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The thesis gives a summary of the theoretical study that has been achieved in the field of management and organization, and makes a thorough inquiry about the construction design of the business organization in line with the contemporary knowledge-based economy.Aiming at the creation of a new mode of business organization i.e.the ball-team enterprise organization by the use of mathematical analysis and method, the thesis verifies the necessity and significance of the establishment of the ball-team enterprise organization in the contemporary business organization, discusses the efficiency of such organization, promotes new ideas and inquires about the theoretical development, and sets up a principal framework of the ball-team enterprise organization.It takes non-linear dynamics and the game theory as the basis of research and studies the theories of business organization by making a quantitative analysis, which is to deal with the problems occurring in the business organization by making use of the game th
    eory and mathematical analytic model.This proves to be a necessary and rewarding attempt and of some value in the future similar study.As a good combination of the traditional management theory and dissipative structure, are discussed here, the thesis is expected to accelerate the application of non-linear dynamics, to facilitate the study of management developing in a new direction and to promote a quantitative analysis by the use of mathematics and physics in the field of management.Thus the thesis makes rewarding study of the contemporary business organization and comes to analysis the business organization of the ball-team enterprise organization that should be established in the contemporary business.
    The thesis consists of 6 chapters: the first an introduction, the last a conclusion, in between is its body.In the first chapter the organization is introduced, along with its theories and the theories and concepts relevant to its construction.It then presents six traditional constructions of the organization and states their pros and cons.Next, it shows the major achievement that has been made in the study, some of which are proposed for further discussion; it analyzes the fundamental causes and the principal end of the transformation of the organization in the modern business, of which the process, the mechanism and the means are clearly expounded.Chapter 2 analyzes and studies the existing environment of the ball-team enterprise organization and the design of the organization.The former is generally categorized into two groups, the internal environment,
    including scale, quality of the labor, correlation of the company, culture, etc., and the
    external environment such as competitiveness in the market, scale of the organization,
    technological development, etc.(The knowledge-based economy is not to be neglected
    here; for it somehow does influence the development of the ball-team enterprise
    organization.) The latter is dealt with by criticizing the traditional principles of design,
    promoting the essential principles for the ball-team enterprise organization, making the
    point of dimension and revaluing the correlation of its constructional factors.Finally this
    chapter presents a quantitative analysis of the management control and the constructional
    process of the' ball-team enterprise organization by the use of mathematical model.It also
    studies the organization of its output control, structural regulation of capital and product,
    message transmission control, organization creation control and management, etc.Chapter
    3 is based on the theory of dissipative structure; it analysis the dissipative characteristic of
    ball-team enterprise organization firstly, such as the characteristic of dynamic, open and
    boundlessness; with using the entropy flow theory of dissipative structure, the entropy flow
    model of ball-team enterprise organization is analyzed and the factors that have effected on
    the positive and negative entropy flow in the enterprise, interior and exterior surroundings
    have been pointed ou
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