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This paper, under the guidance of historical materialism, by putting NATO’s transformation under the background of globalization and changes of international patterns after cold war, by taking all driving forces affecting NATO’s transformation and their interrelations into account, analyzed the interrelations between NATO’s transformation, changes of international patterns and changes of the interest of its member countries, internal and external causes of NATO’s transformation, and influences of NATO’s transformation on the alliance and contemporary international relations.
     This paper includes four chapters.
     The first two chapters mainly discussed the evolution of NATO’s strategy in the past 60 years since its establishment. The first two chapters, by putting NATO into two different international political backgrounds, namely the US-Soviet bipolar pattern in cold war and multi-polar pattern after cold war, by comparative analysis on NATO’s military strategies, political strategies and organizational mechanisms in cold war and after cold war, explained changes and developments of NATO’s nature, function, strategic objectives and organizational mechanisms. After its establishment, NATO had been a military-political organization, an organization for collective defense. After cold war, in the face of the changed security environment, the US and its European alliances set two objectives for NATO: on one hand, NATO was expected to be the tool for unifying and stabilizing Europe, which means that NATO’s political function shall be strengthened ceaselessly; on the other hand, NATO was expected to change its military strategy in order to deal with new security issues under new situation, namely NATO was required to have quick reaction capabilities for handling crisis. NATO’s transformation developed along with these two directions. First, NATO’s political function had been strengthened, together with reserving its collective defense article, bilateral and multi-lateral security cooperation had become the alliance’s main tools, and NATO had been the base of an opening trans-European cooperative security system, and it had changed from a collective defense organization into a collective security organization. Second, NATO had set crisis handling and anti-terrorism strategy, broken through restrictions on actions out of defense zone, and greatly adjusted its command system and military deployment.
     The third chapter mainly analyzed and discussed the internal and external causes of NATO’s transformation. On one hand, due to the profound changes of international patterns and security environment, NATO’s theoretical foundation, validity foundation and systematic foundation had been weaken, therefore, NATO was expected to transform in order to fulfill the requirement of new security situation and deal with its existential crisis. On the other hand, NATO’s transformation reflected western countries’desire to consolidate their relative superiority in international pattern after cold war and pursue their security interests. For the US, U.K., France, Germany and other big powers in NATO, on one hand, they could pursue their common security interests through NATO; on the other hand, NATO was helpful for them to implement their global strategy, or strengthen their relative power in their own region, or balance other powers’influence, or improve their status and influences in international system. Thus, both American and Europeans drove NATO to transform after cold war. For Russia, one of the external causes for NATO’s transformation, it not only had influences on NATO’s effort for constructing new security order in Europe, but also had key influences on NATO’s existence and enlargement.
     The fourth chapter mainly analyzed the influences and challenges of NATO’s transformation. For its influences, NATO’s transformation not only had influences on NATO’s existence, but also led discussions on several key issues, like strategic games on Eurasia, triangle relations among the US, Russia and the European Union, and China’s geo-strategic role in US’s bi-oceanic strategy, and etc. Its influences were profound. For internal and external challenges in NATO’s transformation, since both the US and European Union had the requirement to improve and strengthen bilateral relations, the US-EU alliance would maintain stable and sustainable generally in the future, US-EU relations would characterize as a mixture of strategic cooperation and tactical disputes. For NATO’s enlargement, it would continue its enlargement towards two directions, one would be western Balkans, the other would be Ukraine-Transcaucasia-Central Asia, and even Mongolia. For the NATO-Russia relations, both parties had no option but to continue to contain and anti-contain, conflict and cooperate, they would maintain their conflict but without complete break.
     The conclusion was that, on one hand, the success or not of NATO’s transformation would mainly lie on its satisfaction or not with its member countries’particularly its key members’diplomatic strategies and requirements on national interests. If they did not satisfy with the alliance’s actions, the function and future of the alliance would be doubtful; on the other hand, NATO had no option but to go along with world trends so as to continue its transformation, or it would go into cul-de-sac.
①Timothy P. Ireland, Creating the Entangling Alliance: The Origins of the North Atlantic Alliance (Westport, CI: Greanwood Press, 1981); Escott Reid, Time of Fear and Hope: The Making of the North Atlantic Treaty (Toronto: McClellan and Stewart, 1977) ;有关北约历史起源方面的研究还可参考:Lawrence S. Kaplan, A Community of Interests (Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1980) and The United States and NATO: The Formative Years (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1984); John Baylis, The Diplomacy of Pragmatism: Britain and the Formation of NATO, 1942-1949 (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1993).
    ②U.S, Congress, Congressional Research Service, NATO at 40: Bibliographic Resources (CRS Report for Congress, 89-175l, march 1999).
