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随着中国债券市场的发展和不断深化,债券品种尤其是信用债券品种不断丰富。在此背景下,对信用债券的定价尤其是对信用利差(也称信用价差,下同)的研究显得越发重要。目前的研究表明,信用利差跟宏观经济因素、流动性因素以及信用风险等多种因素相关,其中关于信用风险对信用利差的影响成为相关研究的重要领域,学术界对此仍存在一定争议。一些研究(如Duffie和Singleton(1997),Delianedis和Geske(2001),Elton(2001)等)表明信用风险对信用利差的解释力不够,信用风险不能作为信用利差变动的主要原因。而另一些研究(如Huang和Huang(2003), Longstaff等(2005))则表明信用风险是影响信用利差变动的重要因素。
The analysis of corporate bond’s credit spread is of more and more significance.Recent research illustrates that the change of credit spread accouts for macroeconomicfactor, liquidity, as well as credit risk, although there is still some arguments. Moreand more research illustrates that rating should be considered when analyzing creditrisk.
     There is some challenge in analyzing crdite spread in China’s bond mark,because there is few real default events in China’s bond market, which means nodefault rate data is available,so choosing suitable index which can delegate credit riskin China’s bond market is a challenging job.
     According to questionnaires,this paper finds that the investors are very cautiousabout credit risk in China’s bond market,they could change their portfolio if creditevent is predicted. So,credit risk’s influence is not only on the bond itself, but also onthe whole bond market.
     This paper aims to illustrate how much credit risk is priced in credit spread. Asno default risk data is available,credit risk in China’s bond market is been delegatedfor downgrade of credit rating. The result reveals that,while controlling CPI, IP, R007,bond exchange rate etc., the remaining credit risk is significant to credit spread inChina’s corporate bond market,and the influence is more significant to lower ratingbonds, especially for the AA and the lower grade corporate bonds. Despite of howmuch credit risk is priced in credit spread,this paper also illustrates how long willcredit risk act in credit spread.
     As credit risk is growing, the supervisor of China’s bond market shouldguarantee the fair market environment,in which risk premium is suitable.
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