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     (2)高通量的糖基化位点鉴定,特别是N-糖基化位点鉴定,也已在分离富集技术以及糖苷内切酶(如PNGase F)的帮助下成为常规流程。然而,由于高特异性的富集(例如迄今最为稳定表现出高特异性的肼腙化学反应法),使获得鉴定的糖蛋白序列覆盖度偏低,有的甚至只有一条肽段覆盖;另外,仅基于PNGase F酶切产生的糖基化位点Asn分子量变化(+0.98 Da)作为糖基化发生的证据也有不尽人意之处,例如该分子量变化较小、Asn可能发生自然水解等产生的假阳性。为了改善这些问题,我们统计并根据人类蛋白数据库中的各种氨基酸分布频率,以及蛋白酶的不同水解特异性,将两种蛋白水解酶Lys-C和trypsin串联使用,新颖的引入肼腙反应法对糖肽的富集和鉴定中。该策略在通过标准蛋白的测试后,成功用于实际样本细胞全蛋白裂解液。结果表明,在未牺牲富集方法高特异性的情况下,糖蛋白鉴定的序列覆盖度平均增加了79.4%,约1/3的蛋白序列覆盖度增加了一倍以上,有的增幅甚至高达350%。
     (2)高通量的完整糖肽解析是目前糖基化研究中亟待攻克的一个难题。由于糖基化的复杂性高、存在丰度低等问题,以及糖肽异于一般肽段的特殊的物化性质,使高通量质谱分析或者获得的数据复杂性大,或者无法通过单一的方式取得足够信息;另外,目前仍没有一种针对完整糖肽的富集方法,能高效的去除非糖肽的影响。这都对糖肽的解析造成难度。目前瞄准糖肽解析的应用程序已有开发,但是绝大多数或者对样本复杂性的耐受度很低,或者给出使用者难以决断的众多结果,能被用户方便、规模化使用的平台十分欠缺。GRIP是我们建立的糖肽解析平台Glycopeptide Revealing and Interpretation Platform的简称,该平台软件的检索基于实验产生的、来自目标样本的肽段库和糖链库生成的糖肽库,而非巨大的理论糖肽库;这使得该糖肽库不但适于具体样本,可随样本而变,而且减少了理论库检索的假阳性。另外,我们充分利用糖肽在质谱中的碎裂特征,将这些特征作为谱图筛选及假阳性控制的重要手段,准确的从海量谱图中筛选出糖肽谱图并进行解析。该研究目前已实现血清样本中上千条非冗余糖肽的解析,结果中展示了蛋白糖基化微观不均一性等重要信息,不但在国际上处于领先水平,也具有很好的实际应用前景。
     虽然分离富集方法以及广谱性糖苷内切酶的使用,使得N-糖基化位点的鉴定常规化,但对于O-糖基化的研究,由于其核心结构众多,且没有广谱性的糖苷水解酶,因而常规化、规模化的O-糖基化位点鉴定至今仍是个难题。多数以实现该目标为目的的研究多采用基于β-消除/加成反应的策略:消除反应实现去糖基化,Ser/Thr侧链形成不饱和键;加成反应为原糖基化位点带上利于后续分析、处理的质量或富集标签。尽管有研究对这类方法进行了改善和使用,但范围往往限于标准肽段等简单样本。我们首次平行、比较使用了DTT加成法、氨水法、甲胺法等三种处理方法,不但考察了它们对同样发生在Ser/Thr氨基酸上的磷酸化后修饰的影响,更将其应用到实际血清样本中,获得了来自96个蛋白的157个O-糖基化位点,但其中只有4个位点为一种以上方法共同鉴定。我们对这些位点进行分析还发现修饰发生在Ser氨基酸的比例高于Thr氨基酸(61% vs 39%);同一蛋白中的糖基化位点常出现在邻近区域,与文献记载相符。另外,我们还比较了还原性β-消除反应法在蛋白或肽段水平上进行时,对于O-糖链解析效果的差异。结果表明,前者有利于低分子量糖链的检测,而后者在高分子量糖链的检测上具优势,两者联合能更全面的实现糖链解析。
This thesis presents an interdisciplinary research involved in analytical chemistry and chemical biology. Glycosylation enrichment methods, mass spectrometry techniques and bioinformatics tools have been combined, for the goal revealing glycosylation information in important biological samples accurately and efficiently.
