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In the third generation (3G) mobile communication, to suffice more and more high-speed data services and better Quality of Service (Qos), many new wireless transmission techniques have been used, such as Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), channel coding and Adaptive Coded Modulation (ACM) etc.
     ACM is a powerful technique to approach Shannon capacity and achieve high throughput in fading channels. The basic principle of ACM is that the transmitter chooses proper code rate and modulation mode real-timely according to channel side information (CSI), so we can improve system efficiency with the guarantee of reliability and maximize spectrum utilization.
     Under the guideline of State 863 Project“Research on High Rate and Efficient ACM in Wideband Wireless Transmission”, this dissertation constructs an AWGN channel using TMS320C6416 DSP, does some research on the quantization performance of non-binary LDPC code which passes the DSP channel and determines a quantization rule. All these fruits have great help to further study on Adaptive Coded Modulation based on DSP.
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