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Humor both in the West and the East has been a longstanding and eternal topic. It is a valuable heritage of human beings and unique to human beings as well. It embodies one's knowledge, wisdom and inspiration. "Sense of humor" even becomes an important norm to evaluate a person's literacy and ability.
     As a pervasive human phenomenon, humor plays important roles in many spheres and aspects of life, in various human interactions and especially in jokes and humorous styles. During the increasingly frequent cross-cultural communication world-wide, translation of humor should not be neglected.
     However, humor translation has been regarded as a despairing issue and rarely been systematically studied as a specific translation problem as a result of the linguistic and cultural differences between the source and target language. And frequently, humor makes itself an intractable problem for translators. Up to now, a debate on the translatability and untranslatability of certain kinds of humor has still dominated most of humor translation research.
     As the study of translation goes deeper and more comprehensive, translation theorists begin to realize that traditional linguistic translation theories are increasingly incompetent. It was. under such circumstances that German scholars put forward the functionalist approach to translation as a great breakthrough and an important complement to traditional theories. It has opened up a new perspective and become increasingly popular in the contemporary translation studies. From the perspective of German functionalism, translating is considered as a purposeful activity, focusing on the function or functions that the translation tends to achieve. The functionalist approach to translation is represented by Hans J. Vermeer's "Skopos Theory", a theory that applies the notion "skopos" (Greek word for "purpose") to translation.
     In the Skopos theory, the translator's subjectivity is emphasized and he/she is entitled to choose some unconventional but appropriate translation strategies to achieve the intended purpose of translation. The status of the original text and the determinacy of meaning are redefined. The original text is no longer regarded as a sacred text of fixed meaning, but just as an offer of information, which must be analyzed and processed by the translator according to his/her particular purpose of translation.
     Functionalist translation theory, especially Skopos Theory, provides the theoretical framework to guide and examine the application of translation strategies for English verbal humor with typical examples analyzed in this thesis. The purpose of the overall translational action is the prime principle of determining any process of translation. Therefore, in translating English verbal humor, the translation strategy is feasible and successful only if it can serve the ultimate purpose of translation to elicit laughter in target language readers.
1 See Table 1,with slight changes after comprehending Raskin's and Attardo's viewpoints related.
    2.Quoted from Raskin(1985:36)
    3.Quoted from Hobbes(1651:46)
    4.Quoted from Morreall(1987)
    5.Quoted from Lin Yutang(1998:79)
    6.Quoted from Xu Lixin(2003:197)
    7.Quoted from Gruner(1997:133)
    s.See http://lwww.24en.com
    9.See http://www.public-speaking.Org.
    10.Trans-quoted from Shen(沈广湫,2001:132)“它张扬民族特质,表现民族文化的历史积淀,从独特角度映衬社会现实。”
    11.Quoted from Gua(瓜田,1993:384)“幽默的言辞经常依赖语言独特的效果。更重要的是,各民族的民族性格和文化传统不同,这使各国人在幽默感方面的‘国情'也大不一样。英国人的小鸡是英国人养的。它为什么过街,法国人怎么会知道?美国人怎么会知道?中国人就更不知道了!”
    12.Quoted from Holland(1981:108)
    13.Quoted from Nord(1997:59-62)
    14.Trans-quoted from Liu(刘宓庆,1998:33)“语言是一种十分复杂的思维交际手段。它的复杂性首先表现为每种语言都有自己不同民族文化和民族心理背景。语言背景是造成语言可译性障碍的基本原因之一。…语言中的幽默语与双关语几乎是“不可译”的.幽默常常产生与用词的机巧奇俏,这类用词和立意往往在双语转换中消失。…词语的韵律安排往往可以产生明显的幽默效果。谐音押韵的修辞效果一般都是“不可译”的:‘双关语'可译性限度也很大,很多实际上是不可译的。”
    15.Quoted from Xu(徐鹏,1996:204)
    16.Trans-quoted from Jin(金圣华,1997:102)“翻译员是译错了抑或存心不忠于原文?其实都不是。为了达到诙谐的效果,他们故意做出调整以配合中国特有的地方色彩,从而令译文更生动有趣。翻译的既非经典著作,翻译员用点心思来翻译,自然无可厚非。”
    17.Trans-quoted from Xu(许钧,1998:60)“目标不是弄出与原文百分之百相似的东西,是创造一篇能够完成使命的东西。”
    18.Quoted from Chesterman(1997:88-91)
    19.Quoted from Dong(董莉荣,2001:53)
    20.Quoted from Jiang(蒋学军,2001:54)
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