     Glycosylation is one of the most important and universal protein post-translational modifications (PTMs), while glycoproteomics is becoming a significant field in the post-proteomics era. The development of enrichment methods and bio-mass spectrometry (MS) techniques has been facilitating glycoproteomic researches; glycosylation information has been revealed from various samples. Nevertheless, there is always room for methodological development in glycoproteomics, e.g. development and improvement of glycan-related enrichment methods and MS techniques. Meanwhile, with the increasing output of MS data, efforts from bioinformatics have been made on glycoproteomics, to assist or even replace time-consuming manual interpretation. However, because of the complexity of protein glycosylation, it is still full of chances and challenges in this field:many important samples need interpretation, and automatic analysis of intact glycopeptides is at the initial stage.
     The major contributions of this work are as follows:
     (1) N-glycoproteins of normal human liver have been profiled for the first time, and the large dataset, which is not only a valuable supplement for normal human liver proteome, but also the basis of meaningful bioinformatic analysis.
     (2) An internationally advanced platform for intact glycopeptide interpretation and revealing (GRIP) has been established; it newly introduced experiment-based de-glycopeptide and glycan datasets to form a sample-friendly glycopeptide database, which have achieved high-throughput glycopeptide analysis for human serum.
     (3) Two strategies novelly combining sequential multi-enzymatic approach and glycan-related enriching method have been developed, assisting glycoprotein sequence coverage improvement and accurate glycosite/glycopeptide identification.
     (4) First comparison of differentβ-elimination-based methods for O-glycosylation study on practical sample has been carried out; features of our results could be useful references for the application and development of the methodology.
     This thesis consists of four parts which are summarized as follows:
     Part 1. Introduction:a brief and comprehensive introduction of protein glycosylation and glycoproteomics-related fields.
     As one of the most important and universal protein PTMs, glycosylation takes part in many physiological processes. The alteration of glycoprotein amount and glycan structure probably indicates pathological changes, while many FDA approved drugs are glycoproteins. There are four major types of protein glycosylation; the two mostly studied are N-linked and O-linked glycosylation. Although it is still a tough job, glycoproteomics has been largely facilitated by the development of different technologies, e.g. glycan-related enrichment methods, MS techniques. Meanwhile, bioinformatics on glycoproteomics is another related field rapidly developing but just in the start. Generally, glycosylation study now is still full of chances and challenges.
     Part 2. High-throughput N-glycosite Studies:two sections included (1) normal human liver N-glycoproteome profiling; (2) sequential multi-enzymatic assisted and high specific glycoprotein/site identification.
     (1) As the largest human organ, liver plays vital roles especially in metabolism. Biological functions and related disease of liver have always been paid close attention to. Till 2010, Chinese human liver proteome project (CNHLPP) has identified over six thousand proteins from normal human liver. However, because of the high complexity and the wide dynamic range of proteins in practical samples, revealing of low-abundance proteins is still a tough and on-working task. PTM-enriching could act not only as a targeted approach, but also as an efficient way to reduce sample complexity, so probably revealing supplementary information. Here, for the study of normal human liver N-glycoproteome, we have combined two enrichment methods (hydrazide chemistry and hydrophilic affinity) and two MS dissociation methods (collision-induced dissociation and electron-transfer dissociation), and obtained the largest human liver N-glycoproteome dataset, containing 915 N-glycoproteins and 1,786 N-glycosites. The dataset is not only a valuable supplement for normal human liver proteome (382 newly identified proteins), but also important basis of further researches in the field.
