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何首乌(Polygonum multiflourm Thunb.)又名地精、赤敛、首乌、陈知白、红内消、马肝石、黄花乌根、小独根等,系蓼科蓼属多年生缠绕草本植物,始载于宋《开宝本草》,主要的药用部分是块根。何首乌为一味常用的中药,近代药理研究发现,它能保护超氧物歧化酶、抑制脑中单胺氧化酶的活性、保护胸腺、调节免疫系统功能、降血脂等功能。随着人们生活水平的提高及保健意识的增强,人们对植物药需求量与日俱增,传统医药构成了维护发展中国家约80%人口的基本健康的基础,仅中药就用到700多个物种。而何首乌块根是数十种中成药的生产原料。以何首乌为原料生产的补血类中成药和保健品及护发类产品在市场上的销售也正被逐年看好,销量在逐年增加。而目前市场上的何首乌多为野生的,栽培的很少。由于对何首乌的广泛利用,野生资源出现了紧缺。为有效保护野生资源,避免资源枯竭,采用人工栽培扩大中草药材的生产势在必行,栽培首要解决繁殖的问题。本试验针对何首乌的三种繁殖方式进行了系统的研究,得出了以下主要结果:
     研究了四种不同插穗:1年生硬枝,1年生绿枝,2年生硬枝,2年生绿枝的生根效果。结果表明,1年生硬枝插穗的生根率是最高,达到34%;1年生绿枝次之,为24%。研究了IBA、NAA、GGR_6、GGR_7四种不同生长调节剂对何首乌插穗的生根影响,研究表明:适合何首乌扦插生根的植物生长调节剂为IBA和GGR_7,其浓度范围在50~100mg/LZ间。在100 mg/L时的生根效果最好,生根率最高,发根数最多,根长最长。
     对IBA和GGR_7生根效应进一步研究表明,一定浓度范围内,随着浓度的增加,经IBA和GGR_7处理的插穗生根率表现出一致的增加性,其中处理浓度为100 mg/L时的生根率IBA的生根率比GGR_7的高6.65%。
Polygonum multiflorum, which named again DiJing、Chelian Chenzhibai Maganshi Xiaodugen etc, is perennial herbaceous vine and it's tuber and vine are used astraditional medicine. The main medicine of the plant's using part is its roots., The modern pharmacology research discovers that it can protect SOD, repress the activity of MAO in brain, protect thymus gland and regulate immune system function, cholesterol-lowering etc.With living level of people exaltation and health care consciousness of to build up, people increase the demand of the plant medicine.The traditional medicine constituted maintenance developing country the basic and healthy foundation of about 80% populations, the only traditional herbal Chinese medicine used to more than 700 specieses.The root of Polygonum multiflorum is the production raw material of patent medicine in several kinds.Taking these roots as the raw material produces of increase the blood the patent medicine and the health care article in type and protect a hair cosmetics also is being thought to be good year by year in the sale on the market, sell quantity be increasing year by year.The Polygonum multiflorum of market is wild much currently of educating of few. Because of the extensive exploitation of Polygonum multiflorum, the wild resources appeared to lack tightly.In order to protect the wild resources effectively, avoiding the resources dried up, adoption artificial cultivation the herb medicine material in the extension of production the power be going necess-arily. The cultivation is initial to resolve the problem for breeding.This experiment and then aim at three kinds of researches which bred a way to cany on system of flowery knotweed originally, and getmain results as follows:
     1.Research of seed breeding of the Polygonum multiflorum.
     Taking the Polygonum multiflorum seed for a year as material, experiment mainly been studied the influence of five dissimilarity dibble to the Polygonum multiflorum young sprout character.By comparing the different of character of density,the test screem out that the feat density for 35 kg/hm2,and found the regression eguation of density and young plant quality is y=-232.43+157.87x-2.85x~2. Test Studied the influence of different seeding date to the growth of young sprout, planting from February 15,2006, seeding every 10 day once, till April 16,2006.The test showed that seeding too premature and latest is propitious to the growth of young plant.It is showed that the fittest sowing date was the fist ten days of march by the square analysis and multiple comparison to young sprout characters. Test studied that the influence of different transplanting date to the characters of Polygonum multiflourm Thunb.and to underground root growing big. The test educed that the good transplanting date was April 6 which the number of underground roots and the diameters of the roots were good to other disposals.
     2. Research of tissue culture of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.
     Adopting the method of qadratic regressive factorial experiment,to study the influence of differ consistency 6-BA and NAA to Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. buds inducement. Analysises got regression pattern and the results showed that the most of shoot achieved by the 6-BA and NAA concentrations were in a rang of 1.26-1.99mg.L~(-1) and 0.05-0.48mg.L~(-1) respectively. By applying the orthogonal design, the test studied the effects of culture factors of MS、IBA、NAA and sucrose in the rooting experiment of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. The results show that the root induction was significantly affected by different density of MS and IBA. The order of the factors was: culture medium>IBA>saccharose>NAA. The best culture medium for root induction of Polygonum multiflorum was that containing: 1/2MS+NAA0.2mg/L+IBA1.0mg/L+ saccharose30g/LAfter that the Polygonum multiflorum can transplant and survive in field through exercise.The test shows alsothat the condition of the highest rootage rate and rootage exponential is 16 hours a day and 2000Lx light intensity.
     3. Study of cutting rootage on Polygonum multiflorum
     It was investigated that the effects of four kinds of dissimilarities quicksets on rooting of cutting of Polygonum multiflorum with tender branches and tough branches for 1 year and 2 year. The results indicated that the average rooting rates of 1 year tough branches was the highest ,up 34%,secondly 1 year tender branches,reaching 24%. This test also studied the effects of four plant growth regulator on rooting of cutting of Polygonum multiflorum. The results showed that the fitter hormone for cutting rootage was IBA and GGR_7; the range of thickness was 50-100mg/L. The best wa density for 100mg/L which rootage rate is highest: the number of rootage wa most ; the length was longest. More research to IBA and GGR_7 were showed that the increase trend of their rootage rate is same,yet the dissimilarity was density for 100mg/L which the rootage rate of IBA was higher than GGR_7 6.65%.
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