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     本论文为了寻找新的具有更高μ阿片受体结合活性的EM-2的类似物,利用比较分子场分析方法(comparative molecular field analysis,CoMFA)方法,选择21个EM-2的类似物,进行了三维定量构效关系(3D-QSAR)研究。为了获得有统计意义的CoMFA模型,收集了许多不同实验的活性和结构数据,来进行CoMFA研究。最终所建立的CoMFA模型具有较好的预测性(q~2=0.634,R~2=0.970)。又选择了六个已知活性的类似物对于所建立的模型进行了验证,预测活性与实验测定的活性具有一致性。在该模型的基础上,设计了多个类似物,并预测了相应的活性值。本文为设计和寻找新的高结合活性EM-2类似物提供了有指导价值的信息。
Endomorphin-1(Tyr-Pro-Trp-Phe-NH_2 EM-1)and endomorphin-2(Tyr-Pro-Phe-Phe -NH_2,EM-2)are highly potent and selective endogenous ligands toμ-opioid receptor. Although they are the most small model peptides to reveal the function of opioid ligands, EMs were found to be easily digested by enzymes and hard to pass the blood-brain-barrier. To develop potent analogies with less side effects,many group have reported different methods to develop the more ideal analogs of EMs.However,their structure-activity relationship remains unclear,and no significant preference for subtype opioid receptor has been achieved.
     In order to find new EM-2 analogs with superior property that target theμ-receptor, three-dimensional quantitative structure and activity relationship(3D-QSAR)studies were performed on 21 EM-2 analogs using comparative molecular field analysis(CoMFA).To obtain statistically significant and robust CoMFA models,21 EM-2 analogues were assembled by pooling biological and structural data from independent studies.The best predictive model for theμ-receptor were obtained with q2=0.634,r2=0.970.The models were further validated by a test set containing six compounds.Based on the model,several candidate structures were designed and predicted for thwir binding potencies.This study provides helpful information for designing new categoryμ-agonists from EMs.
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