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In the literature review, an extensive description has been included on the power of face-to-face cross-cultural experience in developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of worldmindedness (Brislin, 1989; Brislin & Yoshida, 1994; Gochenour, 1993; Gudykunst & Kim, 2003). Multicultural and global educators agree that students need experiential learning with people different from themselves if they are to develop cross-cultural skills, knowledge, and competence. However, students have little access to chances of experiencing cross-cultural differences, though they are often exposed to various theories through classroom learning and after-class reading. Experiential learning has already gained prominent success in adult education and has been applied to many other contexts and areas. In all likelihood, what’s lacking in the regular intercultural communication (IC) course curriculum can be supplemented with experiential learning. Thus, by integrating experiential learning techniques into IC course, the author designs a supplementary training program for IC MA students.
     Taking into consideration IC MA students’learning capability and research needs, traditional or regular IC courses give priority to the study of IC theories and the training of cognitive awareness. Affective and behavioral components of cross-cultural communication competence are equally important, yet have been neglected. The designs a training program for intercultural communication MA students based on experiential learning theory, stressing affective and behavioral factors concerning cross-cultural communication.
     The thesis adopts a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology. The descriptive analysis of the training design, including training objectives, content and activities, constitute the main body. Prior to the training design, a questionnaire is designed and used to investigate the needs of the prospective trainees. After the training implementation, another survey is done to examine whether or how the proposed training program help improve the trainees’attitude and competence.
     Chapter I introduces the background and significance of the study as well as the thesis structure. Chapter II reviews the key points concerning experiential learning and intercultural communication training (ICT), and examines the necessity of synthesizing experiential learning activities and ICT program. Chapter III puts forward research questions and hypotheses, and explains the questionnaire design and data collection procedure. As the central part of the thesis, Chapter IV is devoted to the development of an experiential training program for intercultural communication MA students, following the procedure of assessing the needs, setting the goals, specifying objectives, determining contents, selecting methods, planning sequencing and pacing, implementing and evaluating the training. The concluding chapter summarizes the thesis and points out its limitations and the directions for future studies.
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