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The main work of this paper is to use biomimetic principles by synthetic peptides poly-lysine as inducer, polycarbonate film as a hard template to provide a specific space, under conditions of normal temperature and pressure, formed a particular appearance of the silica materials-pipe, rod-like. Using EDS, TGA, SEM, FTIR and other detecting methods of the composition and morphology of the products.EDS, TGA, FTIR analysis showed that the product is silicon dioxide and peptide complex. We also studied the factors during the course of silica nucleation,growth and final morphology,which have a major impact.The use of atomic force microscopy in solid-phase state, real-time tracking process of peptide mediated silicon synthetic.Further study of biomimetic mechanism of peptide molecule-mediated synthesis of nano-silicon materials.
     Main contents and conclusions are as follows:
     (1) Preparation of a specific morphology of biomimetic synthesis of silicon nano-materials and influence of factors
     We use synthesized poly-lysine as the induction agent, sodium silicate as precursor, polycarbonate film as a hard template to provide a specific space,synthesis nano-silicon materialsthe in vitro under normal temperature and pressure conditions and research the reaction of the physical and chemical factors. Study found that synthetic poly-lysine is able to synthesis silicon under normal temperature and pressure.The sodium silicate solution pH is 3.0,the growth time is 60min, the rules rod-like can be prepared silicon nano-materials management. X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and thermal analysis proved that the product is a compound of silicon and peptides.
     (2) Application of Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) in the solid phase completed successfully tracking polylysine-mediated synthesis of nanometer silicon process. Application of AFM images recorded changes in response to the early mineralization process and to explain the mechanism of silica mineralization model presents a reasonable plan for the mechanism of silica biomineralization provides an experimental basis.
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