     (2) Outstanding specificity of hydrazide chemistry (usually above 90%) means the capability to reduce sample complexity and also reliable N-glycosite identification. However, due to its high specificity, usually glycoprotein identification can only rely on a limited number of de-glycopeptides. Those identified glycoproteins have low sequence coverage, and some are single-peptide-hit identification likely. A novel two-step protease digestion and glycopeptide capture approach has been developed. Through controllable release, separate identification and combined interpretation of non-glycopeptides (newly introduced LT-peptides) and traditional de-glycopeptides (DG-peptide), the approach could not only achieve routine N-glycosite identification, but also provide further proofs of N-glycosites and increase glycoprotein sequence coverage. The approach has been successfully applied to cell lysate. Without sacrificing enrichment specificity, glycoproteins got improved sequence coverage with increase even up to 350%(averagely 79.4%), and DG-peptide-revealed N-glycosites got further confirmation by related LT-peptides.
     Part 3. High-throughput N-glycopeptide Studies:two sections included (1) One-pipeline approach achieving glycoprotein identification and obtaining intact glycopeptide information; (2) Glycopeptide revealing and interpretation platform (GRIP).
     (1) Analysis of intact glycopeptides largely depends on glycosylation enrichment; traditionally, after peptide-level enrichment, protein identification and glycopeptides interpretation would be in two separated flow paths:one carries out de-glycosylation, the other keeps glycopeptides intact. A novel one-pipeline approach has been developed. Without de-glycosylation, this approach has been demonstrated to achieve glycoprotein identification and obtain intact glycosylation information after peptide-level enrichment. The proposed workflow has two enrichment steps plus two proteolytic processes:enriched glycoproteins were digested by Lys-C, and then enriched again and secondly digested by trypsin. In the resulting mixture, with a reasonable complexity, intact glycopeptides could be preserved and utilized informatively for glycosylation analysis, and non-glycopeptides for protein identification. In both standard protein mixture tests and real sample analysis, the resulting glycopeptides and non-glycopeptides were proved to play their expected roles, thus more confident protein glycosylation information was obtained.
     (2) High-throughput intact glycopeptides analysis is one of the most difficult tasks in glycoproteomics. Several reasons, e.g. high complexity of glycosylation, relatively low abundance and special physiochemical properties of glycopeptides, make the study on intact glycopeptides difficult. Enriching methods have not achieved a stable high specific separation for intact glycoprotein/peptides. Till now, there has not been a widely used routine for glycopeptide analysis, as that for N-glycosites. Bioinformatics tools targeting glycopeptides have been developed, but existing tools usually could not endure complex samples, or would provide too many results to choose. In our glycopeptide revealing and interpretation platform (GRIP), we introduced experiment-based de-glycopeptide and glycan datasets to form a sample-friendly glycopeptide database, and used novel algorithm designed for glycopeptides "sequence tag" searching and composition interpretation. GRIP has achieved high-throughput glycopeptide analysis for human serum:3,091 spectra (1% false positive rate), corresponding to 1,020 different glycopeptides were identified; micro-heterogeneity of glycosylation was also revealed in the result. Analysis of those glycopeptides by another MS fragmentation technique HCD (higher-energy collision-induced dissociation) proved the accuracy of aforementioned results.
     Part 4.β-elimination Methodology Based O-glycosylation Studies:comparative studies differentβ-elimination methods on practical sample for O-glycosite and O-glycan identification.
     Because there is neither consensus sequence for O-glycosylation, nor a universal O-glycosidase which could function the way as peptide-N-glycosidase F (PNGase F) do in de-N-glycosylation, recognition of O-glycosylation sites (O-glycosites) is still challenging. Recent investigations have worked on mild P-elimination/addition methods which could remove O-glycans while preserve peptide backbones, but most of those studies focused on samples with low complexity (e.g. synthetic peptides, purified proteins) rather than complex samples. Here, for the first time, we applied three differentβ-elimination/addition approaches, to explore the O-glycosite profile of human serum. Surprisingly quite different results were obtained from different approaches, though they were based on similar mechanism. Totally,157 O-glycosites from 96 proteins were revealed, only four of them were identified from two or more approaches; the number of detected modification on Ser was higher than that on Thr (61% vs.39%); glycosites identified from the same proteins showed close appearances. Meanwhile, reductiveβ-elimination of O-glycans from serum sample was also performed from both protein and peptide levels. MS analysis showed the former favored glycans with lower molecular weight, while the latter favored glycans in the higher mass range.
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