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本文从生成语言学(generative linguistics)的角度探讨英汉受事主语结构(patient-subject constructions),旨在探讨其深层句法结构的生成机制。有关受事主语句较系统的研究始于龚千炎(1980),此后相关研究逐年增多,但是从生成语法(generative grammar)角度探讨受事主语句的研究却少见,因而该课题具有一定的创新意义。
     本文认为受事主语现象是一种普遍的句法现象,但必要时要考虑到它的一些语义特征。文章首先确立了受事主语句作为一种独立句式的存在地位,讨论其分类、句法及语义特征。其次,介绍了一些相关的理论,如θ理论(θ-Theory),格理论(Case Theory),移位理论(Movement)以及核查理论(Checking Theory)。本文重点在于探讨英汉受事主语结构的生成过程(formation process)及其生成机制(derivationalmechanism)。移位假设(Movement Hypothesis)是解释受事主语句生成过程的基本准则,具体操作如下:受事主语句中的表层主语本是在宾语位置上生成,为了满足扩充投射原则(Extended Projection Principle)和格特征核查(Case-Feature Checking)的需要,才经过句法移位到了主语的位置上,受事成分位于底层结构的宾语位置。在此分析基础上,本文提出构成受事主语句的三个重要条件,分别是受事主语化条件(PatientSubiectivization Condition),及物性条件(Transitivity Condition),施事附加化条件(Agent Adiunctivization Condition)。其中,及物性条件和施事附加化条件只为受事主语句生成提供了可能性,而真正决定受事主语句生成的一个必要条件是受事主语化。基于受事主语句这一句式结构表现形式的复杂多样性,本文根据句中动词特性及移位特征将其归为三大类:短距离受事主语句(short-distance PSCs),长距离受事主语句(long-distance PSCs)及复杂谓词受事主语句(complex predicate PSCs)。文中详尽分析了各类受事主语句的移位生成过程,从而在一定程度上对英汉受事主语句做出了统一解释。
This thesis attempts to explore patient-subject constructions in English and Chinese within the theoretical framework of generative linguistics, aiming at seeking the derivational mechanism underlying syntactic constructions. With regard to the study of patient-subject constructions, it is Gong (龚千炎1980) who first studies this kind of construction systematically. Since then, the studies on patient-subject constructions phenomenon have been increasing year by year. However, the study is seldom touched upon from generative grammar. So this study is of creative significance.
     This thesis argues that patient-subjectivization is a syntactically unified phenomenon, but its semantic characteristics must also be taken into consideration when necessary. The thesis first proves and establishes the status of patient-subject sentences as a construction, discussing their classifications, syntactic and semantic properties, and introduces some theories concerned, such asθ-Theory, Case Theory, Movement and Feature Checking Theory. The main work of this study is to explore the formation process and derivational mechanism of patient-subject constructions in both Chinese and English. The basic approach to patient-subject constructions formation is Movement Hypothesis, that is, in deriving patient-subject constructions, the surface subject is generated in object position and must move to subject position via syntactic movement in order to satisfy the requirements of Extended Projection Principle and Case-Feature Checking. Based on this analysis, three conditions are vital to patient-subject formation, namely, the Transitivity Condition and Patient Subjectivization and/or Agent Adjunctivization Condition. That is to say, if the transitivity condition and the agent adjunctivization are met, then a patient-subject profile is possible, but there will not necessarily be a patient-subject profile. The necessity or dynamics for patient profile is provided by the initial NP assumed to be patient subjectivization. Only when these three conditions are met, or in other words, only when there is both possibility and necessity, will patient-subject formation occur. Due to the complexity and variety of structural expressions of patient-subject constructions, patient-subject constructions are put into three types according to the characteristics of the verb used in patient-subject constructions: short-distance PSCs, long-distance PSCs and complex predicate PSCs. The thesis analyzes the derivational process of each type in detail and to some extent provides a universal explanation for English and Chinese patient-subject constructions.
     Moreover, Patient-subject constructions share important properties with some related sentence types, including passives and middles; they also exhibit considerable differences. Their differences will also be explored.
     The thesis manages to track down some similarities on this topic in two totally different languages. It mentions the approach that the deep object of the verb move to subject position via syntactic movement in order to satisfy the requirements of Extended Projection Principle and Case-Feature Checking.
1 Gong(龚千炎)claims that patient-subject constructions include bei-sentence(Np+bei+Na+V)and non-bei sentence(Np+V),which are different from the objectives of our study.
    2 In a broad sense,patient-subject constructions refer to all those in which the subject is the patient of predicate verb,including marked patient-subject constructions and 'non-marked' patient-subject constructions.
    3 Tough-type includes tough,hard,difficult,simple,impossible,etc.
    4 Need-type includes need,couM do with,want,require,warrant,deserve,merit.
    5 The following abbreviations are used in this thesis:ASP,aspect marker;CL,classifier;PART,particle;NEG,negation.
    6 NP in this paper only stands for the subject noun phrase of the sentence,and appears in the initial position of the sentence.
    7 Aspectual markers(-le 'completive';-guo 'exeriential';-zhe 'durative')
    8 If there are two or more preverbal NPs,the VP and the NP closed to it will form a unit known as zhuwei duanyu weiyu 'a predicate which is itself a subject-predicate phrase',which can take another NP as the subject(see Lu 1986b).
    9 Only in Chinese Type 4 does the agent exist by the means of object of sentence.
    10 It will be discussed in chapter 5.No agent is implied at all in ergative-type.
    11 Here Liu argues that not all transtives are eligible for patient-subject constructions in Chinese.E.g.shi(be),you(have,has),ru(seem).
    12 'Traditional' in the sense of' structuralist' or 'behaviori st'.
    13 This melt-type sentences are usually called ergatives.
    14 Patient refers to the person or thing affected by the action;agent refers to the person or thing carrying out the action.
    15 Though Han's movement account is impotent before adjunct middles,it is eligible for middle-type patient-subject constructions.(see何文中2004)
    16 The θ-criterion is stated as follows:'Each argument bears one and only one θ-role,and each θ-role is assigned to one and only argument'(Chomsky 1981:36)
    17 Given(ⅰ & ⅱ):ⅰ.a.花被他浇过了b.花他浇过了ⅱ.a.她被一个年轻人救了b.*她一个年轻人救了Suppose(ib)is a passive.We would then have to admit that the patient NP hua 'flower' is the(topicalized)subject.In this case,the syntactic of 徐烈炯 & 刘丹青 (1998: 295) think only a subject could be focalized while a topic couldn't.
    18 Here it refers to the patient-subject construction in our thesis.
    19 Radford (1997:491) defines adjunct as an optional constituent typically used to specify e.g. the time, location or manner in which an event takes place.
    20 Examples which appear in some special context.
    21 For more examples,see(何文忠,2004).
    22 Data of this thesis are mainly based on the English and Chinese.
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