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     运用非成像光学原理,建立了适用于“点光源”LED封装的自由曲面配光透镜设计方法,该方法主要包括准直菲涅尔透镜的设计方法以及自由曲面的设计方法,运用该方法可以方便地设计出近光灯及远光灯的配光透镜。针对OSRAM OSTAR这款LED,设计了一款近光自由曲面透镜及一款远光自由曲面透镜。通过数值仿真,该透镜可以实现满足ECE标准的配光,并且光传输效率达到86%。
     运用光度学及非成像光学原理分析了汽车近光灯、远光灯配光对光源的需求,设计了运用于前照灯照明的专用LED的封装结构。其中优化了LED芯片的布局及荧光粉的涂覆形式及工艺,选用了特殊的封装基板,使得单颗LED不仅光通量达到1400lm,同时亮度超过20M nit,具有清晰的亮度截止线,光色满足ECE及GB法规要求。并根据以上设计制作了LED封装样品,用于测试及后续灯具的制作。
     针对以上开发的前照灯专用LED封装光源,通过改进现有的前照灯配光技术,建立了适用于LED光源的配光方法。该方法包括多曲面(MR: Multi-reflector)反光镜设计方法以及投射式配光(PES: Poly-ellipsoid System)设计方法。运用该方法,设计了多款适用于前照灯专用LED封装光源的光学元件,并且均能满足ECE及GB法规的配光要求。
With the consumption of traditional oil, it is difficult for headlamp with traditionallight source to meet the requirement of energy saving. However as the advantages ofenergy-saving, environmental protection and long life, LEDs are the perfect light sourcefor automotive forward-lighting application. There are two key issues in LED headlamp:automotive application specific LED package and design of lamp. Automotive applicationspecific LED package includes design of package structure, substrate material,optimization of LED chip array layout, phosphor coating, and design of reliability. Designof headlamp includes optical design, thermal design, powering and mechanical design,among which, optical design is the most important work because it is related to safety, theperformance of illumination and whether the lamp can meet the regulation. As LEDheadlamp is the trend of automotive lighting, these technologes have been the key objectsfor research institute and famous companies. This thesis will focus on the automotiveapplication specific LED package and optical design method for low-beam and high-beamlights with LED light sources and the advancements are listed as follows:
     Based on non-imaging optics, a design method of high efficient freeform lens forLED headlamp with ‘point light source’ packaged LED is developed. This method whichcan design freeform lens for low-beam and high-beam lights, includes the method ofcalculating Fresnel lens and freeform surface. With this method, a freeform lens forlow-beam light and a freeform lens for high-beam light based on OSRAM OSTAR aredesigned. The numerical simulation results show that these two lenses can comply withthe ECE regulation and have an optical efficiency of86%.
     The requirements of headlamp in optical aspect for light source are analyzed intheories of photometry and non-imaging optics. With the results of theoretical analysis, aautomotive application specific LED package is designed. This LED package has aoptimized LED chips layout and process of phosphor coating and special package board.This LED package can provide a luminous flux of more than1400lm and luminance ofmore than20M nit. In addition, there is a sharp cut-off line in luminance and the chromaticity coordinates can comply with ‘white’ of ECE and GB regulations. Based onabove design, some LED package samples are made for test and for LED headlampprototype fabrication.
     For automotive application specific LED package, a optical design method for LED isdeveloped through improving multi-reflector and poly-ellipsoid system. With this method,several optical elements of headlamp for automotive application specific LED package aredeveloped, which all can comply with the optical performances required in ECE and GBregulations.
     With above automotive application specific LED package and optical design method,a LED hedlamp prototype with LED low-beam and LED high-beam lights are made.Through optical test, the optical performances of this prototype can fully comply withregulation of “GB25991Automotive headlamps with LED light source(s) and/or LEDmodule(s)”. In addition, temperature on top surface of heat sink is less than80°C when theprototype is working under60℃, according to the simulation results, it can be predictedthat the junction temperature is less than115℃. Through analyzing the ray pathes ofpoly-ellipsoid system, a bi-light LED module with low-beam and high-beam is developed.The test results show that the optical performances of this module can comply with GBregulation.
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