    ③Richard L. Kugler, Commitment to Purpose: How Alliance Partnership Won the Cold War (Santa Moncia, CA: RAND, 1993); NATO Military Strategy for the Post-Cold War Era: Issues and Options, R-4217-AF (Santa Monica: RAND, 1992).
    ④Bradley S. Klein,“Hegemony and Strategic Culture: American Power Projection and Alliance Defense Politics”, Review of International Studies, 1988, Vol. 14, No. 2; Andre de Staercke et al., NATO’s Anxious Birth: The Prophetic Vision of the 1940s (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1985).
    ⑤S. F. Giffin,“Untangling An Alliance”, Orbis, Fall 1963, Vol. 7, No.3; Richard Hart Sinnreich,“NATO’s Doctrinal Dilemma”, Orbis, Summer 1975, Vol . 19, No. 2; William J. Thies,“The‘Demise’of NATO: A Postmortem”, Parameters, June 1990, Vol. 20. No .2; Joseph Lepgold, The Declining Hegemon: The Untied States and European Defense, 1960-1990 (New York: Praeger, 1990); Robert E. Osgood, NATO: The Entangling Alliance (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963); Richard Kugler, The Great Strategy Debate: NATO’s Evolution in the 1960s (Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation, 1991).
    ⑥The Chatham House Study Group, Atlantic Alliance: NATO’s Role in the Free World (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs); Mary Margaret Ball, NATO and the European Union Movement (New York: Praeger, 1959); Karl Kaiser, Europe and the United States: The Future of the Relationship (Washington D.C.: Columbia Books, 1973).
    ①此方面的研究参见:Melvyn P. Leffler, A Preponderance of Power, National Security, the Truman Administrative, and the Cold War (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1992); Peter Duignan, NATO, Its Past, Present and Future (Stanford University Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 2000); Ashton B. Carter and William J. Perry, Preventive Defense-A New Security Strategy for America (Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution Press, 1999); Paul Cornish, Partnership in Crisis: The US, Europe and the Fall and Rise of NATO (London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1997); David S. Yost, NATO Transformed: The Alliance’s New Roles in International Security (Washington D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1998).
    ②此方面的研究参见:Gerald B. Solomon, The NATO Enlargement Debate, 1990-1997: Blessings of Liberty (Westport: Praeger, 1998); Andrew A. Michta (ed.), America’s New Allies, Poland, Hungry, and the Czech Republic in NATO (University of Washington Press, 1999); Stephen J. Blank, ed., From Madrid to Brussels: Perspectives on NATO Enlargement (Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 1997).
    ③Ronald D. Asmus, Richard L. Kugler and F. Stephen Larrabee,“Building a New NATO”, Foreign Affairs (September/October 1993), p.28.
    ⑤Ronald D. Asmus, Richard L. Kugler and F. Stephen Larrabee,“Building a New NATO”, Foreign Affairs, September/October 1993, pp.32-39.
    ①Gerald B. Solomon,“The NATO Enlargement Debate, 1990-1997”, Westport: Praeger, 1998.
    ②Martin Smith, Where is NATO going? (London: Routledge, 1996).
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    ①Strobe Talbott,“Why NATO Should Grow”, New York Review of Books, August 10, 1995, pp.27-34.
    ②Anthony Lake,“Effective engagement in a changing world”, Bulletin of USIS, December 20, 1993.
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    ④Gale A. Mattox, Arthur R. Rachwald"Enlarging NATO: the national debates",Boulder, Colo. : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001.
    ⑤此方面的研究参见:Ellen Hallams,“The Transatlantic Alliance renewed: the United States and NATO since 9.11”, Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2009; Zoltan Barany, The Future of NATO Expansion: Four Case Studies (Cambridge University Press, 2003); Jaap de Hoop Scheffer,“A new NATO needed: Security interests of U.S. and Europe converge”, The Washington Times, June 2, 2003; John J. Lis and Zachary Selden, NATO burdensharing after enlargement (New York: Novinka Books, 2003).
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    ①David Rees, The Age of the Containment, the Cold War (1945-1946) (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1967), p.33.
    ②David Rees, The Age of the Containment, the Cold War (1945-1946) (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1967), p.18.
    ①Kessing’s Contemporary Archives (1946~1948) (London: Kessing’s Publication Limited), p. 9188.
    ①Melvyn P. Leffler, A Preponderance of Power, National Security, the Truman Administrative, and the Cold War (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1992), p.62.
    ②John Baylis, The Diplomacy of Pragmatism, Britain and the Formation of NATO (1942-1949) (London, 1993), p.158.
    ②Peter Duignan, NATO, Its Past, Present and Future (Stanford University Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 2000), p.32.
    ③Peter Duignan, NATO, Its Past, Present and Future (Stanford University Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 2000), p.32.
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    ①Peter Duignan, NATO, Its Past, Present and Future (Stanford University Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 2000, pp. 37-40.
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