ningxia People's Press,2007.
    42. Huang Yuanshen, Zhou Liren. Appreciation and Criticism of Foreign literature. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign language Education Press,2003
    43. ZhuGang. Twentieth Century Western Critical Theories. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001
    44. Ransom, John Crowe. Wang Luabao, Zhang Zhe (Trans.). The New Criticism. Jiangsu: Jiangshu Education Press,2006
    45. Pulsiano, Phillip and Elaine Treharne. A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature. Blackwell Publisher, 2001
    46. Deane, Seamus. "The Appetites of Gravity: Contemporary Irish POetry" in The Sewanee Review, Vol. LXXXIV, No.1.1976, PP. 199-208. Cited from Twentieth-century Literary Criticism, Vol.102
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    4.Buttel, Robert. "Seamus Heaney". Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 40: Poets of Great Britain and Ireland Since 1960.1985. pp.179-201. From "Sidelights". (Document 4 of 4). SEAMUS HEANEY http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/LitRC?
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